4chan - Images
Soyjaks first motion picture experience
/int/ and /pol/ taste in women

The difference between /pol/ and /int/

Imagine being Cain
![: Anonymous 08/30/20(Sun)21:45:16 No.9360943 00.jpg 87 KB JPG Imagine being Cain 19 Replies / 5 Images View Thread : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:00:27 No.9362590 >>9360943 (OP) # Imagine not being saved https://www.youtube.com/watch?y=pSxegwiYLEQ [Open] : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:08:29 No.9362622 >>9360943 (OP) # >actually being your brother's keeper 108 KB JPG : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:09:07 No.9362625 >>9360943 (OP) # >smack brother with a rock >instant KO >laugh as he lays there passed out 20 KB JPG >hours later he's still laying there >try to wake him up but nothing works >God starts asking questions](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/891/107/75f.jpg)
![: Anonymous 08/30/20(Sun)21:45:16 No.9360943 00.jpg 87 KB JPG Imagine being Cain 19 Replies / 5 Images View Thread : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:00:27 No.9362590 >>9360943 (OP) # Imagine not being saved https://www.youtube.com/watch?y=pSxegwiYLEQ [Open] : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:08:29 No.9362622 >>9360943 (OP) # >actually being your brother's keeper 108 KB JPG : Anonymous 08/31/20(Mon)04:09:07 No.9362625 >>9360943 (OP) # >smack brother with a rock >instant KO >laugh as he lays there passed out 20 KB JPG >hours later he's still laying there >try to wake him up but nothing works >God starts asking questions](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/891/107/75f.jpg)
/vr/ - Retro Games

Based anon

David Lynch seizure hospital story

Quentin and the rise of "cringe culture"

