Greentext Stories - Images
Sad girlfriend
![The first "PMQ style" Q&A thread (details) is now complete. I hung out for almost 5 hours chatting with you all and answering questions. Hope it was informative! File: 1343283275572.ipa7 KB, 189x287, 1230023.jpg) 器に」Anonymous (ID: setcSAA2) 09/21/12(Fri)23:07:55 No.426495 108 Academic life Gf of 8 years, from the first day we met in college premed to my last year of residency in orthopedics During my college days, I was studious, but also had a shitload of fun. >I had never met such an amazing and understanding woman in my life >When times I was drunk at parties she would drag my ass back home and even cook something to eat >After college passed, applied to med school, got in, but she didn't. >Asked if she wanted to breakup b/cwe both need serious studies. >She said no, she would go to for her Bach in Pharmacy, while I pursue my dream of being an orthopedic surgeon Med school, tough, barely any time with gf, only on weekends. >-cantbelievethis.jpg >She stuck with me during my entire hell with courses like Pathology and Biochemistry Never letting my dream down, I applied to the even more competitive Orthopedic Residency (average of 5 med grads per year) >Got in, got happy and depressed at the same time. >Asked gf again if we would like to breakup >She says no and would go through anything with me. Anonymous (ID: s8tcBAA2) 09/21/12(Fri)23:08:18 No.428495189 >Orthopedio residency, at time 24 hours shifts Not even weekends for her Four years passed by fast, gf never cheated and was still always there for me >I think I hit the jackpot >Get awesomeidea jpg: Live in Hong Kong as an orthopedic surgeon while she is a pharmacist at a hospital I'm working in. I have connections in Hong Kong (Dad's bestfriend) who is more than happy to offer opportunities for such a family friend >Before graduation, prepare everything (book plane tickets, find housing etc) >Gf has most of her family in HK, that is why Day of graduation, we planned I sip the fancy s--- and finally get a real night with gf text her, nothing answers. gettingworried.jpg Next morning, up all night checking my phone and calling friends/relatives, no idea. >During the afternoon, get call from mother saying that she was fatally injured in car accident to attend my >They put her on life support, ruptured lungs, 17 fractures and fatal spinal fracture > Mother told me to get the f--- to the hospital, less than 17 hours to live decide to take all of our pictures rom the past. Take all the documents, plane tickets and pictures of our new apartment and of our hospital Basially describing what our life would have been like. I also brought her the ring just to confirm it Go to the hospital ward, pissing myself from all the tears >See her room, icantfuckingbelievethis jpg >Open the door >Get on the floor >Everyone walk the dinosaur](
![The first "PMQ style" Q&A thread (details) is now complete. I hung out for almost 5 hours chatting with you all and answering questions. Hope it was informative! File: 1343283275572.ipa7 KB, 189x287, 1230023.jpg) 器に」Anonymous (ID: setcSAA2) 09/21/12(Fri)23:07:55 No.426495 108 Academic life Gf of 8 years, from the first day we met in college premed to my last year of residency in orthopedics During my college days, I was studious, but also had a shitload of fun. >I had never met such an amazing and understanding woman in my life >When times I was drunk at parties she would drag my ass back home and even cook something to eat >After college passed, applied to med school, got in, but she didn't. >Asked if she wanted to breakup b/cwe both need serious studies. >She said no, she would go to for her Bach in Pharmacy, while I pursue my dream of being an orthopedic surgeon Med school, tough, barely any time with gf, only on weekends. >-cantbelievethis.jpg >She stuck with me during my entire hell with courses like Pathology and Biochemistry Never letting my dream down, I applied to the even more competitive Orthopedic Residency (average of 5 med grads per year) >Got in, got happy and depressed at the same time. >Asked gf again if we would like to breakup >She says no and would go through anything with me. Anonymous (ID: s8tcBAA2) 09/21/12(Fri)23:08:18 No.428495189 >Orthopedio residency, at time 24 hours shifts Not even weekends for her Four years passed by fast, gf never cheated and was still always there for me >I think I hit the jackpot >Get awesomeidea jpg: Live in Hong Kong as an orthopedic surgeon while she is a pharmacist at a hospital I'm working in. I have connections in Hong Kong (Dad's bestfriend) who is more than happy to offer opportunities for such a family friend >Before graduation, prepare everything (book plane tickets, find housing etc) >Gf has most of her family in HK, that is why Day of graduation, we planned I sip the fancy s--- and finally get a real night with gf text her, nothing answers. gettingworried.jpg Next morning, up all night checking my phone and calling friends/relatives, no idea. >During the afternoon, get call from mother saying that she was fatally injured in car accident to attend my >They put her on life support, ruptured lungs, 17 fractures and fatal spinal fracture > Mother told me to get the f--- to the hospital, less than 17 hours to live decide to take all of our pictures rom the past. Take all the documents, plane tickets and pictures of our new apartment and of our hospital Basially describing what our life would have been like. I also brought her the ring just to confirm it Go to the hospital ward, pissing myself from all the tears >See her room, icantfuckingbelievethis jpg >Open the door >Get on the floor >Everyone walk the dinosaur](
Greentext Stories
![File: 1346321700440.jpg-(6 KB, 194x187, 1234567546776.jpg) times you cockblocked yourself Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)06:15 No.14423645 Ok/fit/ I just did one of the most embarrassing, ball blue-ening things of my life. Seriously I cannot sleep because of the shame. This occurred nine hours ago ITT: TIMES YOU 8/10 cardio bunny who I bumped into last week, I used to hang around with her brother ages ago, we were in a queue together COCKBLOCKED >We got talking about fitness as I recall she was quite sporty,I mention my gym is rubbish and she says I should check hers out, guest pass and shiz jump at chance, both for gym and possible bone > We go, I do chest/tri's she goes treadmill then crosstrainer then a few reps on the crunch machine for some reason > She asks what am I doing after this, I say might watch a movie, I've got a pirated copy of Avengers I've been meaning to watch >She says she has wanted to see that, I maintain my spaghetti and ask her to come, she accepts. cont. YOURSELF >> Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)06:15 No.14423651 >Go to mine, I crack open my cheapest wine, we are watching the movie and talking a bit. > She is apparently a bit of a lightweight and wine goes straight to her head, we get talking about sex. > Oh god just typing this hurts > She mentions her ex never went down on her. I say something along the lines of "what an idiot" > She goes in for kiss, we kiss for about 5 seconds > She pulls away, then I for reasons unknown need to fill a non-existent void... > "you know, I could give you the old lickaroo" > the old lickaroo > I said it jokey and cheeky but there was no way that didn't sound weird, f--- I may have sort of winked a bit, oh god > She looks at me like I am a shoe sniffer and pulls away and said "err yeah just gonna go toilet" > This occurred roughly around when Hulk is smashing up the plane > She returns and I put my hand on her knee in an attempt to salvage > We make awkward small talk for what feels like an eternity, man this is a long film > when Hulk punches Thor I remove my hand from her > Eons pass and the film finally ends. I walk her to my door and go for a hug, she effectively pats me on the shoulder > I am too ashamed to even masturbate, and just lie in bed alone > the old lickaroo Share with me your shame /fit, my misery needs company](
