Greentext Stories - Images
Anon is monumentally stupid | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon expresses an unpopular opinion | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
This community requires title to be at least 10 characters | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Field Hospital | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Schrödinger's Ukraine | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Stream of consciousness | /r/Greentext
![File: h-------- just kill me.png (60 KB, 860x666) What was your biggest social f--- up moment in your life? Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)16:31:38 No.79439397 [Reply] >>79439701 >>79439730 >>79439845 I have a BRUTAL one that makes me audibly shout slurs as a reflex from pure cringe whenever I think of it. >be 14 year old me >move for the 4th time in my live to a new school because my dad keeps getting promotions >start the class year midway through it already >as I am introducing myself in front of the class I scan the classroom >everyone has their small friend groups & cliques already >try to make an easy friend as quickly as I can >see fat short boy with bowlcut sit alone all the way in the back of the class >he is wearing a rammstein T shirt with a jacket made out of the same blue material they use for jeans >has a dumb pipsqueak voice >target acquired >approach him and we quickly become friends within hours >on the same exact day I meet him the PE teachers announce that every class will be forced to do an activity organized by the school >vividly remember him recommending the treasurehunt in the woods near the school as it is the easiest to do of them all but its done in duos for safety >agree to become his partner >after 2 or so days the day finally arrives >wake up early and put my sport clothes on >bike to school >meet up with him at the entrance of the forrest >walking doing the treasure hunt >having a good time >suddenly need to take a piss >mention it to him >remember how he EXACTLY stammered "I..uh..ok" >I casually turn 90 degrees to the left towards a tree and whip it out to piss thinking its no big deal at all expecting him to just look away for a second or two >as I am taking a leak I can feel his vision lazer focusing on my penis >awkardly laugh and try to ease the awkwardness by saying jokingly saying >"What? You never seen one before??" >mfw it turns out "HE" was just a fat girl the entire time FบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบUCKKKKKKKKKKKK thank god I moved away at the end of the year but in my defense she did have a gender neutral name](
![File: h-------- just kill me.png (60 KB, 860x666) What was your biggest social f--- up moment in your life? Anonymous 11/13/24(Wed)16:31:38 No.79439397 [Reply] >>79439701 >>79439730 >>79439845 I have a BRUTAL one that makes me audibly shout slurs as a reflex from pure cringe whenever I think of it. >be 14 year old me >move for the 4th time in my live to a new school because my dad keeps getting promotions >start the class year midway through it already >as I am introducing myself in front of the class I scan the classroom >everyone has their small friend groups & cliques already >try to make an easy friend as quickly as I can >see fat short boy with bowlcut sit alone all the way in the back of the class >he is wearing a rammstein T shirt with a jacket made out of the same blue material they use for jeans >has a dumb pipsqueak voice >target acquired >approach him and we quickly become friends within hours >on the same exact day I meet him the PE teachers announce that every class will be forced to do an activity organized by the school >vividly remember him recommending the treasurehunt in the woods near the school as it is the easiest to do of them all but its done in duos for safety >agree to become his partner >after 2 or so days the day finally arrives >wake up early and put my sport clothes on >bike to school >meet up with him at the entrance of the forrest >walking doing the treasure hunt >having a good time >suddenly need to take a piss >mention it to him >remember how he EXACTLY stammered "I..uh..ok" >I casually turn 90 degrees to the left towards a tree and whip it out to piss thinking its no big deal at all expecting him to just look away for a second or two >as I am taking a leak I can feel his vision lazer focusing on my penis >awkardly laugh and try to ease the awkwardness by saying jokingly saying >"What? You never seen one before??" >mfw it turns out "HE" was just a fat girl the entire time FบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบบUCKKKKKKKKKKKK thank god I moved away at the end of the year but in my defense she did have a gender neutral name](
Greentext Stories
Anon cast Avada Kalashnikova | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
American bros, did this happen to you? | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Business Relations | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Red Dead...Based? Redemption II | /r/Greentext
![Anonymous (ID: Sg3cwaPC) [+] 06/05/23(Mon)17:13:57 No.429553057 ROCKSTAR GAMES PRESENTS RED DEAD REDEMPTION A Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Ecran-Partage-Featured.jpg 101 KB JPG >you WILL fight bigotry and intolerance in this game, chud >you WILL attend the women's rights rally. >you WILL not attack the native Americans >you WILL kill the Confederate southerners who are depicted as retards >you WILL remark that it's a good thing black slavery is over and then proceed to kill white slave owners 74 Replies 15 Images View Thread](
![Anonymous (ID: Sg3cwaPC) [+] 06/05/23(Mon)17:13:57 No.429553057 ROCKSTAR GAMES PRESENTS RED DEAD REDEMPTION A Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Ecran-Partage-Featured.jpg 101 KB JPG >you WILL fight bigotry and intolerance in this game, chud >you WILL attend the women's rights rally. >you WILL not attack the native Americans >you WILL kill the Confederate southerners who are depicted as retards >you WILL remark that it's a good thing black slavery is over and then proceed to kill white slave owners 74 Replies 15 Images View Thread](
Greentext Stories
Anon is black | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon visits his aunt and uncle | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Иҟалап аахәаҩ иџьаз ажьақь ахьыҟоу азы дашшылозар | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon plays resident evil 5 | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Many such cases | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories
Anon is looking for a girlfriend | /r/Greentext

Greentext Stories