Milo Yiannopoulos - Images
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments
![Comment [A205], Stick with virgios FeivertSiisunne essary,'…](
![Comment [A205], Stick with virgios FeivertSiisunne essary,'…](
Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments

Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments
![comment 1A4581 This would never happen -fcomment[A459]: Thisisnottruemea Comment 1a460], Tis is not true either](
![comment 1A4581 This would never happen -fcomment[A459]: Thisisnottruemea Comment 1a460], Tis is not true either](
Milo Yiannopoulos
Editor's comments
![1 Comment [A416]: Delete entire Chapter The book is better overall without rittino these to people notes in the other chapters and better overall by delcting this one](
![1 Comment [A416]: Delete entire Chapter The book is better overall without rittino these to people notes in the other chapters and better overall by delcting this one](
Milo Yiannopoulos
Dangerous is basically unreadable. I saw a thread where the OP focused solely on the editorial comments and I see why.

Milo Yiannopoulos
here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable
![here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable Comment tA1]: Add a short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do without trolling without bombaSt without narme caling, and without ego This will make for a stronger opening than playing to your core audience Make the pont that in each and every chapter of this book what you intend to show is the stifling of soeech Acknow edge that you use bombast and over the top messaging n an attempt to break the strictures on free expression in the same way that comedians ike Lernny Bruce once did And make the point that liberals used to defend free speech out that the snoe the aovent of political correctness the iliberal left has become the oppressive censors in American society](
![here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable Comment tA1]: Add a short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do without trolling without bombaSt without narme caling, and without ego This will make for a stronger opening than playing to your core audience Make the pont that in each and every chapter of this book what you intend to show is the stifling of soeech Acknow edge that you use bombast and over the top messaging n an attempt to break the strictures on free expression in the same way that comedians ike Lernny Bruce once did And make the point that liberals used to defend free speech out that the snoe the aovent of political correctness the iliberal left has become the oppressive censors in American society](
Milo Yiannopoulos
here's the PDF link to Milo's manuscript with commentary from the editor. An interesting insight into an attempt to launder fascist views into mainstr...

Milo Yiannopoulos
Will immediately start using “if you want to make a case for [fucking ridiculous thing], you’re going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor ...
![Will immediately start using "if you want to make a case for [f------ ridiculous thing], you're going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor than you use here." Comment [A3131 This entire section is the most poorly thouoht out section i the book f yot want to make a case for gay mee going back into the closet and marrying women just to have children you te going to have to employ a lot more intelectua ngor than you use here Comment 4314] Thisjust doesnt any make sense hre Comment [A3151. Tnat does NOT nebessarilyfollow.](
![Will immediately start using "if you want to make a case for [f------ ridiculous thing], you're going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor than you use here." Comment [A3131 This entire section is the most poorly thouoht out section i the book f yot want to make a case for gay mee going back into the closet and marrying women just to have children you te going to have to employ a lot more intelectua ngor than you use here Comment 4314] Thisjust doesnt any make sense hre Comment [A3151. Tnat does NOT nebessarilyfollow.](
Milo Yiannopoulos
I didn’t read the manuscript. Just the comments. They’re...amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing. And a pretty good summary of the boo...
![l didn't read the manuscript. Just the comments. They're...amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing And a pretty good summary of the book l imaaine Comment [A164] No, t this at all Comment [A165]: Graf Comment [A166]: 1w mentally il Comment [411] Ctators neede e at abes Comment [A279]: Not a sertence Comment [A 280]: Le's loave-cuck, Q nem of it ,' , .| comment [A281): This whole paragrapn is e comment 14121 Delete ifrelevan supermluous ethnic joke Comment 14405sc anurtchangea in 0e in tis peticulaly chapter do NOT ligmen cur mesenge with huyar Thay srbly diminish Comment [A4081: Tisis not the ame or orurcther hhrk d---](
![l didn't read the manuscript. Just the comments. They're...amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing And a pretty good summary of the book l imaaine Comment [A164] No, t this at all Comment [A165]: Graf Comment [A166]: 1w mentally il Comment [411] Ctators neede e at abes Comment [A279]: Not a sertence Comment [A 280]: Le's loave-cuck, Q nem of it ,' , .| comment [A281): This whole paragrapn is e comment 14121 Delete ifrelevan supermluous ethnic joke Comment 14405sc anurtchangea in 0e in tis peticulaly chapter do NOT ligmen cur mesenge with huyar Thay srbly diminish Comment [A4081: Tisis not the ame or orurcther hhrk d---](
Milo Yiannopoulos