![File: 1346321700440.jpg-(6 KB, 194x187, 1234567546776.jpg) times you cockblocked yourself Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)06:15 No.14423645 Ok/fit/ I just did one of the most embarrassing, ball blue-ening things of my life. Seriously I cannot sleep because of the shame. This occurred nine hours ago ITT: TIMES YOU 8/10 cardio bunny who I bumped into last week, I used to hang around with her brother ages ago, we were in a queue together COCKBLOCKED >We got talking about fitness as I recall she was quite sporty,I mention my gym is rubbish and she says I should check hers out, guest pass and shiz jump at chance, both for gym and possible bone > We go, I do chest/tri's she goes treadmill then crosstrainer then a few reps on the crunch machine for some reason > She asks what am I doing after this, I say might watch a movie, I've got a pirated copy of Avengers I've been meaning to watch >She says she has wanted to see that, I maintain my spaghetti and ask her to come, she accepts. cont. YOURSELF >> Anonymous 08/30/12(Thu)06:15 No.14423651 >Go to mine, I crack open my cheapest wine, we are watching the movie and talking a bit. > She is apparently a bit of a lightweight and wine goes straight to her head, we get talking about sex. > Oh god just typing this hurts > She mentions her ex never went down on her. I say something along the lines of "what an idiot" > She goes in for kiss, we kiss for about 5 seconds > She pulls away, then I for reasons unknown need to fill a non-existent void... > "you know, I could give you the old lickaroo" > the old lickaroo > I said it jokey and cheeky but there was no way that didn't sound weird, f--- I may have sort of winked a bit, oh god > She looks at me like I am a shoe sniffer and pulls away and said "err yeah just gonna go toilet" > This occurred roughly around when Hulk is smashing up the plane > She returns and I put my hand on her knee in an attempt to salvage > We make awkward small talk for what feels like an eternity, man this is a long film > when Hulk punches Thor I remove my hand from her > Eons pass and the film finally ends. I walk her to my door and go for a hug, she effectively pats me on the shoulder > I am too ashamed to even masturbate, and just lie in bed alone > the old lickaroo Share with me your shame /fit, my misery needs company](
Greentext Stories
![I laughed a bit too hard at this, thanks for the vivid imagery. My only dealings with mental people are sparse. >be on the bus >a class full of tards come in, they are about 12 years old on loud, fat retard keeps asking dumb questions, his minder has a god damn will of iron, I salute her fortitude >she answers his dumb questions, every-single-f-------one >one of the tards starts what can only be described as 'whooping >another starts crying for it to stop >suddenly stops crying, laughs, then starts whooping too >suddenly all the tards are whooping >I'm sitting there surrounded by a symphony of whooping, siren imitations and animal noises Pit's getting louder and louder and the minder(s) are trying their best to calm down the tards can see the bus driver is lolling his t--- off >f---, its my stop hell yes! >get off bus walk away and the sound diminishes... then gets louder the bus drives past and overtakes me, the sound goes really goddamn loud as it comes beside me then Dopplers out of existence look around, everyone has stopped dead in their tracks to stare as the whoopmobile fades into the sunset I will never forget you, whoopmobile. >mfw I realize nobody at the next bus stop down the road got on the bus](
![I laughed a bit too hard at this, thanks for the vivid imagery. My only dealings with mental people are sparse. >be on the bus >a class full of tards come in, they are about 12 years old on loud, fat retard keeps asking dumb questions, his minder has a god damn will of iron, I salute her fortitude >she answers his dumb questions, every-single-f-------one >one of the tards starts what can only be described as 'whooping >another starts crying for it to stop >suddenly stops crying, laughs, then starts whooping too >suddenly all the tards are whooping >I'm sitting there surrounded by a symphony of whooping, siren imitations and animal noises Pit's getting louder and louder and the minder(s) are trying their best to calm down the tards can see the bus driver is lolling his t--- off >f---, its my stop hell yes! >get off bus walk away and the sound diminishes... then gets louder the bus drives past and overtakes me, the sound goes really goddamn loud as it comes beside me then Dopplers out of existence look around, everyone has stopped dead in their tracks to stare as the whoopmobile fades into the sunset I will never forget you, whoopmobile. >mfw I realize nobody at the next bus stop down the road got on the bus](
Greentext Stories
![Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)00:12:49 No.245572XXX File 1277784769.ig-(34 KB, 1024x576, manly tear.jpg) >Arachnophobic >Have a cute girl over for dinner one night >See a cockroach in the kitchem >Oh god the girl I brought home is going to think I'm disgusting >Spiderbro darts out from under the cabinets and grabs it >I freak out and go to stomp on him >He looks up at me hesitate >He pulls the roach under the counter and kills it for me >Alright, fine, he can stay >He killed bugs for me all year. Hell, he killed other spiders for me, too would drop bits of meat on the floor for him to eat >We become fast friends >Dark and stormy night >Burglars break in to r--- my girlfriend and kill me >Tackle the first one, but the second one pulls a gun and points it at my face >Prepared to die >Look up >Spiderbro is on the ceiling >Drops onto burglar's face, bites his eye >Burglar freaks out and starts flailing around >l grab the gun >Girlfriend calls the cops >Police come, arrest burglars >l spend the next day looking for spiderbro >No sign of him >Check his home, see a pile of roaches he killed and wrapped up, never ate them just killed them for me >Spiderbro gave his life for me >Never forget](
