Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life - Images
this video and post caused severe brain damage to a generation

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
AVGN has insulted the Ogrelord and must be sacrificed. It's all ogre now.

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Polpo is love, 「Black Sabbath」 is life
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] File: file.png (838 KB, 1011x833) U Anonymous 06/22/19(Sat)09:27:47 No.189665134 189666253 > I was only 9 years old > I loved Jojo's Bizarre Adventures so much, I had all the manga volumes and anime DVDS > T pray to Pucci every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given > "Jojo is love" | say, "Jojo is life" > My dad hears me and he calls me a f----- > I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Jojo > I called him a c--- > He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep > I'm crying now and my face hurts > I lay in bed and its really cold > A warmth is moving towards me > Its Polpo > T am so happy > [Black Sabbath] whispers in to my ear "follow the path of the chosen or that of death" > He grabs me with his powerful hands and puts me on my hands and knees > I am ready >I spread my ass cheeks for Polpo > the Arrow penetrates my butthole > It hurts so much but I do it for Polpo >I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water > I push against his force >I want to please Polpo > TBlack SabbathJ roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with Stand power My dad walks in >Polpo looks at him straight in the eye and says "Exquisite" > Polpo leaves through my window > Jojo is love, Jojo is life >](
![[Return] [Catalog] [Bottom] File: file.png (838 KB, 1011x833) U Anonymous 06/22/19(Sat)09:27:47 No.189665134 189666253 > I was only 9 years old > I loved Jojo's Bizarre Adventures so much, I had all the manga volumes and anime DVDS > T pray to Pucci every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given > "Jojo is love" | say, "Jojo is life" > My dad hears me and he calls me a f----- > I knew he was just jealous of my devotion for Jojo > I called him a c--- > He slaps me and sends me to go to sleep > I'm crying now and my face hurts > I lay in bed and its really cold > A warmth is moving towards me > Its Polpo > T am so happy > [Black Sabbath] whispers in to my ear "follow the path of the chosen or that of death" > He grabs me with his powerful hands and puts me on my hands and knees > I am ready >I spread my ass cheeks for Polpo > the Arrow penetrates my butthole > It hurts so much but I do it for Polpo >I can feel my butt tearing as my eyes start to water > I push against his force >I want to please Polpo > TBlack SabbathJ roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with Stand power My dad walks in >Polpo looks at him straight in the eye and says "Exquisite" > Polpo leaves through my window > Jojo is love, Jojo is life >](
Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Cursed Image

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Sigmar is Love Sigmar is life by Victor Saltzpyre

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Shrek is love. Shrek is game.

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Gandhi is love Gandhi is life

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Shrek VS Peanut

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
"This is MY swamp now ya perv!"

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Caesar is love, Caesar is life

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Many spoofs of said meme

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Bendis is love, Bendis is life

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
trump is love, trump is life

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Trump is love, Trump is life

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
Someone got offended

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life
I Really, Really, Really Like This Image

Shrek Is Love, Shrek Is Life