The State of 4chan

Lunatic bursts out on 4chan over two artists

Vietnam 2.0: Born to Dab

History of Rhodesia, TL, DR edition
![* O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:25:10 No.24617399 > >>24617415 >>24614460 >>24614597 >>24614493 >>24614615 >Why did Rhodesia lose the Bush War Well they had a lot going against. Illl try to make it short and concise First you need some good Rhodesian music to set the mood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQMrD53Jofc [Embed] >1960s England has White Guilt and decides to start turning over all of its colonial assets over to the indigenous peoples of those regions >Rhodesia points out how this will ruin the country if its handed over to the region's tribal leaders without >Decades are required to make a transition to a Black majority rule without completely destroying over a century of making Rhodesia the most productive country in Africa >1964 Rhodesia declares independence preventing England from handing the country over to inexperienced and unprepared Africans >White and Black Rhodesians agree this is the best solution >Mugabe and Nkomo rise to power on a platform of ridding Rhodesia of its White citizens and Black supporters >They are armed and heavily supported with money and weapons by Communist China and Soviet Russia in exchange for mining rights later on >Mugabe and Nkomo's communist funding terrorists spend the next two decades, r-----, pillaging and ambushing civilians on their farms >1966 The Bush Wars begin as Mugabe and Nkomo lead the " Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army" terrorist group (ZANU) >Losing the physical fight they turn to the United Nations >They plea their case and lie about oppression under White Rule >1968 The United Nations enact sanctions wrongfully blaming Rhodesia as a "racist minority" rule >1970 Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa become formal allies in the "Border Wars" being fought by South Africa in Angola > O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:26:12 No.24617415 > >>24617423 >>24617399 >1970 Soviet Union begins pouring more aid into Mugabe's rebel terrorists allowing them to put more pressure on Rhodesia >The now embolden communist forces begin to engage in wide spread battles crossing borders in Mozambique and Zambia. >Light Rhodesian Infantry, Selous Scouts, South African PATU, Rhodesian Foreign Legion (American and European volunteers) etc, engage in counter insurgency and counter terrorist missions >Rhodesian wins every single engagement even while heavily outnumbered and out-funded by the Chinese and Russian backed African terrorists >Mugabe and Nkomo are facing HEAVY loses ranging from the hundreds to thousands KIA in individual engagements by significantly smaller Rhodesian units >1974 Portugal begins to lose power in Mozambique >Angolan political climate become unstable react leading to a civil war >1975 Portugal loses colonial rule over Mozambique >South Africa becomes heavily commits troops to Angola to secure its border in light of the instability and violent civil war >1975 Rhodesia's only noteworthy Ally of the last 2 decades, South Africa, withdraws all aid military support >Rhodesia is now one the last standing former colonial nation in Africa >1966-1976 Rhodesia continues parlaying with the rebels in hopes of peace and a slow transition to a more racially equal society as was intended before the Bush wars began >England continually demanding complete transference of power to the tribal leaders while Mugabe's rebels ambush and kill Rhodesian civilians and negotiators >1978 70% of Rhodesian soldiers's fighting Mugabe are Black as well as 30 of the officers >1979 Rhodesia opens up a more racially equal government and new elections >Mugabe's ZANU terrorist political party is not put on the voting ballot >Bishop Muzorewa is democratically elected Rhodesia's Prime Minister >> O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:27:27 No.24617423 ► >24617484 >>24617415 >Rebel forces cry out in outrage claiming white minority privileges are left intact >United Nations demands a re-vote, this time with Mugabe being permitted on the voting ballot >1980 Mugabe's forces through intimidation, r--- and murder win the election >The Selous Scouts are given the mission to assassinate Mugabe and force a recount of the votes without terrorist intimidation >Moments before the plan is carried out the Selous Scouts receive word they've been compromised and 20 minutes before the Assassination, are recalled >Mugabe had been tipped off >It is rumored that a Superior Officer of the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation had been feeding information to England for years, which was then given to Mugabe's forces >Rhodesia is unable to perform a recount of the Prime Minister election under United Nations and England's pressure >Mugabe and his terrorists ZANU party take control over Rhodesia >1980 Republic of Zimbabwe is founded >1990s White Rhodesian Land owners are stripped of their farms and given to Mugabe's officers as war prizes for their support during the Bush War's >The farms are poorly managed and much of the previously well maintained farm land is left to ruin >Mass inflation results and cripples the Zimbabwean dollar >2008 Zimbabwean inflation reaches a peak at 79.6 billion percent >2009 Zimbabwe abandons their currency >2014 Zimbabwe begins the year with the "starving season" which effects 2 million Zimbabweans >2014 China wants Mineral right ownership of resources in Zimbabwe as Collateral for billions of dollars in economic aid to Zimbabwe over the years That's what happened. The greatest economic and agricultural power of Africa was destroyed over political correctness and international pressure. For 2 decades Rhodesia went alone and fought off a communist insurgency. They were an independent nation for 15 years. And they won. Every. Single. Battle. For 15 years. What they lost, was the political war.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/885/200/10e.png)
![* O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:25:10 No.24617399 > >>24617415 >>24614460 >>24614597 >>24614493 >>24614615 >Why did Rhodesia lose the Bush War Well they had a lot going against. Illl try to make it short and concise First you need some good Rhodesian music to set the mood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQMrD53Jofc [Embed] >1960s England has White Guilt and decides to start turning over all of its colonial assets over to the indigenous peoples of those regions >Rhodesia points out how this will ruin the country if its handed over to the region's tribal leaders without >Decades are required to make a transition to a Black majority rule without completely destroying over a century of making Rhodesia the most productive country in Africa >1964 Rhodesia declares independence preventing England from handing the country over to inexperienced and unprepared Africans >White and Black Rhodesians agree this is the best solution >Mugabe and Nkomo rise to power on a platform of ridding Rhodesia of its White citizens and Black supporters >They are armed and heavily supported with money and weapons by Communist China and Soviet Russia in exchange for mining rights later on >Mugabe and Nkomo's communist funding terrorists spend the next two decades, r-----, pillaging and ambushing civilians on their farms >1966 The Bush Wars begin as Mugabe and Nkomo lead the " Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army" terrorist group (ZANU) >Losing the physical fight they turn to the United Nations >They plea their case and lie about oppression under White Rule >1968 The United Nations enact sanctions wrongfully blaming Rhodesia as a "racist minority" rule >1970 Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa become formal allies in the "Border Wars" being fought by South Africa in Angola > O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:26:12 No.24617415 > >>24617423 >>24617399 >1970 Soviet Union begins pouring more aid into Mugabe's rebel terrorists allowing them to put more pressure on Rhodesia >The now embolden communist forces begin to engage in wide spread battles crossing borders in Mozambique and Zambia. >Light Rhodesian Infantry, Selous Scouts, South African PATU, Rhodesian Foreign Legion (American and European volunteers) etc, engage in counter insurgency and counter terrorist missions >Rhodesian wins every single engagement even while heavily outnumbered and out-funded by the Chinese and Russian backed African terrorists >Mugabe and Nkomo are facing HEAVY loses ranging from the hundreds to thousands KIA in individual engagements by significantly smaller Rhodesian units >1974 Portugal begins to lose power in Mozambique >Angolan political climate become unstable react leading to a civil war >1975 Portugal loses colonial rule over Mozambique >South Africa becomes heavily commits troops to Angola to secure its border in light of the instability and violent civil war >1975 Rhodesia's only noteworthy Ally of the last 2 decades, South Africa, withdraws all aid military support >Rhodesia is now one the last standing former colonial nation in Africa >1966-1976 Rhodesia continues parlaying with the rebels in hopes of peace and a slow transition to a more racially equal society as was intended before the Bush wars began >England continually demanding complete transference of power to the tribal leaders while Mugabe's rebels ambush and kill Rhodesian civilians and negotiators >1978 70% of Rhodesian soldiers's fighting Mugabe are Black as well as 30 of the officers >1979 Rhodesia opens up a more racially equal government and new elections >Mugabe's ZANU terrorist political party is not put on the voting ballot >Bishop Muzorewa is democratically elected Rhodesia's Prime Minister >> O Anonymous 02/06/15(Fri)01:27:27 No.24617423 ► >24617484 >>24617415 >Rebel forces cry out in outrage claiming white minority privileges are left intact >United Nations demands a re-vote, this time with Mugabe being permitted on the voting ballot >1980 Mugabe's forces through intimidation, r--- and murder win the election >The Selous Scouts are given the mission to assassinate Mugabe and force a recount of the votes without terrorist intimidation >Moments before the plan is carried out the Selous Scouts receive word they've been compromised and 20 minutes before the Assassination, are recalled >Mugabe had been tipped off >It is rumored that a Superior Officer of the Rhodesian Central Intelligence Organisation had been feeding information to England for years, which was then given to Mugabe's forces >Rhodesia is unable to perform a recount of the Prime Minister election under United Nations and England's pressure >Mugabe and his terrorists ZANU party take control over Rhodesia >1980 Republic of Zimbabwe is founded >1990s White Rhodesian Land owners are stripped of their farms and given to Mugabe's officers as war prizes for their support during the Bush War's >The farms are poorly managed and much of the previously well maintained farm land is left to ruin >Mass inflation results and cripples the Zimbabwean dollar >2008 Zimbabwean inflation reaches a peak at 79.6 billion percent >2009 Zimbabwe abandons their currency >2014 Zimbabwe begins the year with the "starving season" which effects 2 million Zimbabweans >2014 China wants Mineral right ownership of resources in Zimbabwe as Collateral for billions of dollars in economic aid to Zimbabwe over the years That's what happened. The greatest economic and agricultural power of Africa was destroyed over political correctness and international pressure. For 2 decades Rhodesia went alone and fought off a communist insurgency. They were an independent nation for 15 years. And they won. Every. Single. Battle. For 15 years. What they lost, was the political war.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/885/200/10e.png)
History of Rhodesia