![Anonymous 06/29/10(Tue)00:12:49 No.245572XXX File 1277784769.ig-(34 KB, 1024x576, manly tear.jpg) >Arachnophobic >Have a cute girl over for dinner one night >See a cockroach in the kitchem >Oh god the girl I brought home is going to think I'm disgusting >Spiderbro darts out from under the cabinets and grabs it >I freak out and go to stomp on him >He looks up at me hesitate >He pulls the roach under the counter and kills it for me >Alright, fine, he can stay >He killed bugs for me all year. Hell, he killed other spiders for me, too would drop bits of meat on the floor for him to eat >We become fast friends >Dark and stormy night >Burglars break in to r--- my girlfriend and kill me >Tackle the first one, but the second one pulls a gun and points it at my face >Prepared to die >Look up >Spiderbro is on the ceiling >Drops onto burglar's face, bites his eye >Burglar freaks out and starts flailing around >l grab the gun >Girlfriend calls the cops >Police come, arrest burglars >l spend the next day looking for spiderbro >No sign of him >Check his home, see a pile of roaches he killed and wrapped up, never ate them just killed them for me >Spiderbro gave his life for me >Never forget](
Greentext Stories
![Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)23:15 No.14525033 File: 1346814912741.ipa-(8 KB, 210x251, that-feel.jpg) go to theatre alone >be awkward social retarded nerd with close to no friends -go buy a ticket -put money on the counter c.) mumble the movie i want to see the lady selling tickets says "one more time please and smiles awkwardly srepeat i she says "T'm sorry, I don't understand you. I'll have to call the manager >by now everyone around me is staring stutter out "n-no wa-wait' >she's already gone stumble towards the door >Behind me the manager is shouting "Excuse me sir, you forgot your money! turn my head towards the manager 3He looks confused >Teenagers are pointing and trying to contain their laughter continue towards the door trying to pull the door open, it wont open >A teenager walks up to me, laughs and says "it's a push door >People start laughing start crying and yell "I know >Everyone is laughing at this point, even the manager. run out of the theatre and towards the bus >Miss it by a few seconds >Someone is approaching me while I wait for the next bus It's the manager >"Sir, here's your money >He's trying not to laugh thank him >As he walks away, he says "see you, PULL up to our theater at any time" while grinning >While i'm sitting on the bus i'm thinking of good comebacks that I couldve used. >At home, too worked up to download the movie. >My dad asks me why i'm home already say "my friends couldn't make it, we'll watch it tomorrow isntead" >Next day I tell my dad that i'm going to the theater again go outside and hide in the woods for 2 hours](
![Anonymous 09/04/12(Tue)23:15 No.14525033 File: 1346814912741.ipa-(8 KB, 210x251, that-feel.jpg) go to theatre alone >be awkward social retarded nerd with close to no friends -go buy a ticket -put money on the counter c.) mumble the movie i want to see the lady selling tickets says "one more time please and smiles awkwardly srepeat i she says "T'm sorry, I don't understand you. I'll have to call the manager >by now everyone around me is staring stutter out "n-no wa-wait' >she's already gone stumble towards the door >Behind me the manager is shouting "Excuse me sir, you forgot your money! turn my head towards the manager 3He looks confused >Teenagers are pointing and trying to contain their laughter continue towards the door trying to pull the door open, it wont open >A teenager walks up to me, laughs and says "it's a push door >People start laughing start crying and yell "I know >Everyone is laughing at this point, even the manager. run out of the theatre and towards the bus >Miss it by a few seconds >Someone is approaching me while I wait for the next bus It's the manager >"Sir, here's your money >He's trying not to laugh thank him >As he walks away, he says "see you, PULL up to our theater at any time" while grinning >While i'm sitting on the bus i'm thinking of good comebacks that I couldve used. >At home, too worked up to download the movie. >My dad asks me why i'm home already say "my friends couldn't make it, we'll watch it tomorrow isntead" >Next day I tell my dad that i'm going to the theater again go outside and hide in the woods for 2 hours](
Greentext Stories
![File: 1346871486869.png-(36 KB, 192x200, niggerstonguemyanus.png) 88 □ Anonymous (ID: K20ZZEM 09/05/12(Wed)14:58:06 No.423420558 So I'm f------ this bitch right (nice rack w/ 10/10 ass) when suddeny... smell something. >Pull out d--- from her sweet ass crevice >see s--- on my tip >lick my tip >notbad.mp4 >girl I'm f------ just watched me lick my dickleat her s--- >she vomits think about eating that too >wellwhythefucknot.mpeg >stick my filthy rod in her stomach acid suck on that s--- all night wake up immediately remember that I forgot to walk my dinosaur mfw Also, dreamthread. Let's see whats inside your f----- up head /b/ □ Anonymous (ID: LYFDJTZ) 09/05/12(Wed)14:59:59 No.423420802 What. >>□ Anonymous (ID: BoILV8WN) 09/05/12(Wed)15:02:05 No.42342 1082 What the f---?](
![File: 1346871486869.png-(36 KB, 192x200, niggerstonguemyanus.png) 88 □ Anonymous (ID: K20ZZEM 09/05/12(Wed)14:58:06 No.423420558 So I'm f------ this bitch right (nice rack w/ 10/10 ass) when suddeny... smell something. >Pull out d--- from her sweet ass crevice >see s--- on my tip >lick my tip >notbad.mp4 >girl I'm f------ just watched me lick my dickleat her s--- >she vomits think about eating that too >wellwhythefucknot.mpeg >stick my filthy rod in her stomach acid suck on that s--- all night wake up immediately remember that I forgot to walk my dinosaur mfw Also, dreamthread. Let's see whats inside your f----- up head /b/ □ Anonymous (ID: LYFDJTZ) 09/05/12(Wed)14:59:59 No.423420802 What. >>□ Anonymous (ID: BoILV8WN) 09/05/12(Wed)15:02:05 No.42342 1082 What the f---?](
Greentext Stories
![le: 1345696737498 png-(6 KB, 220x180, heart.png) Anonymous (ID: WTQmUxaf) 08/23/12( Childhood experiences thread >Be 9 years old >Be tomboyish girl >Friends brother is 12 >Frequently play with him and his sister >He loves to "wrestle Go to see friend one day >She's out at her grandmothers place >Brother suggests we play together instead >Proceed to "wrestle" for a while >Get groped and fondled like usual >Don't know slit because rm 9 His parents say they are going to pick up his sister >He suddenly says he's tried >Says he wants to "play house" >Say ok He calls me his wife Call him my husband Lots of hugging >Different but makes me feel good We play around like that for a while We have a happy little marriage going He starts getting a bit braver >Starts kissing me I'm a little shocked but it's okay >Still feeling good >He goes further still Asks me to strip to underwear and lie on his bed >Get nervous >Ask why >He tells me grown ups do it when they're married >Want to do grown up things but not really in my underwear >Kind of nervous >Kind of excited >Semi-reluctantly do as he says >Lay there for a moment >Waiting for him to join me Heart racing with excitement >F our other people walk into the room >Excitement turns to terror >Feel the cold flash of fear shoot down my body >Can't move Absolutely paralyzed out of horror >Enter white girl, black guy &two white guys They say they are doctors >They all start poking and prodding me >Not feeling so good anymore >Start checking my eyes, mouth, ears, torso, demanding blood and urine tests Someone suggests I have lupus Everybody argues >Friend's brother stays by my side like a good husband Main white doctor is suspicious >Doctor questions my husband intensely Husband breaks down >Turns out he tried to poison me >Dr. House saves the day >Feel betrayed >Never speak to friend's brother again Never tell friend or anyone why That was the first and last time I played house. COM](
