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Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist who was a technology editor at the conservative news and opinion site Breitbart. He has gained much notoriety online for frequently covering the Gamergate controversy and for being an outspoken critic of third-wave feminism.


In May 2007, Yiannopoulos launched the @Nero[5] Twitter feed, gaining over 162,000 followers over the next eight years. In November 2011, Yiannopoulos launched the online tabloid magazine The Kernel along with friends David Rosenberg and David Haywood Smith, journalist Stephen Pritchard and former Telegraph employee Adrian McShane. The magazine was subsequently closed in 2013 and was purchased by The Daily Dot in 2014.

Gamergate Coverage

On September 1st, 2014, Breitbart published an article by Yiannopoulos titled "Feminist Bullies Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart,"[1] which criticized the politicization of video game culture and video game developer Zoe Quinn. That month, Yiannopoulos wrote several articles about a private Google group mailing list titled "GameJournoPros," purportedly used by gaming journalists cooperating to work against GamerGate.[2][3][4] In December, Yiannopoulos announced he was working on a book about the Gamergate controversy. On September 30th, 2015, Yiannopoulos appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, where he discussed a variety of issues, including Gamergate, homosexuality, religion and feminism (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

Sky News Appearances

Yiannopoulos is a frequent guest on the British news station Sky News. On June 16th, 2015, YouTuber Captain Nemo uploaded footage of Yiannopoulos defending Nobel Prize-winning British biochemist Tim Hunt (shown below, left). On July 29th, YouTuber Captain Nemo uploaded a Sky News segment in which Yiannopoulos debates the issues body shaming and fat acceptance (shown below, right).

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

University of Manchester Debate

On October 6th, 2015, Yiannopoulos and Guardian journalist Julie Bindel were banned from appearing at an upcoming debate titled “From liberation to censorship: Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?” at the University of Manchester. In an announcement from the University of Manchester's Students' Union, Bindel, a second-wave feminist, had been barred from the debate for her "views and comments towards trans people" which violated the school's "safe space policy."[6] The ban was subseqeuntly extended to Yiannopoulos for "comments lambasting rape survivors and trans people."


On January 8th, 2016, Yiannopoulos tweeted a screenshot of an email from Twitter informing him that his verified badge had been removed "due to recent violations of Twitter Rules" (shown below).[7] Within 48 hours the tweet gained over 2,100 likes and 1,600 retweets.

Screenshot of an email from Twitter informing Milo that his verified badge was removed for Twitter violation for the account @nero

Yiannopoulos subsequently claimed Twitter did not explain which rule he had violated and speculated he was being punished for being an outspoken conservative. To protest the badge removal, Twitter users began changing their profile pictures to photographs of Yiannopoulos and posting the hashtag #JeSuisMilo,[8] in reference to the French slogan "Je Suis Charlie". That day, the hashtag was the #1 trending topic in the United States and #3 worldwide. Meanwhile, Twitter executive Nathan Hubbard posted a tweet[9] speculating that the badge removal may have been a reaction to complaints that Yiannopoulos was "encouraging harassment" (shown below). The following day, Yiannopoulos disputed the complaint, claiming he told a friend "you deserve to be harassed" as a joke (shown below, right).[14]

Tweet by Twitter Executive Nathan Hubbard speculating that the badge removal may have been reaction to complains that Milo Yiannopoulos was encouraging harassment
Milo disputing the complaint of encouraging harassment explaining it as an injoke between conservatives

Also on January 9th, several news sites published articles about the controversy, including The Blaze,[10] BuzzFeed,[11] Breitbart[12] The Guardian,[29] and Twitchy.[13]


On July 19th, 2016, Twitter suspended Yiannopoulos' account following a campaign that Twitter alleges he led to tweet racist and sexist things towards Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones. It appears that Twitter, notorious for its inability to effectively deal with trolls, made the move in an effort to show it is cracking down on harassment, noting that they had suspended Yiannopoulos not for the offensive content of his tweets, but for violating Twitter's rules[21] regarding the harassment of individuals. A screenshot of the full statement Twitter gave to Buzzfeed[15] is below.

Statement from Twitter explaining their shut down of Milo's account due to harassment and violation of Twitter rules

In a statement on Breitbart[16], Yiannopoulos called the suspension "cowardly" and declared "This is the end for Twitter. Anyone who cares about free speech has been sent a clear message: you’re not welcome on Twitter."

Yiannopoulos's suspension prompted the #FreeMilo hashtag to trend nationwide on Twitter.[17] Conservative supporters have used the hashtag to argue that the suspension is an indication of a left-leaning double standard on Twitter; others have used the hashtag to troll.[18]

On July 20th, 2016 news outlets including Buzzfeed, The New York Times,[19] and Fusion[20] picked up the story.

