Elizabeth Warren Always - Images
Elizabeth Warren always leaves a 5 star review and positive comment for her Uber drivers and tips them well. She provides constructive criticism if th...

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always sends a timely follow up text/call after telling someone they need to see each other more often. She would never let a promise...

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always gives consice feedback, and includes code samples when she reviews pull requests.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always creeps into the intersection before making a left turn.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren has never sent a red exclamation point email that started “Just a friendly reminder...”

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren has never asked a bartender “what whiskeys do you have?” She’s already checked the shelf.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren never takes up too much space on the sidewalk or the subway. She checks her own privilege and shares public space.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren has never looped you in to a massive email thread and simply typed “Thoughts?”

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always buys lemonade from her local lemonade stand and ALWAYS tips.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren doesn’t make everyone attend a meeting for business that can get done over email.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always knows exactly what she wants when she gets to the front of the Starbucks line and never holds everyone else up.

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren always pays for the grad students’ meals

Elizabeth Warren Always
Elizabeth Warren has never gone over her allotted time at a conference. Not even once.

Elizabeth Warren Always