![le: 1345696737498 png-(6 KB, 220x180, heart.png) Anonymous (ID: WTQmUxaf) 08/23/12( Childhood experiences thread >Be 9 years old >Be tomboyish girl >Friends brother is 12 >Frequently play with him and his sister >He loves to "wrestle Go to see friend one day >She's out at her grandmothers place >Brother suggests we play together instead >Proceed to "wrestle" for a while >Get groped and fondled like usual >Don't know slit because rm 9 His parents say they are going to pick up his sister >He suddenly says he's tried >Says he wants to "play house" >Say ok He calls me his wife Call him my husband Lots of hugging >Different but makes me feel good We play around like that for a while We have a happy little marriage going He starts getting a bit braver >Starts kissing me I'm a little shocked but it's okay >Still feeling good >He goes further still Asks me to strip to underwear and lie on his bed >Get nervous >Ask why >He tells me grown ups do it when they're married >Want to do grown up things but not really in my underwear >Kind of nervous >Kind of excited >Semi-reluctantly do as he says >Lay there for a moment >Waiting for him to join me Heart racing with excitement >F our other people walk into the room >Excitement turns to terror >Feel the cold flash of fear shoot down my body >Can't move Absolutely paralyzed out of horror >Enter white girl, black guy &two white guys They say they are doctors >They all start poking and prodding me >Not feeling so good anymore >Start checking my eyes, mouth, ears, torso, demanding blood and urine tests Someone suggests I have lupus Everybody argues >Friend's brother stays by my side like a good husband Main white doctor is suspicious >Doctor questions my husband intensely Husband breaks down >Turns out he tried to poison me >Dr. House saves the day >Feel betrayed >Never speak to friend's brother again Never tell friend or anyone why That was the first and last time I played house. COM](
Greentext Stories
![Anonymous CIDI MdadPA) 04/08/12(5un)21128:07 NO.392030503 Anonymous 10: py17E뎌 040012|lon23 0604 N0 392268623 smart kids》 shale tard rtegarion thirg poing during lunch whee Neal chils >Neal has been pt.arvneg this. he had to t sanetting 50 elaborate could not han smply past cone out ㎡twn ar even tr NN tard previous to this encounter, so T didnt know what to expect where this is being Ohe fuent word·"hayp4" he says whenever he i5 within thirty feet eal is dressed up as micheal packon lks cking b today though, lots f ny Tures at Neal skipped out on ismeds soday net a wy geed thing -The tard starts to make thie screaching sound, the only thing I can comparet laughed and dropped the subject because t vould obuously never happened nongmous D pry17BD 0409 12on23 06 51 No 38228ST84 Downy tand goes batshit, engages tand strength downy chld, they are both sent hone eyes but they could sat hom wh was gong so happen Anonymous (ID: MdadPA) 04/06/12(Sun)21:47:32 392034629 story takes place about 3 moth after andwrangler Snaily arive befase the tards reach ngedunts shoving them directly Be walking down the taco-spt puree original shory kicks pdy sme. iktekng sht引dht get that across enough the story contiuously plays that single pan of the song ranglers aound to subdue the tands tha ehile haiding very toothy grin, because he that h beakea the sapererang He extends a bag of cheetos he had in hie hand in my direction "wunt sun? f devastation Neal s capable of reaches class, nothing teritle has happened in a whileI stated to think that would weaks fnal Anonymous ( iudadPA) D4/02/12(Sun)21:4g:de №.2g2034761 Terle wsralhe of taking Neals shity collpee ; Springer has organzed a basebell gae for the ad cohhend delberately og s siting on home late You ready Ceet. Senyt guys, had a izie touble switching thread f--- flood deta lakes a kkng to the baing atviously under esiated Neals pewer despite her preious encounters iquidy half eaten cheeto after siencing o h appeared as f somebody had satered estreme beatrama igured ight nturmed so his realm af at giving a fack about the darag vudadPA) 04/0812sun)zz:11:45 entire ife) somebedy waking cracks against hip scel bofone he destroyed sorse brch recently and ant spasisg a single f--- to #boeg relied at neals hand aggression te heat cenences is ighty aptand screech Anonymous pD oMag, 14m/12 Tuw123 04 22 No 3925 18990 End af tandboll game stary. Boods heads whide wearing bating helmet, athers ane thrang eas screech rough ther brains making thes u womp, womp, womp" sound of pacn dying good ight Real is finally within strking each of jamas eas phan combined tackling power of Ray Lewis vudadpA) 04/08/12sun)zz:12:31 Neal cont, again pottiti"、athugh t wasn't needed topped hin sceech book janes had stolen principles office, not giving a single Neal part 3 (soneone archive of school b suxpended far pulverining Jame She's young eal waks through the f------ door Amonmous (D. PustryFO) 0403/Man 04 00 03 Na 332 108159 ealy ucking engaged appad strength nesistance burst mode [this ls when 1 found out that short bursts means he's about to wreck sha) ounds of phlegm bing d s pant ight into mes eyes as Anonymous CID: iMudadPa) 04/08/1215un)2213 eal waks paint and slowly empties it onto both Janes o s---- about chaan casualties) 1eal beseves "se entrety angler wasnt paying much aention be greatly underestmaned the power of Neal Anonymous O49dVC) 0409 12Mon00 12 35 № 392066874 ghting raptard Anonymous '0 0u9dVC) 040812 Mon0t 44 12 № 392066396 people to bing in things to shew the class every brce used an a shon screech for a second ta gt everye tn should be watching Nea, they arent Anonymous PD py17B01 040012nlon22 3106 № 392282119 Neal ceet. ucking feed detection glass door dectly ihn of him asd giews thrugh close space saw cenmpietely daregands all safety precautions aund bari edately jueps ieta action unges wtangler In future incidents Neal wrecka ha seasaned vranger](
![Anonymous CIDI MdadPA) 04/08/12(5un)21128:07 NO.392030503 Anonymous 10: py17E뎌 040012|lon23 0604 N0 392268623 smart kids》 shale tard rtegarion thirg poing during lunch whee Neal chils >Neal has been pt.arvneg this. he had to t sanetting 50 elaborate could not han smply past cone out ㎡twn ar even tr NN tard previous to this encounter, so T didnt know what to expect where this is being Ohe fuent word·"hayp4" he says whenever he i5 within thirty feet eal is dressed up as micheal packon lks cking b today though, lots f ny Tures at Neal skipped out on ismeds soday net a wy geed thing -The tard starts to make thie screaching sound, the only thing I can comparet laughed and dropped the subject because t vould obuously never happened nongmous D pry17BD 0409 12on23 06 51 No 38228ST84 Downy tand goes batshit, engages tand strength downy chld, they are both sent hone eyes but they could sat hom wh was gong so happen Anonymous (ID: MdadPA) 04/06/12(Sun)21:47:32 392034629 story takes place about 3 moth after andwrangler Snaily arive befase the tards reach ngedunts shoving them directly Be walking down the taco-spt puree original shory kicks pdy sme. iktekng sht引dht get that across enough the story contiuously plays that single pan of the song ranglers aound to subdue the tands tha ehile haiding very toothy grin, because he that h beakea the sapererang He extends a bag of cheetos he