Book Deal

On December 29th, Yiannopoulos announced his upcoming autobiographical book Dangerous,[23] set for release in March 2017. That day, The Hollywood Reporter published an article revealing that Simon & Schuster's Threshold Editions gave Yiannopoulos a $250,000 advance for the book, including a statement from the author:

"They said banning me from Twitter would finish me off. Just as I predicted, the opposite has happened. Did it hurt Madonna being banned from MTV in the 1990s? Did all that negative press hurt Donald Trump's chances of winning the election?"

That day, the Chicago Review of Books tweeted they would abstain from covering a single Simon & Schuster book for the rest of 2017 in protest of Yiannopoulos' book, referring to it as a "disgusting validation of hate" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, comedian Sarah Silverman posted a tweet denouncing the publishing company for giving Yiannopoulos a "platform" (shown below, right).

Chicago Book Review publishes Tweet that they won't cover a single Simon & Shuster book in 2017
Sarah Silverman tweets that while Milo has rights to express himself, Simon and Shuster are gross for funding and validating his hate

That day, Yiannopoulos became a trending topic on both Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, Yiannopoulos posted a response to the online backlash, stating "your impotent fury heats my pool" (shown below, left). On December 30th, a large influx of preorders caused Dangerous to become the top selling book on Amazon (shown below, right).[22]

Milos rant of how their impotent fury heats my pool
screen grab showing Dangerous on the top selling books on Amazon
Manuscript Edits

On December 27th, 2017, publisher Jason Pinter tweeted[30] Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Yiannopoulos' lawsuit, explaining why they were not going to be releasing the book. The tweet (shown below) received more than 4,500 retweets and 13,000 likes in 24 hours.

The sections were made available by the New York state courts' website.[31] They were made public record following Yiannopoulos' July 2017 lawsuit against the publisher for breach of contract.

Jason Pinter @jasonpinter This section of Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Milo's lawsuit over DANGEROUS E-mail"), summarizing the conversation he had with Plaintiff and his agent the day before in which he outlined his editorial concerns with the manuscript, including seven most critical overarching issues. He explained that these are the seven main issues that must be addressed in the revised manuscript, in addition to the edits and queries throughout." Ivers Aff. Ex. C. In particular, Ivers noted that the Why Establishment Gays Hate Me" chapter "needs a better central thesis than the notion that gay pcople should go back in thc closet" and the feminist chapter needed a "stronger argument against feminism than saying that they are ugly and sexless and have cats." Id Ivers made it clear that Plaintiffs first draft was not acceptable to the publisher: t goes without saying, that in addition to these seven points, given the level of revision being requested, we reserve the right of additional review and discussion of Ivers comments on the draft manuscript were even more detailed in identifying the substantial concerns the publisher had with the manuscript and spelling out what "revisions, changes or supplements" were needs to be a Preamble "On Freedom of Speech and Political Correctness" that would be a "short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do, without trolling, without hombast, without name-calling, and without ego." Id at 3. See also, eg, id. at 13 ("avoid gratuitous insults"), 17 (Unclear, unfunny, delete), 20 (This entire paragraph is just repeating Fake News.", 34 (MAJOR POINT. You will have to address the charge of racism clearly and with greater depth, 62 (when you discuss Leslie Jones in this book - AND YOU MUST), 107 ("This section feels phenomenally petty), 132 (This whole section has to go Too much ego"), 198 ("This entire argument is ridiculous", 146 (This entire section is the most poorly thought out section in the book."), 206 (This... doesn't make sense or pass intellectual muster. It's just trolling on an issue that many readers.might take scriously". As Ivers January 14 E-mail and manuscript comments demonstrate, Ivers considered Plaintiff's first draft to be, at best, a superficial work full of incendiary jokes with no coherent or sophisticated analysis of political issues of free speech. Ivers Aff. 11 15-16. Plainly, it was not acceptable to Simon & Schuster for publication. Id required. Ivers Aff. Ex. B. At the outset, he observed that there Under the Agreement, the determination as to whether the manuscript was "editorially acceptable" must be made "within 45 days." Agrm. 3(a) Given the crash schedule, Ivers made that determination and provided the editorial request in writing for revisions and changes within less than two weeks of receipt of the manuscript. 4819.9829.7688.12 3901014000688 11 of 31 INDEX NO. 65 C. NO. 62 RECEIVED NYScEF. 1:

The following day, Twitter[32] user @sarahmei tweeted, "I went to the New York county clerk’s website and found this filing. It includes the entire manuscript with allllllll the editor’s comments as exhibit B." Following this tweet, she began posting elements of the manuscript with the editor's comments. She describes the editor in a tweet,[33] "The editor is a conservative man who has published books for 45 & other folks with similar opinions. You can see that in the occasional “good point” comments. But mostly he was very politely having NONE of Milo’s bullshit. It’s glorious." This 18-part thread, the tweets received more than 10,000 retweets and 20,000 likes.

