Kotaku - Images
"im trying to interpret this generously but i’m struggling. if anything it’s just a reminder that he...
![Gene Park @GenePark im trying to interpret this generously but i'm struggling. if anything it's just a reminder that he is a white man, no matter how hard he tries to be an ally. Actually Tina_is_Endwalking FFXIV @Actually Tina - May 3 Okay so idk if anyone archived it (because he deleted it) but you can find the responses to it A senior writer ar Kotaku posted this about Nintendo blacklisting them Holy f------ s---. The derangement Luke Plunkett @LukePlunkett for the record, this is how I feel about publisher blacklists PROP-EXCTE JA TOMAND -SYSET MR. TRIE 5 7:27 PM-May 2, 2023 - 18K Views 6 Retweets 22 Quotes 154 Likes 4:37 PM May 4, 2023 211.4K Views 1 Bookmark 121 Retweets 7 Quotes 1,535 Likes 58 Bookmarks [] 口 : LIFE (→ :](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/583/008/233.png)
![Gene Park @GenePark im trying to interpret this generously but i'm struggling. if anything it's just a reminder that he is a white man, no matter how hard he tries to be an ally. Actually Tina_is_Endwalking FFXIV @Actually Tina - May 3 Okay so idk if anyone archived it (because he deleted it) but you can find the responses to it A senior writer ar Kotaku posted this about Nintendo blacklisting them Holy f------ s---. The derangement Luke Plunkett @LukePlunkett for the record, this is how I feel about publisher blacklists PROP-EXCTE JA TOMAND -SYSET MR. TRIE 5 7:27 PM-May 2, 2023 - 18K Views 6 Retweets 22 Quotes 154 Likes 4:37 PM May 4, 2023 211.4K Views 1 Bookmark 121 Retweets 7 Quotes 1,535 Likes 58 Bookmarks [] 口 : LIFE (→ :](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/583/008/233.png)
Stay classy, Kotaku

A childish take on FNAF: Security Breach
Kotaku produced the best article by Milo The Cat (July 2021)

People reacting to Kotaku approving of emulating Metroid Dread

Hypocrisy much, Mike "I Hate Bearded White Males" Fahey?

Nathan Grayson leaving Kotaku, and nothing of value was lost

E3 2021's Twitch chat has been miserable

Ian Walker's Kotaku article (and clickbait) on SoP:FFO



Brad Glasgow

Cancel culture

Its ok when we do it

Kotaku's Gamers of the Year 2020
Kotaku's Chingy Nea thinks crafting in FFXIV turns you into a evil capitalist swine