had in hie hand in my direction "wunt sun? f devastation Neal s capable of reaches class, nothing teritle has happened in a whileI stated to think that would weaks fnal Anonymous ( iudadPA) D4/02/12(Sun)21:4g:de №.2g2034761 Terle wsralhe of taking Neals shity collpee ; Springer has organzed a basebell gae for the ad cohhend delberately og s siting on home late You ready Ceet. Senyt guys, had a izie touble switching thread f--- flood deta lakes a kkng to the baing atviously under esiated Neals pewer despite her preious encounters iquidy half eaten cheeto after siencing o h appeared as f somebody had satered estreme beatrama igured ight nturmed so his realm af at giving a fack about the darag vudadPA) 04/0812sun)zz:11:45 entire ife) somebedy waking cracks against hip scel bofone he destroyed sorse brch recently and ant spasisg a single f--- to #boeg relied at neals hand aggression te heat cenences is ighty aptand screech Anonymous pD oMag, 14m/12 Tuw123 04 22 No 3925 18990 End af tandboll game stary. Boods heads whide wearing bating helmet, athers ane thrang eas screech rough ther brains making thes u womp, womp, womp" sound of pacn dying good ight Real is finally within strking each of jamas eas phan combined tackling power of Ray Lewis vudadpA) 04/08/12sun)zz:12:31 Neal cont, again pottiti"、athugh t wasn't needed topped hin sceech book janes had stolen principles office, not giving a single Neal part 3 (soneone archive of school b suxpended far pulverining Jame She's young eal waks through the f------ door Amonmous (D. PustryFO) 0403/Man 04 00 03 Na 332 108159 ealy ucking engaged appad strength nesistance burst mode [this ls when 1 found out that short bursts means he's about to wreck sha) ounds of phlegm bing d s pant ight into mes eyes as Anonymous CID: iMudadPa) 04/08/1215un)2213 eal waks paint and slowly empties it onto both Janes o s---- about chaan casualties) 1eal beseves "se entrety angler wasnt paying much aention be greatly underestmaned the power of Neal Anonymous O49dVC) 0409 12Mon00 12 35 № 392066874 ghting raptard Anonymous '0 0u9dVC) 040812 Mon0t 44 12 № 392066396 people to bing in things to shew the class every brce used an a shon screech for a second ta gt everye tn should be watching Nea, they arent Anonymous PD py17B01 040012nlon22 3106 № 392282119 Neal ceet. ucking feed detection glass door dectly ihn of him asd giews thrugh close space saw cenmpietely daregands all safety precautions aund bari edately jueps ieta action unges wtangler In future incidents Neal wrecka ha seasaned vranger](
Greentext Stories
>niggers tongue my angus
![- File 040 (10 KB, 251x243, hns5v.jpg) 器睮Anonymous (ID: nCvanj8m) 07/22/12(Sun)19:40:06 No.41400 >be in burker king >having it my way >pack of feral n------ walk up to me >"ey white boy hurry the f--- up and order" not even my turn yet >finally order the new angry angus >cute cashier gives me my burger and says the drink is on the way n------ behind me making a hoopla styrone pushes me over in rage and starts beating his chest swtf >the entire pack takes my tray of food >throwing tray into the air and catching it >laying there beta as f--- >o-okay SURPRISE MUTHAFUCK >"ey you ain't be needin this fat boy" >"yeuh we takin this now" >utter humiliation >watching the n------ tear open my breakfast >n------ tongue my angus stfw Replies to this post: 2414008402 Anonymous (ID: A8gMH7H) 07/22/12(Sun)19:41:47 No.414008109 3 wat □ Anonymous (ID: QK3TV2wi) 07/22/12(Sun)19:43:41 No.414008468 @o_ wat Anonymous (ID: 3JbioW6R) 07/22/12(Sun)19:44:35 No.414008657 Q wat □ Anonymous (ID: QS4rzd24) 07/22/12(Sun)19:46:31 No.414009038 n------ tongue my Angus I love you OF Ps Anonymous (ID: t1PxyYqV) 07/22/12(Sun)19:47:09 No.414009164 Q File: 1343000829329.png-(49 KB, 250x250, 1315193841443.png) WHAT THE F--- READINS](
![- File 040 (10 KB, 251x243, hns5v.jpg) 器睮Anonymous (ID: nCvanj8m) 07/22/12(Sun)19:40:06 No.41400 >be in burker king >having it my way >pack of feral n------ walk up to me >"ey white boy hurry the f--- up and order" not even my turn yet >finally order the new angry angus >cute cashier gives me my burger and says the drink is on the way n------ behind me making a hoopla styrone pushes me over in rage and starts beating his chest swtf >the entire pack takes my tray of food >throwing tray into the air and catching it >laying there beta as f--- >o-okay SURPRISE MUTHAFUCK >"ey you ain't be needin this fat boy" >"yeuh we takin this now" >utter humiliation >watching the n------ tear open my breakfast >n------ tongue my angus stfw Replies to this post: 2414008402 Anonymous (ID: A8gMH7H) 07/22/12(Sun)19:41:47 No.414008109 3 wat □ Anonymous (ID: QK3TV2wi) 07/22/12(Sun)19:43:41 No.414008468 @o_ wat Anonymous (ID: 3JbioW6R) 07/22/12(Sun)19:44:35 No.414008657 Q wat □ Anonymous (ID: QS4rzd24) 07/22/12(Sun)19:46:31 No.414009038 n------ tongue my Angus I love you OF Ps Anonymous (ID: t1PxyYqV) 07/22/12(Sun)19:47:09 No.414009164 Q File: 1343000829329.png-(49 KB, 250x250, 1315193841443.png) WHAT THE F--- READINS](
Greentext Stories
Car Trouble
![File: 1340467632478.ipg-(34 KB, 285x737, 25602-mechanic-michael-myers.jpg) I'l ride my bike instead Anonymous 06/23/12(Sat)12:07:12 No.2860824 >Be 17 and broke >ask a girl out to the movies >she says yes >on my way to pick her up >car starts making noises and funny smells >pull into car garage >mechanic tells me I need new brakes have no money >he tells me l need a special kind of brakes which are really expensive >I know he's lying >I tell him I'm going on a date, andI need to be able to brake >he says "Well if you want to be able to brake, then you'll have to pay" yell at him "I want to brake free" >"I want to brake free!" >"I want to brake free from your lies,you're so self-satisfied I don't need you >"T've got to brake free" >speed out of garage 00k in rear view mirror >see my face am Freddie Mercury](
![File: 1340467632478.ipg-(34 KB, 285x737, 25602-mechanic-michael-myers.jpg) I'l ride my bike instead Anonymous 06/23/12(Sat)12:07:12 No.2860824 >Be 17 and broke >ask a girl out to the movies >she says yes >on my way to pick her up >car starts making noises and funny smells >pull into car garage >mechanic tells me I need new brakes have no money >he tells me l need a special kind of brakes which are really expensive >I know he's lying >I tell him I'm going on a date, andI need to be able to brake >he says "Well if you want to be able to brake, then you'll have to pay" yell at him "I want to brake free" >"I want to brake free!" >"I want to brake free from your lies,you're so self-satisfied I don't need you >"T've got to brake free" >speed out of garage 00k in rear view mirror >see my face am Freddie Mercury](
Greentext Stories
Plague Doctor
![+] Legend of the Plague Doctor Anonymous Dress up as plague doctor. >Walk down street to McDonalds. >Enter, walk to counter. >Hot blond girl turns around and screams. Put on deep voice. >"DO NOT BE AFRAID, CHILD! >Wave arms, leap onto counter. >Kickover register and charity jar. >Raise hands into air. "PURRRRIFFFFYYYYYYYYY >Manager storms in, appears angry >Moonwalk >Kick fat kid's McFlurry from hands. SrYou are fat. You need not this." >Tip hat to manager, jump from counter. >Head for door, see bitch/hot girl from high school. >She has fries, is staring with gaping jaw. >Sprint to her >Grab her fries, slap her. >Manager shouts, tries to grab hat. >Spin around, slap him across face "UNHAND ME, MALE OF BROWN SKIN!" >Sparta kick the door. > Run out of store. Walk the dinosaur >Go home, leave without costume >Return to McDonald's, see sign with "no dogs allowed" stuff. >See picture of plague doctor with cross-out thing on it LOL](