I went to the New York county clerk's website and found this filing. It includes the entire manuscript with alllIII the editor's comments as exhibit B Pinter @jasonpinter is section of Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Milo's lawsuit over DANGEROUS.
l didn't read the manuscript. Just the comments. They're...amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing And a pretty good summary of the book l imaaine Comment [A164] No, t this at all Comment [A165]: Graf Comment [A166]: 1w mentally il Comment [411] Ctators neede e at abes Comment [A279]: Not a sertence Comment [A 280]: Le's loave-cuck, Q nem of it ,' , .| comment [A281): This whole paragrapn is e comment 14121 Delete ifrelevan supermluous ethnic joke Comment 14405sc anurtchangea in 0e in tis peticulaly chapter do NOT ligmen cur mesenge with huyar Thay srbly diminish Comment [A4081: Tisis not the ame or orurcther hhrk d---
Will immediately start using "if you want to make a case for [f------ ridiculous thing], you're going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor than you use here." Comment [A3131 This entire section is the most poorly thouoht out section i the book f yot want to make a case for gay mee going back into the closet and marrying women just to have children you te going to have to employ a lot more intelectua ngor than you use here Comment 4314] Thisjust doesnt any make sense hre Comment [A3151. Tnat does NOT nebessarilyfollow.

Others online objected to the posting the edits as a joke. They saw the edits as a way to "whitewash" Milo's comments for the mainstream. Twitter user @surfbordt made a Twitter[34] thread (examples below) to explain this position. They wrote, "here's the PDF link to Milo's manuscript with commentary from the editor. An interesting insight into an attempt to launder fascist views into mainstream consumption. In a follow-up tweet, they wrote, "here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable."

here's the PDF link to Milo's manuscript with commentary from the editor. An interesting insight into an attempt to launder fascist views into mainstream consumption tD ?amp=1
here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable Comment tA1]: Add a short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do without trolling without bombaSt without narme caling, and without ego This will make for a stronger opening than playing to your core audience Make the pont that in each and every chapter of this book what you intend to show is the stifling of soeech Acknow edge that you use bombast and over the top messaging n an attempt to break the strictures on free expression in the same way that comedians ike Lernny Bruce once did And make the point that liberals used to defend free speech out that the snoe the aovent of political correctness the iliberal left has become the oppressive censors in American society
Dangerous is basically unreadable. I saw a thread where the OP focused solely on the editorial comments and see why. One of the two is clearly wrong, but their confusion-butlbust is so glorious that I almost don't want to correct either one of them. That is trolling them In my trollery, I am surpassed only by one man, or, rather one God-Emperor: Donald Trump, a man who essentially trolled his way to the presidency. Like me, Daddy, as I like to call him (in itself another troll, only went after deserving targets: the media, Hillary and Bill Clinton, political correctness A master showman, Donald J. Trump can command the media's attention despite the fact that most of their leading lights despise him. Forcing people who hate you and everything you stand for to point cameras at you for over a year? That's a level of trolling I can only hope to achieve one day

Several media outlets covered the release of the edits as well as the online response to the edits, including The Washington Post,[35] Quartz,[36] The Guardian,[37] Newsweek[38] and more.

UC Berkeley Protest

Full Article: 2017 Milo Yiannopoulos UC Berkeley Protest

In early February of 2017, Yiannopoulos was scheduled to hold a talk to the students of UC Berkeley, when a large group of protesters arrived to the student union building and begun to tear down metal barricades, smash windows and set fires outside of the building. The protest gained heavy controversy.

Pedastry Controversy

On February 19th, 2017, the @ReaganBattalion Twitter feed posted a video from an episode of the Drunken Peasants podcast in which Yiannopoulos seemingly defends sexual relationships between adult men and teenage boys when discussing age of consent ideas as “arbitrary and oppressive” (shown below).

On February 20th, Fox News contributor Guy Benson tweeted that Yiannopoulos had been disinvited from speaking at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).[24] Meanwhile, Yiannopoulos published a post condemning pedophilia and "adults who sexually abuse minors," as well as claiming he was a "child abuse victim" (shown below).

Milo post condemning pedophilia and explaining he was a child abuse victim

That day, Simon & Schuster spokesperson Adam Rothberg tweeted that the publisher had cancelled Dangerous "after careful consideration" (shown below).[23] Also on February 20th, Fox Business reported that there was "fierce debate" inside Breitbart regarding Yiannopoulos' employment at the company.[25]

Adam Rothberg the official spokesperson for Simon & Shuster tweeting that they have cancelled Milo's book

Following the cancellation, screenshots of a 4chan thread began circulating in which a poster claimed to be part of a mainstream media email list, and that journalists had planned to "destroy" Yiannopoulos career by depicting him as a pedophile.[26]

list onf 4chan of how journalists tried to sabotage Milo with false claims he was supporting pedophilia
Resignation from Breitbart

