SCP Foundation - Images
SCP Foundation Main Branch Statement #1
![It is the opinion of the English branch of the SCP Wiki (hereafter, -EN), being the oldest and largest branch, as represented by its master administrator John Ryan Beattie, known on -EN as DrMann, that Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich's registering of trademark for the SCP Foundation within the Russian Federation is an illegal use of our intellectual property, which he has no rights to. In addition, we agree with the assertions of the Russian branch of the SCP Wiki (hereafter, -RU), the plaintiffs in this matter, in every charge against Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich. -EN would like to clarify the following facts for the record. The first public use of SCP content was in 2007, with the posting of a work to xl subsection of the English language imageboard 4chan. While not formally titled in its original form, the content of the work quickly caused it to be known as 'SCP-173' (hereafter, 173). Due to the structure of 4chan, the original work is irrecoverable, but it exists in a substantially unchanged form on -EN1. While due to 4chan's nature as an anonymous board, it is impossible to directly discover the original author of 173, evidence would be provided several years later that a user named Moto42 both wrote and originally posted 173. This makes him the original content rightsholder of SCP-173, and all derived matters, which includes "The SCP Foundation While the legal identity of Moto42 is unknown, it is -EN's position, upon information and belief, that Moto42 is the original rightsholder for all SCP content, that Moto42 is not Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich, and that at all times herein relevant, Moto42 did not reside within the Russian Federation. To the understanding of -EN, Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich has never claimed to be Moto42. A community quickly grew around the and the work and its first derivative works, which, in July 25th, 2008, found its home on a Wikidot wiki, which became-EN2.-EN was founded by a user named TheAdministrator/FritzWillie. While we do not know the legal identity of this user, it is -EN's position, upon information and belief, that TheAdministrator/FritzWillie is not Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich, and that, in all times herein relevant, TheAdministrator/FritzWillie resided within the United States of America. To the understanding of -EN, Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich has never claimed to be TheAdministrator/FritzWillie Moto42 later released SCP-173, and all other SCP content, into the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license (hereafter CC-BY-SA 3.0), and entrusted its management to the staff of-EN Due to the terms of the CC-BY-SA 3.0, this act is irreversible The staff of -EN have continued to use, and are legally required to continue to use, the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license Viewable at the following URL: 2Viewable at the following URL:](
![It is the opinion of the English branch of the SCP Wiki (hereafter, -EN), being the oldest and largest branch, as represented by its master administrator John Ryan Beattie, known on -EN as DrMann, that Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich's registering of trademark for the SCP Foundation within the Russian Federation is an illegal use of our intellectual property, which he has no rights to. In addition, we agree with the assertions of the Russian branch of the SCP Wiki (hereafter, -RU), the plaintiffs in this matter, in every charge against Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich. -EN would like to clarify the following facts for the record. The first public use of SCP content was in 2007, with the posting of a work to xl subsection of the English language imageboard 4chan. While not formally titled in its original form, the content of the work quickly caused it to be known as 'SCP-173' (hereafter, 173). Due to the structure of 4chan, the original work is irrecoverable, but it exists in a substantially unchanged form on -EN1. While due to 4chan's nature as an anonymous board, it is impossible to directly discover the original author of 173, evidence would be provided several years later that a user named Moto42 both wrote and originally posted 173. This makes him the original content rightsholder of SCP-173, and all derived matters, which includes "The SCP Foundation While the legal identity of Moto42 is unknown, it is -EN's position, upon information and belief, that Moto42 is the original rightsholder for all SCP content, that Moto42 is not Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich, and that at all times herein relevant, Moto42 did not reside within the Russian Federation. To the understanding of -EN, Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich has never claimed to be Moto42. A community quickly grew around the and the work and its first derivative works, which, in July 25th, 2008, found its home on a Wikidot wiki, which became-EN2.