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So accurate XD

For those who don't understand :
- "Stupid decisions" refers to an article, 49.3, which allows the politicians to enforce ANY law they want, no matter what the populace and the other politicians think ; right now, they trying to impose a law regarding the employment, wich could increase the amount of unemployed people. There are a lot of manifestations about that
- "Driving to the left" refers to Manuel Valls, the Prime Minister, a leftist, who is currently trying to prohibit the employment manifestations, much like a rightist
- "Touche Pas A Mon Poste" may be one of the shittiest french TV shows ever. It's just about people who act dumb by making stupid jokes. They also do some weird shit, such as throwing eggs at each other. And the worst thing is that some people watch this bullshit

I hope I helped you :-)

Annoying Belgian Guy
Annoying Belgian Guy

I never expected to ever see a post from good ol' Odieux Connard (for those who do not speak French, it roughly translates to obnoxious asshole) around here!


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