On February 21st, Yiannopoulos released a statement that he would be resigning from Breitbart and that the decision "mine alone" prior to holding a press conference regarding the controversy:

BuzzFeed News Report

On October 5th, 2017, BuzzFeed[28] published an article titled "Here's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream," which included "an explosive cache of documents," including emails from Yiannoupoulos' private account. Among the emails included discussions about a Breitbart article defining the alt-right, in which Yiannopoulos consulted controversial figures asscoiated with the alt-right and white nationalism, such as Daily Stormer system administrator Andrew Auernheimer, software engineer Curtis Yarvin (a.k.a. Mencius Moldbug) and American Renaissance editor Devin Saucier (a.k.a. Henry Wolff). The article, titled "An Establishment Conservative's Guide to the Alt-Right," was subsequently written by Breitbart[27] staff writer Allum Bokhari. Additionally, the article included screenshots of emails sent by Steve Bannon berating Yiannopoulos for "jerking yourself off w/ marginalia" (shown below).

leaked emails between Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos

Additionally, the documents contained correspondences between Yiannopoulos, Bannon and Dan Fluette, an employee of Glittering Steel owned Robert Mercer. In the emails, Yiannopoulos discusses obtaining payment for security and his Dangerous Faggot book tour from Glittering Steel. An screenshot of Bannon and Michael Flynn Jr. praising a Basket of Deplorables meme was included as well (shown below).

leaked email in which Steve Bannon and Milo praise a funny meme of The Deplorables

The article also included leaked emails about meetings with venture capitalist Peter Theil, an email group including Vice writer Mitchell Sunderland and correspondences with former Slate technology writer David Auerbach regarding various figures associated with GamerGate. Auerbach subsequently tweeted that BuzzFeed misquoted his response and that their allegations against him were "categorically false" (shown below).

tweet by David Auerback about how buzzfeed had made up most of the information published in his name

That same day, BuzzFeed News uploaded a video of Yiannopoulos singing "America the Beautiful" was while Richard Spencer and others can be seen making Nazi salutes in the audience (shown below). In a statement to BuzzFeed News, Yiannopoulos claimed eyesight issues prevented him from seeing the salutes and "I disavow Richard Spencer and his entire sorry band of idiots."

[This video has been removed]

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External References

[1] Breitbart – Feminist Bullies Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart

[2] Breitbart – Exposed the secret mailing list

[3] Breitbart – The emails that prove video games journalism must be reformed

[4] Breitbart – The list every journalist in the gamejournopros group revealed

[5] Twitter – @Nero

[6] Manchester Students Union – Sate from the Students Union

[7] Twitter – @Nero

[8] Twitter – #JeSuisMilo

[9] Twitter – @NathanCHubbard

[10] The Blaze (via Wayback Machine) – Twitter Unverifies Outspoken Journalist

[11] BuzzFeed – Twitter Unverifies Writer Amid Speech Wars

[12] Breitbart – Twitter Declares War on Conservative Media

[13] Twitchy – #JeSuisMilo solidarity movement

[14] Twitter – @Nero

[15] Buzzfeed – Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

[16] Breitbart – Milo Suspended Permanently by Twitter Minutes Before ‘Gays For Trump’ Party At RNC

[17] Twitter – #FreeMilo

[18] Twitter – #FreeMilo trolling

[19] The New York Times – Twitter Bars Milo Yiannopoulos in Wake of Leslie Jones’s Reports of Abuse

[20] Fusion – Twitter just permanently suspended Milo Yiannopoulos, the internet’s biggest troll

[21] Twitter – The Twitter Rules

[22] – Amazon Best Sellers

[23] Amazon – Dangerous (unavailable)

[23] Twitter – @AdamRothberg

[24] Twitter – @guypbenson

[25] Mediaite – Fox Business Gasparino

[26] 4chan – Operation Destroy Milo

[27] Breitbart – An Establishment Conservatives Guide to the Alt Right

[28] BuzzFeed – Here's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream

[29] The Guardian – Milo Yiannopoulos peddles hate. It’s not censorship to refuse to publish it

[30] Twitter – @jasonpinter's Tweet

[31] New York County Clerk (via Waybck Machine) – Exhibit B

[32] Twitter – @sarahmei's Tweet

[33] Twitter – @sarahmei's Tweet

[34] Twitter – @suftbordt's Tweet

[35] The Washington Post – ‘Leave the lesbians out of it’: Who wants to edit Milo Yiannopoulos?=

[36] Quartz – Milo Yiannopoulos’s brutal takedown by his own editor, via court filings

[37] The Guardian – 'Unclear, unfunny, delete': editor's notes on Milo Yiannopoulos book revealed


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Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopoulos

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Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist who was a technology editor at the conservative news and opinion site Breitbart. He has gained much notoriety online for frequently covering the Gamergate controversy and for being an outspoken critic of third-wave feminism.