-EN was founded by a user named TheAdministrator/FritzWillie. While we do not know the legal identity of this user, it is -EN's position, upon information and belief, that TheAdministrator/FritzWillie is not Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich, and that, in all times herein relevant, TheAdministrator/FritzWillie resided within the United States of America. To the understanding of -EN, Duksin Andrey Vladimirovich has never claimed to be TheAdministrator/FritzWillie Moto42 later released SCP-173, and all other SCP content, into the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license (hereafter CC-BY-SA 3.0), and entrusted its management to the staff of-EN Due to the terms of the CC-BY-SA 3.0, this act is irreversible The staff of -EN have continued to use, and are legally required to continue to use, the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license Viewable at the following URL: 2Viewable at the following URL:](
SCP Foundation
Andrey Duskin's SCP Foundation Logo Trademark Registration
![1661748 РОССИИСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ RU ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОИ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ 0 Товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания и наименования мест происхонудения товаров е статуса: 06.07.2018) Товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания (111) Номер досударстееннои регистрации: 661748 (210) Номер заявки 2017722165 (181) Дата истечения срока действия исключительноао права: Приоритет: 05.06.2017 (220) Дата подачи заявки: 05.06.2017 (151) Дата аосуоар㎝6енной реаистрации: 05.07.2018 05.06.2027 (450) Дата публикации: 05.07.2018 ние) товарноао знака, знака обслуживания SCP Foundatior (732) Пра6ообласатель Дуксин Андрей Владимирович, 194356, Санкт-Петербург, пр-т Энгельса, д. 138, корп. 2, кв. 295 (RU) (750) Адрес для переписки 196191, Санкт-Петербург, пл. Конституции, Д. 7, оф. 616. ЗАО "Усков и Партнеры", Усковой С.Б. (511) Классы МКТУ и перечень mosapoe u/или услуа 09-магниты декоративные: программы для компьютеров; программы игровые для компьютеров; публикации электронные загружаемые 16-авторучки: альбомы, афиши, плакаты: блокноты: блокноты 1канцелярские товары: оуклеты; журналы [издания периодические: закладки для книг; издания печатные: изображения графические: календари: карандаши: книги: книжки-комиксы: конверты [канцелярские товары: подложки-коврики для рабочего стола: принадлежности школьные [канцелярские товары; фигурки [статуэтки] из папье-маше: 28-игры комнатные: игры настольные 35-компьютеризированные услуги онлайн магазинов розничной продажи: маркетинг; презентация товаров на всех медиасредствах, с целью розни чнои продажи; продвижение продаж для третьих лиц; реклама: реклама интерактивная в компьютернои сети: услуги магазинов по розничнои продаже товаров. 41-издание книг: информация по вопросам отдыха: информация по вопросам развлечений; киностудии: микрофильмирование: монтаж видеозаписей; обеспечение интерактивными электронными публикациями, незагружаемыми: предоставление видео файлов онлайн, незагружаемых; предоставление музыкальных файлов онлаин. незагружаемых: предоставление незагружаемых фильмов через сервисы видео по запросу", производство кинофильмов, за исключением производства рекламных роликов; развлечения.](
![1661748 РОССИИСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ RU ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОИ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ 0 Товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания и наименования мест происхонудения товаров е статуса: 06.07.2018) Товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания (111) Номер досударстееннои регистрации: 661748 (210) Номер заявки 2017722165 (181) Дата истечения срока действия исключительноао права: Приоритет: 05.06.2017 (220) Дата подачи заявки: 05.06.2017 (151) Дата аосуоар㎝6енной реаистрации: 05.07.2018 05.06.2027 (450) Дата публикации: 05.07.2018 ние) товарноао знака, знака обслуживания SCP Foundatior (732) Пра6ообласатель Дуксин Андрей Владимирович, 194356, Санкт-Петербург, пр-т Энгельса, д. 138, корп. 2, кв. 295 (RU) (750) Адрес для переписки 196191, Санкт-Петербург, пл. Конституции, Д. 7, оф. 616. ЗАО "Усков и Партнеры", Усковой С.Б. (511) Классы МКТУ и перечень mosapoe u/или услуа 09-магниты декоративные: программы для компьютеров; программы игровые для компьютеров; публикации электронные загружаемые 16-авторучки: альбомы, афиши, плакаты: блокноты: блокноты 1канцелярские товары: оуклеты; журналы [издания периодические: закладки для книг; издания печатные: изображения графические: календари: карандаши: книги: книжки-комиксы: конверты [канцелярские товары: подложки-коврики для рабочего стола: принадлежности школьные [канцелярские товары; фигурки [статуэтки] из папье-маше: 28-игры комнатные: игры настольные 35-компьютеризированные услуги онлайн магазинов розничной продажи: маркетинг; презентация товаров на всех медиасредствах, с целью розни чнои продажи; продвижение продаж для третьих лиц; реклама: реклама интерактивная в компьютернои сети: услуги магазинов по розничнои продаже товаров. 41-издание книг: информация по вопросам отдыха: информация по вопросам развлечений; киностудии: микрофильмирование: монтаж видеозаписей; обеспечение интерактивными электронными публикациями, незагружаемыми: предоставление видео файлов онлайн, незагружаемых; предоставление музыкальных файлов онлаин. незагружаемых: предоставление незагружаемых фильмов через сервисы видео по запросу", производство кинофильмов, за исключением производства рекламных роликов; развлечения.](