![+] Legend of the Plague Doctor Anonymous Dress up as plague doctor. >Walk down street to McDonalds. >Enter, walk to counter. >Hot blond girl turns around and screams. Put on deep voice. >"DO NOT BE AFRAID, CHILD! >Wave arms, leap onto counter. >Kickover register and charity jar. >Raise hands into air. "PURRRRIFFFFYYYYYYYYY >Manager storms in, appears angry >Moonwalk >Kick fat kid's McFlurry from hands. SrYou are fat. You need not this." >Tip hat to manager, jump from counter. >Head for door, see bitch/hot girl from high school. >She has fries, is staring with gaping jaw. >Sprint to her >Grab her fries, slap her. >Manager shouts, tries to grab hat. >Spin around, slap him across face "UNHAND ME, MALE OF BROWN SKIN!" >Sparta kick the door. > Run out of store. Walk the dinosaur >Go home, leave without costume >Return to McDonald's, see sign with "no dogs allowed" stuff. >See picture of plague doctor with cross-out thing on it LOL](
Greentext Stories
The story of Fats and the retard three
![Anonymous (ID: 2042 Eb) 03/01/12(Thu) 15:38 №3843755.1 [ ! ] 2238437f0e)wennt2 >> 43e240 2384374240 very well. This is the first tme l met four men t changed my ife This the Fats Mogee, and his Retard Three. History in the cafeteria, due to the sa of the class Fats Mcgose and Retard Thrae walk in, push past ma, go to winding machne ryamare of just how large and ape Rke Fats Mcg ats Mcgee gets hes arm stuck in vanding machine, tryng to reach up to pul Chips out and Raing AMy entre dy55 has 5topped to =atch the chaos. One of the Retand Three starts blaning me, in his sputtering retard tone Fats Mcgee wets hinself, les there in a puddle of urne crying, am in the vending machine Freighters had to come and cut the vending machine to s--- to free him Thus begins a legend of unstoppable tard with mine one Snal time as they ad he away he Tales of Fats Mcgee and the Ratand Threa part ttng rclmroom, working on some school tuffくAt thn port, mn trying to get my Mautun) Fats Mogee and his retard three are running down the hal, bursiting into classrooms and waing to be Plepon gs, youre derupting my clsroom iLet's。汱 same tegh-pitched urgie nose, a nose I'd come to cal The Song ofthe Tarr Starts trying to take the ple of essay's T'm grading Tard Guard waks in Ths Tard Guard managed to lose har Tards 勹parsonale don't agree they can't help it, bacause I havu aapecial oicatun fanily m new "ho d Fata Mega" and his Ratard Three part 3: Navenga of th·S--- nd up,xpecting someane to have a lne,becan I teach in one of the s-------- schools in the Fats Mogee and his Retard Three have walked in and started screaming Retard Speech at ths grl, b OU HAVE FIRED BECAUSE OF I wak back to classroom, but not bafore seong that Fats had royally s--- hier. Bad anough that it doesnt even look y,1 start akngskin off Asoermoes(ID: 2042GEb) 03/01/12(Thu) 16: 17 No 384381482 [冂22384382092 22286382735 223843B3dai 2238438SOL Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three part Ⅳ: The F eld ahve [with the sound of Tard Rage》 2Fats must be』sophomore about the port. I have my Masters, and plan on "orang on my ome the Baseball coach, because the previous one was amested for ddding the pickle of students Lead students towards Field for fourth block, which is Practice/Strength and Conditioning carly-35k Tard Giyd if they can wrap沈up, snce the Tards only have the field for third block, Tard Guard, a hot one that I actualy le,starts rounding thee up, doing her job. fats Mcgee decides to continue what w引be 규 war until he graduates uning away fron T Tard Guard, begns pursut ats runs up the bladws. Hagets to the top, and hurts res biuljeans at thú Tard Guard. Thsi Tard Guard is pagged, and i now wappad in hit-covered u Guard guts close, becomng . :9438200 The Tale of Fats Mogee and hs Retand Three part : Fiald bay. HomNcoming Day: which meas we don't do s---, and are ara various activiies for the stink. He slo4 day old boled cabbage that has been eft out in the sun, and mannabed in piss female friend passes by, is ㎝arty pleased with my Trendness, towards Tards nie points, but hope in my he art that the look of terror on my face betrays the idea The Three 3re sti1stamg One i5 00ing, and it's 5tartng to pool on my book. oud noisetig the Racads to 'go tha luck anay Basabal player walk up,scarts I become best friends with a player of nrw. Ray. Hul be rriportant later. Notica that there's s--- t on the bleacher nxt to me, and the book t was studying ied Anonymoun(ID: 2042GEb) 03/01/12(Thu) 18:42 №55055112 [ ! ] 22384 asss2 22 48s赳22294220425 The Tale of Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three Part VI: An Exchange of Blows. This honer goes to Ray more than anything- If you're out there, man.This was f------ gonious. ter of Fat's Sophore year e have baen many menor avants betmoan part v and Part VI, but nothing that woldnt ba much more thn a ropeat Has bean deaing with Pats Mcgas sst for two and a half years now a big gane because ofa Diaco Themed Prom for t Tand Enpre y inds r grves Fat's fnand 6ftson dolrs bo, in th" modSu of prom, whip hi·dck aut and start ruting『ata with it. Ray convre"" me to go to ths prom where he'= bong a peer taev, taling m th t ita bo 'worth it' atting, being bored and mtated at Ray Buddeny, ane of the Retard Thr whis out his d--- and starts nubbing it againet Fats ch my god Ray you Suddenly. Fats Fats whips out goes into Rage Mode: Final Form his own, chode-lke Tard Penis and starts dueing his fiend, screaming in Tard Rage Fats suddenly grabs hie Tard Friend and hus hie into a big, plastic pillar they set up for pictures Fats has removed hs pants completsly, and in aving ha d--- around, paing on wveything. Retwd Speed, and start Ray puls him off, but gets in trouble laber for Attacking the kid because of ltimabe Mother Bitch Mode l think at that point Fats realized how bad he f----- up.Because he just started crying Thus, the beginning of the End had amived Fats Moges and his Racand Three part Va: End of the Bagining of tha End umner, but I'v school, ar thay'd ind a may to blame ma or the school 1 have to t can't get damaged know for a fact Fats in turring 10 soon, becauss hea eld back a year in midde school so I could get hm One day, after moving to a ness classroom, Fats begns to fade from my mind because Tm not so close to hm use I'm an outdoorsman at heart Suddenly. I hear a huge bang on the ndow, and nearly go fying out of my chair t looks ke he just ate a smal aninal Hs face covered, iterally,in Ketchup, hunks of food, and o At this point, Fats has grown a P--- Beard He has vogetables and s--- hanging from isma N stare, knowing mry faba only seperated by a layer of glass. around the window, and it's vistiy roasy ☆em where res skr, not the food, has touched ohe mouths Dessebuuuuuu through the windo bafore gutting cled anay by a Tard Guard, and taken back A fw days later, nodents resueH now knows where 1 am Tm teaching U.S. Hatory, when sudderly a Ch my f------ u, n. Nearly beat the hell out of the Tardlet and evenbually resort to screaming and fiing to maike them ee T need to put my plan into Anonymous (ID: 20g2GE) 03/01/12(Thu)17:07 3843茆153 [ ! ] 20)Messe >>38438957초 The Tale of Fats McGee and his Retard Three, Part VH:A Farewel to Arme part 1 rols around. Apei sst cones it tuns out, Fats is an avid fan of movies, and loves going to the cinona it's tmi. I prapar-reyself, before wakang temards the movii. I don't let hn see ma unta wu'r·in tha conc y mada frash Ths is going to hurt rally f------ bad, but it'l be worth it. Anonymous (ID: zbRED》 03/01/12(Thu)17: 11 №354359884 [ 2deo)0292 The Final Story of Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three Fats starts freaking the f--- out, shaking. widen as she recogrizes m Fats suddenly throws the steaning popcom at me, and unges on e getting waled on by a Retard The Final Stary of Fats ncredbly agreve and rage-fed No matter what happens, no matter hos old I get his Retard Three nd you ever plan on tarding it Just remenber who stands between you, and chaos, you sniveing ittle Down S--- And thus enda, the Tale of Fars Mogea.](