In May 2007, Yiannopoulos launched the @Nero[5] Twitter feed, gaining over 162,000 followers over the next eight years. In November 2011, Yiannopoulos launched the online tabloid magazine The Kernel along with friends David Rosenberg and David Haywood Smith, journalist Stephen Pritchard and former Telegraph employee Adrian McShane. The magazine was subsequently closed in 2013 and was purchased by The Daily Dot in 2014.

Gamergate Coverage

On September 1st, 2014, Breitbart published an article by Yiannopoulos titled "Feminist Bullies Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart,"[1] which criticized the politicization of video game culture and video game developer Zoe Quinn. That month, Yiannopoulos wrote several articles about a private Google group mailing list titled "GameJournoPros," purportedly used by gaming journalists cooperating to work against GamerGate.[2][3][4] In December, Yiannopoulos announced he was working on a book about the Gamergate controversy. On September 30th, 2015, Yiannopoulos appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, where he discussed a variety of issues, including Gamergate, homosexuality, religion and feminism (shown below).

[This video has been removed]

Sky News Appearances

Yiannopoulos is a frequent guest on the British news station Sky News. On June 16th, 2015, YouTuber Captain Nemo uploaded footage of Yiannopoulos defending Nobel Prize-winning British biochemist Tim Hunt (shown below, left). On July 29th, YouTuber Captain Nemo uploaded a Sky News segment in which Yiannopoulos debates the issues body shaming and fat acceptance (shown below, right).

[This video has been removed]

[This video has been removed]

University of Manchester Debate

On October 6th, 2015, Yiannopoulos and Guardian journalist Julie Bindel were banned from appearing at an upcoming debate titled “From liberation to censorship: Does modern feminism have a problem with free speech?” at the University of Manchester. In an announcement from the University of Manchester's Students' Union, Bindel, a second-wave feminist, had been barred from the debate for her "views and comments towards trans people" which violated the school's "safe space policy."[6] The ban was subseqeuntly extended to Yiannopoulos for "comments lambasting rape survivors and trans people."


On January 8th, 2016, Yiannopoulos tweeted a screenshot of an email from Twitter informing him that his verified badge had been removed "due to recent violations of Twitter Rules" (shown below).[7] Within 48 hours the tweet gained over 2,100 likes and 1,600 retweets.

Screenshot of an email from Twitter informing Milo that his verified badge was removed for Twitter violation for the account @nero

Yiannopoulos subsequently claimed Twitter did not explain which rule he had violated and speculated he was being punished for being an outspoken conservative. To protest the badge removal, Twitter users began changing their profile pictures to photographs of Yiannopoulos and posting the hashtag #JeSuisMilo,[8] in reference to the French slogan "Je Suis Charlie". That day, the hashtag was the #1 trending topic in the United States and #3 worldwide. Meanwhile, Twitter executive Nathan Hubbard posted a tweet[9] speculating that the badge removal may have been a reaction to complaints that Yiannopoulos was "encouraging harassment" (shown below). The following day, Yiannopoulos disputed the complaint, claiming he told a friend "you deserve to be harassed" as a joke (shown below, right).[14]

Tweet by Twitter Executive Nathan Hubbard speculating that the badge removal may have been reaction to complains that Milo Yiannopoulos was encouraging harassment Milo disputing the complaint of encouraging harassment explaining it as an injoke between conservatives

Also on January 9th, several news sites published articles about the controversy, including The Blaze,[10] BuzzFeed,[11] Breitbart[12] The Guardian,[29] and Twitchy.[13]


On July 19th, 2016, Twitter suspended Yiannopoulos' account following a campaign that Twitter alleges he led to tweet racist and sexist things towards Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones. It appears that Twitter, notorious for its inability to effectively deal with trolls, made the move in an effort to show it is cracking down on harassment, noting that they had suspended Yiannopoulos not for the offensive content of his tweets, but for violating Twitter's rules[21] regarding the harassment of individuals. A screenshot of the full statement Twitter gave to Buzzfeed[15] is below.

Statement from Twitter explaining their shut down of Milo's account due to harassment and violation of Twitter rules

In a statement on Breitbart[16], Yiannopoulos called the suspension "cowardly" and declared "This is the end for Twitter. Anyone who cares about free speech has been sent a clear message: you’re not welcome on Twitter."

Yiannopoulos's suspension prompted the #FreeMilo hashtag to trend nationwide on Twitter.[17] Conservative supporters have used the hashtag to argue that the suspension is an indication of a left-leaning double standard on Twitter; others have used the hashtag to troll.[18]

On July 20th, 2016 news outlets including Buzzfeed, The New York Times,[19] and Fusion[20] picked up the story.