SCP Foundation
999 AND 1192
!["SCP 1192":http://SCPWIKI.COM/SCP-1192
"SCP 999":http://SCPWIKI.COM/SCP-999](
!["SCP 1192":http://SCPWIKI.COM/SCP-1192
"SCP 999":http://SCPWIKI.COM/SCP-999](
SCP Foundation
![RPC-916 Registered Phenomena Code: 916 Object Class: Beta-Yellow Hazards: Chronological Hazard, Sapient Hazard 時空穿越指南 點先唔會整死自己 Containment Protocols: RPC-916 instances are currently contained within permanent Alpha-Class storage containers at Site-016 or Site-0381. In the event that containment of all acquired RPC-916 instances is no longer feasible for any reason, destruction of RPC-916 instances is to be allowed after the instances are digitally scanned. An Authority webcrawler has been created for the purposes of detecting any mentions of RPC-916 on internet forums and book sharing websites, and the anomalous scientific community is to be monitored for the construction of a device capable of controlled temporal displacement. Cover of RPC-916- 3014. A false buy order on booksellers for a book matching the description of RPC-916 has been established and is to be regularly maintained. Retrievals of RPC-916 instances are to be considered one of the top priorities for personnel with involvement in chronological anomalies](
![RPC-916 Registered Phenomena Code: 916 Object Class: Beta-Yellow Hazards: Chronological Hazard, Sapient Hazard 時空穿越指南 點先唔會整死自己 Containment Protocols: RPC-916 instances are currently contained within permanent Alpha-Class storage containers at Site-016 or Site-0381. In the event that containment of all acquired RPC-916 instances is no longer feasible for any reason, destruction of RPC-916 instances is to be allowed after the instances are digitally scanned. An Authority webcrawler has been created for the purposes of detecting any mentions of RPC-916 on internet forums and book sharing websites, and the anomalous scientific community is to be monitored for the construction of a device capable of controlled temporal displacement. Cover of RPC-916- 3014. A false buy order on booksellers for a book matching the description of RPC-916 has been established and is to be regularly maintained. Retrievals of RPC-916 instances are to be considered one of the top priorities for personnel with involvement in chronological anomalies](
SCP Foundation
![RPC--J 56 Name thing: - What Thing: Me pe lHke Me like. Bad thing dead. Danger Thing: Big, Mad Show Archived Containment Protocols Show Current Containment Protocols Me make picture of RPC--J on cave wall. Look Like: RPC--J big hairy thing with long nose that make loud noise. RPC-- really fat but RPC--J stronger than chief.1 RPC--J have two big tusk and like to smash huts with tusk. Not even strongest club or bow can hurt RPC-C-J. Shaman say RPC- -J was made by forest god to punish village for stealing nuts from forest. That why RPC- -J kill village virgins in forest. RPC--J make virgin into forest god servants. Show Addendum Show Addendum Footnotes 1. No one stronger than chief.](
![RPC--J 56 Name thing: - What Thing: Me pe lHke Me like. Bad thing dead. Danger Thing: Big, Mad Show Archived Containment Protocols Show Current Containment Protocols Me make picture of RPC--J on cave wall. Look Like: RPC--J big hairy thing with long nose that make loud noise. RPC-- really fat but RPC--J stronger than chief.1 RPC--J have two big tusk and like to smash huts with tusk. Not even strongest club or bow can hurt RPC-C-J. Shaman say RPC- -J was made by forest god to punish village for stealing nuts from forest. That why RPC- -J kill village virgins in forest. RPC--J make virgin into forest god servants. Show Addendum Show Addendum Footnotes 1. No one stronger than chief.](
SCP Foundation
![Zippity zoppity yippity yay, this is RPC- 940-J! 28 At the RPC Authority, we're going over anomalies today, with this one's Registered Phenomena Code being 940-J! As long as you'll follow his rules, 940's real mellow, and that is why his object class is Beta-Yellow! Now that that's settled, despite him looking quite shattered, you'll be relieved to know that sentience is his only hazard. To keep 940 contained, you must introduce into your communication the style of Seuss! How to describe it? It couldn't be easier! It looks like an owl (except much freakier) It's a little wood statue you could fit on a dresser that listens about itself, from whom or wherever. It'll hear you anywhere, from your foyer, from your bedside, from your basement (trust us, we've tried) and if you talk about it in a way that's not quite right, then boy oh boy, you'll be in for a night!](
