Brexit Apocalyps

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Absolute Madman

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Britain currency right now.

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
I hope they had a backup

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
When you voted to leave the EU but you gunna die soon so it's not your problem

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Brexit yourself. (A PSA for all the british people who voted "remain")

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
tfw your entire political career is destroyed in one day

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
My Obligatory EU Shitpost

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Screw that!

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
America stronger in Empire

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Let's see if Britain turns out to be the EU's Iceberg

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Do you think we've made him proud?

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
David Cameron at that moment

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
So long and thanks for all the fish!

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Now with even less EU!

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit
Rage Quit

United Kingdom Withdrawal From the European Union / Brexit