Book Deal

On December 29th, Yiannopoulos announced his upcoming autobiographical book Dangerous,[23] set for release in March 2017. That day, The Hollywood Reporter published an article revealing that Simon & Schuster's Threshold Editions gave Yiannopoulos a $250,000 advance for the book, including a statement from the author:

"They said banning me from Twitter would finish me off. Just as I predicted, the opposite has happened. Did it hurt Madonna being banned from MTV in the 1990s? Did all that negative press hurt Donald Trump's chances of winning the election?"

That day, the Chicago Review of Books tweeted they would abstain from covering a single Simon & Schuster book for the rest of 2017 in protest of Yiannopoulos' book, referring to it as a "disgusting validation of hate" (shown below, left). Meanwhile, comedian Sarah Silverman posted a tweet denouncing the publishing company for giving Yiannopoulos a "platform" (shown below, right).

Chicago Book Review publishes Tweet that they won't cover a single Simon & Shuster book in 2017 Sarah Silverman tweets that while Milo has rights to express himself, Simon and Shuster are gross for funding and validating his hate

That day, Yiannopoulos became a trending topic on both Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, Yiannopoulos posted a response to the online backlash, stating "your impotent fury heats my pool" (shown below, left). On December 30th, a large influx of preorders caused Dangerous to become the top selling book on Amazon (shown below, right).[22]

Milos rant of how their impotent fury heats my pool screen grab showing Dangerous on the top selling books on Amazon

Manuscript Edits

On December 27th, 2017, publisher Jason Pinter tweeted[30] Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Yiannopoulos' lawsuit, explaining why they were not going to be releasing the book. The tweet (shown below) received more than 4,500 retweets and 13,000 likes in 24 hours.

The sections were made available by the New York state courts' website.[31] They were made public record following Yiannopoulos' July 2017 lawsuit against the publisher for breach of contract.

Jason Pinter @jasonpinter This section of Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Milo's lawsuit over DANGEROUS E-mail"), summarizing the conversation he had with Plaintiff and his agent the day before in which he outlined his editorial concerns with the manuscript, including seven most critical overarching issues. He explained that these are the seven main issues that must be addressed in the revised manuscript, in addition to the edits and queries throughout." Ivers Aff. Ex. C. In particular, Ivers noted that the Why Establishment Gays Hate Me" chapter "needs a better central thesis than the notion that gay pcople should go back in thc closet" and the feminist chapter needed a "stronger argument against feminism than saying that they are ugly and sexless and have cats." Id Ivers made it clear that Plaintiffs first draft was not acceptable to the publisher: t goes without saying, that in addition to these seven points, given the level of revision being requested, we reserve the right of additional review and discussion of Ivers comments on the draft manuscript were even more detailed in identifying the substantial concerns the publisher had with the manuscript and spelling out what "revisions, changes or supplements" were needs to be a Preamble "On Freedom of Speech and Political Correctness" that would be a "short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do, without trolling, without hombast, without name-calling, and without ego." Id at 3. See also, eg, id. at 13 ("avoid gratuitous insults"), 17 (Unclear, unfunny, delete), 20 (This entire paragraph is just repeating Fake News.", 34 (MAJOR POINT. You will have to address the charge of racism clearly and with greater depth, 62 (when you discuss Leslie Jones in this book - AND YOU MUST), 107 ("This section feels phenomenally petty), 132 (This whole section has to go Too much ego"), 198 ("This entire argument is ridiculous", 146 (This entire section is the most poorly thought out section in the book."), 206 (This... doesn't make sense or pass intellectual muster. It's just trolling on an issue that many readers.might take scriously". As Ivers January 14 E-mail and manuscript comments demonstrate, Ivers considered Plaintiff's first draft to be, at best, a superficial work full of incendiary jokes with no coherent or sophisticated analysis of political issues of free speech. Ivers Aff. 11 15-16. Plainly, it was not acceptable to Simon & Schuster for publication. Id required. Ivers Aff. Ex. B. At the outset, he observed that there Under the Agreement, the determination as to whether the manuscript was "editorially acceptable" must be made "within 45 days." Agrm. 3(a) Given the crash schedule, Ivers made that determination and provided the editorial request in writing for revisions and changes within less than two weeks of receipt of the manuscript. 4819.9829.7688.12 3901014000688 11 of 31 INDEX NO. 65 C. NO. 62 RECEIVED NYScEF. 1:

The following day, Twitter[32] user @sarahmei tweeted, "I went to the New York county clerk’s website and found this filing. It includes the entire manuscript with allllllll the editor’s comments as exhibit B." Following this tweet, she began posting elements of the manuscript with the editor's comments. She describes the editor in a tweet,[33] "The editor is a conservative man who has published books for 45 & other folks with similar opinions. You can see that in the occasional “good point” comments. But mostly he was very politely having NONE of Milo’s bullshit. It’s glorious." This 18-part thread, the tweets received more than 10,000 retweets and 20,000 likes.

