Zoë Quinn - Images
How respectful.

Zoë Quinn
Japanese women and video games

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
![[URGENT] Possible staged incident to occur at Pax Prime Close Fullscreen」☆ 8/3014 at 8:25 PM To: safety@paxsite.com EPG Che'sea Van Val. 83 To who it may concem My name is *'i*..I am currently in the Seatle area and participating in the Pax Prime 2014 event. tt has come to my attention from several people at the event that a particular Chelsea Van Valkenburg, also known by her internet alias, Zoe Quinn, will attempt to stage a fake assualt on herself in a secluded location at the event and use it frame particular youtubers and twitter personalities that are at the event. Details include: staging the attack in a bathroom or seclude are.a she will be found" by a friend who will claim witnessing "a group of white males" possibly name dropping an internet personality at the event. they will refuse medical help or treatment and will "drive to the hospital and "contact the authorities directly and evade personal that try questioning her on her way out As ridiculous as this may sound, she has already been involved in incidents where she has pretended to have been hacked, and had her personal information leaked on the internet and blamed it on people that are "out to get her". This is within her MO and has already been proven that she will use underhanded and damaging methods for her insane causes. t request that she be monitored at all times in order to prevent a "Morton Downey r" incident and damaging the lives of people in the name of a sick twisted joke for publicity Despite my name being an alias, I still wish to treat this as an anonymous tip and publically don't want to be involved in the incident only that it may be treated with care. I've included a picture of the person in question as well so that you may quickly identify her Thank you,](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/821/937/1bc.png)
![[URGENT] Possible staged incident to occur at Pax Prime Close Fullscreen」☆ 8/3014 at 8:25 PM To: safety@paxsite.com EPG Che'sea Van Val. 83 To who it may concem My name is *'i*..I am currently in the Seatle area and participating in the Pax Prime 2014 event. tt has come to my attention from several people at the event that a particular Chelsea Van Valkenburg, also known by her internet alias, Zoe Quinn, will attempt to stage a fake assualt on herself in a secluded location at the event and use it frame particular youtubers and twitter personalities that are at the event. Details include: staging the attack in a bathroom or seclude are.a she will be found" by a friend who will claim witnessing "a group of white males" possibly name dropping an internet personality at the event. they will refuse medical help or treatment and will "drive to the hospital and "contact the authorities directly and evade personal that try questioning her on her way out As ridiculous as this may sound, she has already been involved in incidents where she has pretended to have been hacked, and had her personal information leaked on the internet and blamed it on people that are "out to get her". This is within her MO and has already been proven that she will use underhanded and damaging methods for her insane causes. t request that she be monitored at all times in order to prevent a "Morton Downey r" incident and damaging the lives of people in the name of a sick twisted joke for publicity Despite my name being an alias, I still wish to treat this as an anonymous tip and publically don't want to be involved in the incident only that it may be treated with care. I've included a picture of the person in question as well so that you may quickly identify her Thank you,](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/821/937/1bc.png)
Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
"Im totally being sincire and not in trouble with my boss you guys"

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
Oh so that's who Zoe Quinn resembles

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
A REAL American hero

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
The End of Fun

Zoë Quinn

Zoë Quinn
Maya Felix Kramer (@legobutts) Abuse Call Out - w/ Summary, Pictures, Explanation

Zoë Quinn