![Zippity zoppity yippity yay, this is RPC- 940-J! 28 At the RPC Authority, we're going over anomalies today, with this one's Registered Phenomena Code being 940-J! As long as you'll follow his rules, 940's real mellow, and that is why his object class is Beta-Yellow! Now that that's settled, despite him looking quite shattered, you'll be relieved to know that sentience is his only hazard. To keep 940 contained, you must introduce into your communication the style of Seuss! How to describe it? It couldn't be easier! It looks like an owl (except much freakier) It's a little wood statue you could fit on a dresser that listens about itself, from whom or wherever. It'll hear you anywhere, from your foyer, from your bedside, from your basement (trust us, we've tried) and if you talk about it in a way that's not quite right, then boy oh boy, you'll be in for a night!](
SCP Foundation
RPC Object Classes
![Moderate Orange: Orange-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is capable of lethality but not guaranteed to display it. Red: Red-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is both actively lethal and aggressive to other lifeforms and/or individuals Severe Purple: Purple-rated RPCs denote an anomaly capable of exterminating life en masse and/or entire populations Black: Black-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is lethal enough to cause an apocalyptic scenario and/or end all human life.](
![Moderate Orange: Orange-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is capable of lethality but not guaranteed to display it. Red: Red-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is both actively lethal and aggressive to other lifeforms and/or individuals Severe Purple: Purple-rated RPCs denote an anomaly capable of exterminating life en masse and/or entire populations Black: Black-rated RPCs denote an anomaly that is lethal enough to cause an apocalyptic scenario and/or end all human life.](
SCP Foundation
RPC Authority Logo
![VRPC Authority Research, Protection, Containment](
![VRPC Authority Research, Protection, Containment](
SCP Foundation
"The EM radiation spectrum of the XTE J1118+480 black hole during the 13/04/2029 incident. The level...
!["SCP-4413 was a metafictional war fought from 13/04/2010 to 13/04/2029. Due to the difficulty in tracking fictional events and the detonation of an infohazardous warhead on 10/01/2025, full knowledge on SCP-4413 does not exist.
Current information indicates that the war began when an individual (PoI-4413) performed a metafictional descension ritual, inserting themselves into an (at the time) ongoing webcomic. The incident was quickly handled by Foundation assets but anomalous fan communities responded with heavy backlash. Members took varying actions in response, including direct actions against the Foundation, attempts to repeat the descension ritual, and actions against other community members.
SCP-4413 and all associated narratives are presumed to have been permanently concluded as of 13/04/2029."](
!["SCP-4413 was a metafictional war fought from 13/04/2010 to 13/04/2029. Due to the difficulty in tracking fictional events and the detonation of an infohazardous warhead on 10/01/2025, full knowledge on SCP-4413 does not exist.
Current information indicates that the war began when an individual (PoI-4413) performed a metafictional descension ritual, inserting themselves into an (at the time) ongoing webcomic. The incident was quickly handled by Foundation assets but anomalous fan communities responded with heavy backlash. Members took varying actions in response, including direct actions against the Foundation, attempts to repeat the descension ritual, and actions against other community members.
SCP-4413 and all associated narratives are presumed to have been permanently concluded as of 13/04/2029."](
SCP Foundation
Of course this gay is not that gay.
![No one: SCP-230 will be g a y!](
![No one: SCP-230 will be g a y!](
SCP Foundation
Berryman-Langford Memetic Kill Agent
SCP Foundation
SCP-6003: Watermelon Island
SCP Foundation
D-6ix9ine vs SCP-106
!["[REDACTED] Iffy, Uh!
D-class got the stiffy, uh!
Pop these femurs like a wheelie n----, you a silly n----
In the cell with them Euclid n----- and them Keter n-----
In this cell with this skip "953" on the floor, I wanna f--- her but she [REDACTED] she only wants the jaw."
It's been circulating around the internet from what I've seen, so I don't know the real source. Found this on _Discord_ though.
-Also don't know what gallery this would best fit in, so I just dumped it. Maybe a mod can help out?- Moved to an appropriate gallery, thanks Twist!](
!["[REDACTED] Iffy, Uh!
D-class got the stiffy, uh!
Pop these femurs like a wheelie n----, you a silly n----
In the cell with them Euclid n----- and them Keter n-----
In this cell with this skip "953" on the floor, I wanna f--- her but she [REDACTED] she only wants the jaw."