I went to the New York county clerk's website and found this filing. It includes the entire manuscript with alllIII the editor's comments as exhibit B Pinter @jasonpinter is section of Simon & Schuster's rebuttal to Milo's lawsuit over DANGEROUS. l didn't read the manuscript. Just the comments. They're...amazing. Even better than the excerpts in the filing And a pretty good summary of the book l imaaine Comment [A164] No, t this at all Comment [A165]: Graf Comment [A166]: 1w mentally il Comment [411] Ctators neede e at abes Comment [A279]: Not a sertence Comment [A 280]: Le's loave-cuck, Q nem of it ,' , .| comment [A281): This whole paragrapn is e comment 14121 Delete ifrelevan supermluous ethnic joke Comment 14405sc anurtchangea in 0e in tis peticulaly chapter do NOT ligmen cur mesenge with huyar Thay srbly diminish Comment [A4081: Tisis not the ame or orurcther hhrk d--- Will immediately start using "if you want to make a case for [f------ ridiculous thing], you're going to have to employ a lot more intellectual rigor than you use here." Comment [A3131 This entire section is the most poorly thouoht out section i the book f yot want to make a case for gay mee going back into the closet and marrying women just to have children you te going to have to employ a lot more intelectua ngor than you use here Comment 4314] Thisjust doesnt any make sense hre Comment [A3151. Tnat does NOT nebessarilyfollow.

Others online objected to the posting the edits as a joke. They saw the edits as a way to "whitewash" Milo's comments for the mainstream. Twitter user @surfbordt made a Twitter[34] thread (examples below) to explain this position. They wrote, "here's the PDF link to Milo's manuscript with commentary from the editor. An interesting insight into an attempt to launder fascist views into mainstream consumption. In a follow-up tweet, they wrote, "here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable."

here's the PDF link to Milo's manuscript with commentary from the editor. An interesting insight into an attempt to launder fascist views into mainstream consumption tD ?amp=1 here's how a conservative editor seeks to whitewash Milo into something more acceptable and profitable Comment tA1]: Add a short and serious statement here that sets out why you do what you do without trolling without bombaSt without narme caling, and without ego This will make for a stronger opening than playing to your core audience Make the pont that in each and every chapter of this book what you intend to show is the stifling of soeech Acknow edge that you use bombast and over the top messaging n an attempt to break the strictures on free expression in the same way that comedians ike Lernny Bruce once did And make the point that liberals used to defend free speech out that the snoe the aovent of political correctness the iliberal left has become the oppressive censors in American society Dangerous is basically unreadable. I saw a thread where the OP focused solely on the editorial comments and see why. One of the two is clearly wrong, but their confusion-butlbust is so glorious that I almost don't want to correct either one of them. That is trolling them In my trollery, I am surpassed only by one man, or, rather one God-Emperor: Donald Trump, a man who essentially trolled his way to the presidency. Like me, Daddy, as I like to call him (in itself another troll, only went after deserving targets: the media, Hillary and Bill Clinton, political correctness A master showman, Donald J. Trump can command the media's attention despite the fact that most of their leading lights despise him. Forcing people who hate you and everything you stand for to point cameras at you for over a year? That's a level of trolling I can only hope to achieve one day

Several media outlets covered the release of the edits as well as the online response to the edits, including The Washington Post,[35] Quartz,[36] The Guardian,[37] Newsweek[38] and more.

UC Berkeley Protest

Full Article: 2017 Milo Yiannopoulos UC Berkeley Protest

In early February of 2017, Yiannopoulos was scheduled to hold a talk to the students of UC Berkeley, when a large group of protesters arrived to the student union building and begun to tear down metal barricades, smash windows and set fires outside of the building. The protest gained heavy controversy.

Pedastry Controversy

On February 19th, 2017, the @ReaganBattalion Twitter feed posted a video from an episode of the Drunken Peasants podcast in which Yiannopoulos seemingly defends sexual relationships between adult men and teenage boys when discussing age of consent ideas as “arbitrary and oppressive” (shown below).

On February 20th, Fox News contributor Guy Benson tweeted that Yiannopoulos had been disinvited from speaking at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).[24] Meanwhile, Yiannopoulos published a post condemning pedophilia and "adults who sexually abuse minors," as well as claiming he was a "child abuse victim" (shown below).