Anon fucks up beyond words

Anon goes to Cringefest High
![File: 1597102719402.jpg (131 KB, 1024x924) O Anonymous 08/11/20(Tue)11:52:30 No.520659483 [Reply] > >>520667676 >>520667759 >>520667884 >that kid who made a vidya presentation I hope none of you did this + 79 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view. O Anonymous 08/11/20(Tue)13:15:37 No.520667676 ► File: 1576701086883.png (57 KB, 500x486) >>520659483 (OP) I had to take public speaking in college and this one girl gave a presentation about being vegan. Anytime she would present a fact or point this fat Hispanic kid wearing a Zelda hat would scoff and roll his eyes. When her presentation was done he then proceeded to waddle up to the podium for his presentation. This dude gave a full 10 minute speech on why Reddit is the best thing ever. It was quite possibly the most painful thing I've ever sat through in a classroom. Obliterate yourself from existence](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/882/469/8f5.png)
![File: 1597102719402.jpg (131 KB, 1024x924) O Anonymous 08/11/20(Tue)11:52:30 No.520659483 [Reply] > >>520667676 >>520667759 >>520667884 >that kid who made a vidya presentation I hope none of you did this + 79 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view. O Anonymous 08/11/20(Tue)13:15:37 No.520667676 ► File: 1576701086883.png (57 KB, 500x486) >>520659483 (OP) I had to take public speaking in college and this one girl gave a presentation about being vegan. Anytime she would present a fact or point this fat Hispanic kid wearing a Zelda hat would scoff and roll his eyes. When her presentation was done he then proceeded to waddle up to the podium for his presentation. This dude gave a full 10 minute speech on why Reddit is the best thing ever. It was quite possibly the most painful thing I've ever sat through in a classroom. Obliterate yourself from existence](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/882/469/8f5.png)
Mouse pedophile sucking off business mouse's foot
