Ben Garrison - Images
(Title) The Sword in the Stone
Ben Garrison
More anti vax nonsense
Ben Garrison
Ben Sees The Future
Ben Garrison
Tooting his own horn
Ben Garrison
This is his entire grift at this point
Ben Garrison
More classic ben garrison anti mask bullshit
Ben Garrison
Biden has actually continued deportations and blocking immigration, this is a completely false claim.
Ben Garrison
Benny Boy is really smoking that illuminati is real kush
Ben Garrison
Sure, go with the illuminati symbol on his helmet, that totally doesn't make you look insane ben
Ben Garrison
Every anti vax piece of bullshit ben puts out makes me want him to catch it more. Also, SLAVE MASKS? GOD I HATE HIM
Ben Garrison
He will just not shut up about vaccines. Also GMO are literally harmless. The only risk is them outcompeting non GMO foods
Ben Garrison
I'm actually mad that he keeps spreading this bullshit.
Ben Garrison
Bens really on the "Vaccines are evil" juice
Ben Garrison
What the fuck do you think bill gates does ben
Ben Garrison
Check out the one in the center - "My parents are hurting my immune system"? Man ben is fucking stupid
Ben Garrison
Aw, good old label hell
Ben Garrison
Ben garrison doesnt realize that all executive orders are public at this site apparently. Its kind of hard to keep up the conspiracy rhetoric when the proof its not a conspiracy is easily accessible
Ben Garrison
I dont think you realize how badly going independent would go for most of these states Ben
Ben Garrison
I think I'll include his tirades from now on, it really accentuates the idiocy
Ben Garrison
This is the exact same comic as four strips ago but with less effort
Ben Garrison