![Anonymous (ID: 2042 Eb) 03/01/12(Thu) 15:38 №3843755.1 [ ! ] 2238437f0e)wennt2 >> 43e240 2384374240 very well. This is the first tme l met four men t changed my ife This the Fats Mogee, and his Retard Three. History in the cafeteria, due to the sa of the class Fats Mcgose and Retard Thrae walk in, push past ma, go to winding machne ryamare of just how large and ape Rke Fats Mcg ats Mcgee gets hes arm stuck in vanding machine, tryng to reach up to pul Chips out and Raing AMy entre dy55 has 5topped to =atch the chaos. One of the Retand Three starts blaning me, in his sputtering retard tone Fats Mcgee wets hinself, les there in a puddle of urne crying, am in the vending machine Freighters had to come and cut the vending machine to s--- to free him Thus begins a legend of unstoppable tard with mine one Snal time as they ad he away he Tales of Fats Mcgee and the Ratand Threa part ttng rclmroom, working on some school tuffくAt thn port, mn trying to get my Mautun) Fats Mogee and his retard three are running down the hal, bursiting into classrooms and waing to be Plepon gs, youre derupting my clsroom iLet's。汱 same tegh-pitched urgie nose, a nose I'd come to cal The Song ofthe Tarr Starts trying to take the ple of essay's T'm grading Tard Guard waks in Ths Tard Guard managed to lose har Tards 勹parsonale don't agree they can't help it, bacause I havu aapecial oicatun fanily m new "ho d Fata Mega" and his Ratard Three part 3: Navenga of th·S--- nd up,xpecting someane to have a lne,becan I teach in one of the s-------- schools in the Fats Mogee and his Retard Three have walked in and started screaming Retard Speech at ths grl, b OU HAVE FIRED BECAUSE OF I wak back to classroom, but not bafore seong that Fats had royally s--- hier. Bad anough that it doesnt even look y,1 start akngskin off Asoermoes(ID: 2042GEb) 03/01/12(Thu) 16: 17 No 384381482 [冂22384382092 22286382735 223843B3dai 2238438SOL Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three part Ⅳ: The F eld ahve [with the sound of Tard Rage》 2Fats must be』sophomore about the port. I have my Masters, and plan on "orang on my ome the Baseball coach, because the previous one was amested for ddding the pickle of students Lead students towards Field for fourth block, which is Practice/Strength and Conditioning carly-35k Tard Giyd if they can wrap沈up, snce the Tards only have the field for third block, Tard Guard, a hot one that I actualy le,starts rounding thee up, doing her job. fats Mcgee decides to continue what w引be 규 war until he graduates uning away fron T Tard Guard, begns pursut ats runs up the bladws. Hagets to the top, and hurts res biuljeans at thú Tard Guard. Thsi Tard Guard is pagged, and i now wappad in hit-covered u Guard guts close, becomng . :9438200 The Tale of Fats Mogee and hs Retand Three part : Fiald bay. HomNcoming Day: which meas we don't do s---, and are ara various activiies for the stink. He slo4 day old boled cabbage that has been eft out in the sun, and mannabed in piss female friend passes by, is ㎝arty pleased with my Trendness, towards Tards nie points, but hope in my he art that the look of terror on my face betrays the idea The Three 3re sti1stamg One i5 00ing, and it's 5tartng to pool on my book. oud noisetig the Racads to 'go tha luck anay Basabal player walk up,scarts I become best friends with a player of nrw. Ray. Hul be rriportant later. Notica that there's s--- t on the bleacher nxt to me, and the book t was studying ied Anonymoun(ID: 2042GEb) 03/01/12(Thu) 18:42 №55055112 [ ! ] 22384 asss2 22 48s赳22294220425 The Tale of Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three Part VI: An Exchange of Blows. This honer goes to Ray more than anything- If you're out there, man.This was f------ gonious. ter of Fat's Sophore year e have baen many menor avants betmoan part v and Part VI, but nothing that woldnt ba much more thn a ropeat Has bean deaing with Pats Mcgas sst for two and a half years now a big gane because ofa Diaco Themed Prom for t Tand Enpre y inds r grves Fat's fnand 6ftson dolrs bo, in th" modSu of prom, whip hi·dck aut and start ruting『ata with it. Ray convre"" me to go to ths prom where he'= bong a peer taev, taling m th t ita bo 'worth it' atting, being bored and mtated at Ray Buddeny, ane of the Retard Thr whis out his d--- and starts nubbing it againet Fats ch my god Ray you Suddenly. Fats Fats whips out goes into Rage Mode: Final Form his own, chode-lke Tard Penis and starts dueing his fiend, screaming in Tard Rage Fats suddenly grabs hie Tard Friend and hus hie into a big, plastic pillar they set up for pictures Fats has removed hs pants completsly, and in aving ha d--- around, paing on wveything. Retwd Speed, and start Ray puls him off, but gets in trouble laber for Attacking the kid because of ltimabe Mother Bitch Mode l think at that point Fats realized how bad he f----- up.Because he just started crying Thus, the beginning of the End had amived Fats Moges and his Racand Three part Va: End of the Bagining of tha End umner, but I'v school, ar thay'd ind a may to blame ma or the school 1 have to t can't get damaged know for a fact Fats in turring 10 soon, becauss hea eld back a year in midde school so I could get hm One day, after moving to a ness classroom, Fats begns to fade from my mind because Tm not so close to hm use I'm an outdoorsman at heart Suddenly. I hear a huge bang on the ndow, and nearly go fying out of my chair t looks ke he just ate a smal aninal Hs face covered, iterally,in Ketchup, hunks of food, and o At this point, Fats has grown a P--- Beard He has vogetables and s--- hanging from isma N stare, knowing mry faba only seperated by a layer of glass. around the window, and it's vistiy roasy ☆em where res skr, not the food, has touched ohe mouths Dessebuuuuuu through the windo bafore gutting cled anay by a Tard Guard, and taken back A fw days later, nodents resueH now knows where 1 am Tm teaching U.S. Hatory, when sudderly a Ch my f------ u, n. Nearly beat the hell out of the Tardlet and evenbually resort to screaming and fiing to maike them ee T need to put my plan into Anonymous (ID: 20g2GE) 03/01/12(Thu)17:07 3843茆153 [ ! ] 20)Messe >>38438957초 The Tale of Fats McGee and his Retard Three, Part VH:A Farewel to Arme part 1 rols around. Apei sst cones it tuns out, Fats is an avid fan of movies, and loves going to the cinona it's tmi. I prapar-reyself, before wakang temards the movii. I don't let hn see ma unta wu'r·in tha conc y mada frash Ths is going to hurt rally f------ bad, but it'l be worth it. Anonymous (ID: zbRED》 03/01/12(Thu)17: 11 №354359884 [ 2deo)0292 The Final Story of Fats Mcgee and his Retard Three Fats starts freaking the f--- out, shaking. widen as she recogrizes m Fats suddenly throws the steaning popcom at me, and unges on e getting waled on by a Retard The Final Stary of Fats ncredbly agreve and rage-fed No matter what happens, no matter hos old I get his Retard Three nd you ever plan on tarding it Just remenber who stands between you, and chaos, you sniveing ittle Down S--- And thus enda, the Tale of Fars Mogea.](