Milo post condemning pedophilia and explaining he was a child abuse victim

That day, Simon & Schuster spokesperson Adam Rothberg tweeted that the publisher had cancelled Dangerous "after careful consideration" (shown below).[23] Also on February 20th, Fox Business reported that there was "fierce debate" inside Breitbart regarding Yiannopoulos' employment at the company.[25]

Adam Rothberg the official spokesperson for Simon & Shuster tweeting that they have cancelled Milo's book

Following the cancellation, screenshots of a 4chan thread began circulating in which a poster claimed to be part of a mainstream media email list, and that journalists had planned to "destroy" Yiannopoulos career by depicting him as a pedophile.[26]

list onf 4chan of how journalists tried to sabotage Milo with false claims he was supporting pedophilia

Resignation from Breitbart

On February 21st, Yiannopoulos released a statement that he would be resigning from Breitbart and that the decision "mine alone" prior to holding a press conference regarding the controversy:

BuzzFeed News Report

On October 5th, 2017, BuzzFeed[28] published an article titled "Here's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream," which included "an explosive cache of documents," including emails from Yiannoupoulos' private account. Among the emails included discussions about a Breitbart article defining the alt-right, in which Yiannopoulos consulted controversial figures asscoiated with the alt-right and white nationalism, such as Daily Stormer system administrator Andrew Auernheimer, software engineer Curtis Yarvin (a.k.a. Mencius Moldbug) and American Renaissance editor Devin Saucier (a.k.a. Henry Wolff). The article, titled "An Establishment Conservative's Guide to the Alt-Right," was subsequently written by Breitbart[27] staff writer Allum Bokhari. Additionally, the article included screenshots of emails sent by Steve Bannon berating Yiannopoulos for "jerking yourself off w/ marginalia" (shown below).

leaked emails between Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos

Additionally, the documents contained correspondences between Yiannopoulos, Bannon and Dan Fluette, an employee of Glittering Steel owned Robert Mercer. In the emails, Yiannopoulos discusses obtaining payment for security and his Dangerous Faggot book tour from Glittering Steel. An screenshot of Bannon and Michael Flynn Jr. praising a Basket of Deplorables meme was included as well (shown below).

leaked email in which Steve Bannon and Milo praise a funny meme of The Deplorables

The article also included leaked emails about meetings with venture capitalist Peter Theil, an email group including Vice writer Mitchell Sunderland and correspondences with former Slate technology writer David Auerbach regarding various figures associated with GamerGate. Auerbach subsequently tweeted that BuzzFeed misquoted his response and that their allegations against him were "categorically false" (shown below).

tweet by David Auerback about how buzzfeed had made up most of the information published in his name

That same day, BuzzFeed News uploaded a video of Yiannopoulos singing "America the Beautiful" was while Richard Spencer and others can be seen making Nazi salutes in the audience (shown below). In a statement to BuzzFeed News, Yiannopoulos claimed eyesight issues prevented him from seeing the salutes and "I disavow Richard Spencer and his entire sorry band of idiots."

[This video has been removed]

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External References

[1] Breitbart – Feminist Bullies Tearing the Video Game Industry Apart

[2] Breitbart – Exposed the secret mailing list

[3] Breitbart – The emails that prove video games journalism must be reformed

[4] Breitbart – The list every journalist in the gamejournopros group revealed

[5] Twitter – @Nero

[6] Manchester Students Union – Sate from the Students Union

[7] Twitter – @Nero

[8] Twitter – #JeSuisMilo

[9] Twitter – @NathanCHubbard

[10] The Blaze (via Wayback Machine) – Twitter Unverifies Outspoken Journalist

[11] BuzzFeed – Twitter Unverifies Writer Amid Speech Wars

[12] Breitbart – Twitter Declares War on Conservative Media

[13] Twitchy – #JeSuisMilo solidarity movement

[14] Twitter – @Nero

[15] Buzzfeed – Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

[16] Breitbart – Milo Suspended Permanently by Twitter Minutes Before ‘Gays For Trump’ Party At RNC

[17] Twitter – #FreeMilo

[18] Twitter – #FreeMilo trolling

[19] The New York Times – Twitter Bars Milo Yiannopoulos in Wake of Leslie Jones’s Reports of Abuse

[20] Fusion – Twitter just permanently suspended Milo Yiannopoulos, the internet’s biggest troll

[21] Twitter – The Twitter Rules

[22] – Amazon Best Sellers

[23] Amazon – Dangerous (unavailable)

[23] Twitter – @AdamRothberg

[24] Twitter – @guypbenson

[25] Mediaite – Fox Business Gasparino

[26] 4chan – Operation Destroy Milo

[27] Breitbart – An Establishment Conservatives Guide to the Alt Right

[28] BuzzFeed – Here's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream

[29] The Guardian – Milo Yiannopoulos peddles hate. It’s not censorship to refuse to publish it

[30] Twitter – @jasonpinter's Tweet

[31] New York County Clerk (via Waybck Machine) – Exhibit B

[32] Twitter – @sarahmei's Tweet

[33] Twitter – @sarahmei's Tweet

[34] Twitter – @suftbordt's Tweet

[35] The Washington Post – ‘Leave the lesbians out of it’: Who wants to edit Milo Yiannopoulos?=

[36] Quartz – Milo Yiannopoulos’s brutal takedown by his own editor, via court filings

[37] The Guardian – 'Unclear, unfunny, delete': editor's notes on Milo Yiannopoulos book revealed


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