Greentext Stories
Freshmen get Trolled
![File: 1338073308213.png-(127 KB, 480x360, 1299021918972.png) OP 05/26/12(Sat)19:01:48 No.2572738 >Be first week of senior year in college Live in university owned house >Throw a huge party invite mostly freshmen Orange slices with plain jello in them >Alcohol free beer in kegs Beer pong with alcohol free beer >Freshmen pretend to be drunk near three hours later >Mfw](
![File: 1338073308213.png-(127 KB, 480x360, 1299021918972.png) OP 05/26/12(Sat)19:01:48 No.2572738 >Be first week of senior year in college Live in university owned house >Throw a huge party invite mostly freshmen Orange slices with plain jello in them >Alcohol free beer in kegs Beer pong with alcohol free beer >Freshmen pretend to be drunk near three hours later >Mfw](
Greentext Stories
![□ Anonymous 1 1/23/11(Wed)03:46 No. 1 0063353 >Be 16 >Girl I've known since we were like 4 is having a party >Had been taking these pills post-operation >They cause me to be constipated >F--- it >Go to this party >Friend forfuckingever is flirting up a storm >Sorta brush it off as sloppiness >Party winding down >Nowhere to sleep >"Oh, just come with me" >Ugh, fine >F--- the t--- right off her >Be farting every hump, she's half-passed out anyways.. no worries >Start to worry >Fall asleep back to back, completely naked >Wake up to RANCID smell >Oh god no >Take out cell phone green-apple splatters all over her back and fine linens >Whatthefuckdoldo.avi >Take s--- in hands, smear between her ass-cheeks >Leave note saying "You shat yourself, so I left".. dont know why >Put clothes on, RUN out door and walk home >Dont hear from her >2 weeks later she killed herself □ Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)03:49 No.10063371 10063353 ahahahahahahahahahahsfbgbomgimdying](
![□ Anonymous 1 1/23/11(Wed)03:46 No. 1 0063353 >Be 16 >Girl I've known since we were like 4 is having a party >Had been taking these pills post-operation >They cause me to be constipated >F--- it >Go to this party >Friend forfuckingever is flirting up a storm >Sorta brush it off as sloppiness >Party winding down >Nowhere to sleep >"Oh, just come with me" >Ugh, fine >F--- the t--- right off her >Be farting every hump, she's half-passed out anyways.. no worries >Start to worry >Fall asleep back to back, completely naked >Wake up to RANCID smell >Oh god no >Take out cell phone green-apple splatters all over her back and fine linens >Whatthefuckdoldo.avi >Take s--- in hands, smear between her ass-cheeks >Leave note saying "You shat yourself, so I left".. dont know why >Put clothes on, RUN out door and walk home >Dont hear from her >2 weeks later she killed herself □ Anonymous 11/23/11(Wed)03:49 No.10063371 10063353 ahahahahahahahahahahsfbgbomgimdying](
Greentext Stories
Potty panic
![File 1326420259 ipg-(3 KB, 122x217, ahhh.jpg) □ Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)21:04:19 No.373867767 >Be 15 >Sit in math class >Feel the urge to s--- >Ask teacher to go >Bitch says no >poop leaving my anus >need to think fast >pull out lighter >set carpet on fire >everyone fips out >make my move >run to bathroom >almost there >at the door when i s--- >s--- leaves my anus with force >I take flight >building still on fire all my friends are dead >feelsbadman.jpg sunable to control flight path >begin spinning wildly fly around fire causing fire tornado stornado burns entire town >tornado goes over lake >picks up all the water >My s--- falls from the sky sworldwide shitstorms tornado goes over mountain >Picks up f------ mountain >s--- continues to rain >feel so embarrassed >rip my own s--- filled heart out >throw heart into tornado >Tornado has earth, wind, water,fire, heart >by your powers combined I am Captain Planet Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)21:06:15 No.373868106 w-- did I just read?](
![File 1326420259 ipg-(3 KB, 122x217, ahhh.jpg) □ Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)21:04:19 No.373867767 >Be 15 >Sit in math class >Feel the urge to s--- >Ask teacher to go >Bitch says no >poop leaving my anus >need to think fast >pull out lighter >set carpet on fire >everyone fips out >make my move >run to bathroom >almost there >at the door when i s--- >s--- leaves my anus with force >I take flight >building still on fire all my friends are dead >feelsbadman.jpg sunable to control flight path >begin spinning wildly fly around fire causing fire tornado stornado burns entire town >tornado goes over lake >picks up all the water >My s--- falls from the sky sworldwide shitstorms tornado goes over mountain >Picks up f------ mountain >s--- continues to rain >feel so embarrassed >rip my own s--- filled heart out >throw heart into tornado >Tornado has earth, wind, water,fire, heart >by your powers combined I am Captain Planet Anonymous 01/12/12(Thu)21:06:15 No.373868106 w-- did I just read?](
Greentext Stories
shit, my life is over
![O Anonymous (ID: Av8u6t/c) 05/09/12(Wed)12:05:03 No.398634064 s---, my life is over > eating a cup of ice cream while lurking > decide to fap and c-- into empty ice cream cup > forget cup on desk > leave room for a moment and notice that cup is gone > mom yells out of kitchen > slowly realize what happened > mom thought it was garbage and believed it was molten ice cream in the cup and drank it > she quickly noticed what it was > can't look into her eyes i'm never going to leave my room and will just starve here mfw Anonymous (ID: +bNrKr4R) 05/09/12(Wed)12:06:24 No.398634232 comedy gold Anonymous (ID: WK5pDFRO) 05/09/12(Wed)12:06:28 No.398634241 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHA Anonymous (ID: gkfi+qM6) 05/09/12(Wed)12:08:02 No.398634434 >>398634064 Pics or it didn't happen.](
![O Anonymous (ID: Av8u6t/c) 05/09/12(Wed)12:05:03 No.398634064 s---, my life is over > eating a cup of ice cream while lurking > decide to fap and c-- into empty ice cream cup > forget cup on desk > leave room for a moment and notice that cup is gone > mom yells out of kitchen > slowly realize what happened > mom thought it was garbage and believed it was molten ice cream in the cup and drank it > she quickly noticed what it was > can't look into her eyes i'm never going to leave my room and will just starve here mfw Anonymous (ID: +bNrKr4R) 05/09/12(Wed)12:06:24 No.398634232 comedy gold Anonymous (ID: WK5pDFRO) 05/09/12(Wed)12:06:28 No.398634241 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHA Anonymous (ID: gkfi+qM6) 05/09/12(Wed)12:08:02 No.398634434 >>398634064 Pics or it didn't happen.](
Greentext Stories