It's been circulating around the internet from what I've seen, so I don't know the real source. Found this on _Discord_ though.
-Also don't know what gallery this would best fit in, so I just dumped it. Maybe a mod can help out?- Moved to an appropriate gallery, thanks Twist!](
SCP Foundation
There is a child screaming down here... or is there?
![Hey Vsauce. REDACTED] here There is a child screaming down here. . Or is there?](
![Hey Vsauce. REDACTED] here There is a child screaming down here. . Or is there?](
SCP Foundation
SCP Foundation
DK-Class Donkey Kong Scenario
![NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following document was found inside a shipment of bananas to the Site-19 lunchroom, written with musical notation that has not been included. The source of the document has not yet been identified, and is currently considered a breach of information. Any information regarding the source of this document is to be reported at the earliest convenience - Maria Jones, Director, RAISA He-He-Here we go! So they're finally here, performing for you If ya know the procedures, you can contain them too! Report the breach, and call the O5 With a little luck, you'll stay alive! Huh! DK Containment Breach He's from Series One, so you know him well He's finally back, to raise some hell If he's in your office, it'll stay nice and neat, But he leaves behind traps, so watch your feet! To the cleverest is where he'll go So give it up, for Oh-Five-Oh! Huh! DK Containment Breach DK Containment Breach is here! This scip's got history, so listen up dudes He used to be at Wilson's, 'till we changed the rules Walter first came from the big "W" Now it's up to us to make him good as new! He's our cyborg ape who plays a jolly tune We're all hoping he feels better soon! Huh! DK Containment Breach He wears overalls, he loves to race Th-This scip blew off his own face He can toy with motors, to make them zoom If you're lucky, there'll be no boom Put him on wheels and he'll do tricks It's SCP Thirty-Eight Thirty-Six! Huh! DK Containment Breach! DK Containment Breach is here! They're back again, as plush as can be Leading a rebellion against you and me They can cause real havoc with their glitter bombs You can lock them up, but never for long! They'll make you smile with their jokes and pranks Just be careful your teddy doesn't join their ranks! Huh! DK Containment Breach! Huh! Finally, he's here for you Get ready for Two-Two-Nine-Two! is scip's got powers that aren't funny He'll turn you into a zombie or mummy! Inaki's a good ape, but with a troubled past He can't die, and of his kind he's the last Despite his death touch and tuber heart This scip is peaceful, and enjoys making art! C'mon Bigfoot, take it to the fridge Old Men, Peanuts, Shy Guys as well Safes, Euclids, Keters and Thaumiels, hell! Aww yeah! Old Men, Peanuts, Shy Guys as well Safes, Euclids, Keters and Thaumiels, hell! Aww yeah!](
![NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following document was found inside a shipment of bananas to the Site-19 lunchroom, written with musical notation that has not been included. The source of the document has not yet been identified, and is currently considered a breach of information. Any information regarding the source of this document is to be reported at the earliest convenience - Maria Jones, Director, RAISA He-He-Here we go! So they're finally here, performing for you If ya know the procedures, you can contain them too! Report the breach, and call the O5 With a little luck, you'll stay alive! Huh! DK Containment Breach He's from Series One, so you know him well He's finally back, to raise some hell If he's in your office, it'll stay nice and neat, But he leaves behind traps, so watch your feet! To the cleverest is where he'll go So give it up, for Oh-Five-Oh! Huh! DK Containment Breach DK Containment Breach is here! This scip's got history, so listen up dudes He used to be at Wilson's, 'till we changed the rules Walter first came from the big "W" Now it's up to us to make him good as new! He's our cyborg ape who plays a jolly tune We're all hoping he feels better soon! Huh! DK Containment Breach He wears overalls, he loves to race Th-This scip blew off his own face He can toy with motors, to make them zoom If you're lucky, there'll be no boom Put him on wheels and he'll do tricks It's SCP Thirty-Eight Thirty-Six! Huh! DK Containment Breach! DK Containment Breach is here! They're back again, as plush as can be Leading a rebellion against you and me They can cause real havoc with their glitter bombs You can lock them up, but never for long! They'll make you smile with their jokes and pranks Just be careful your teddy doesn't join their ranks! Huh! DK Containment Breach! Huh! Finally, he's here for you Get ready for Two-Two-Nine-Two! is scip's got powers that aren't funny He'll turn you into a zombie or mummy! Inaki's a good ape, but with a troubled past He can't die, and of his kind he's the last Despite his death touch and tuber heart This scip is peaceful, and enjoys making art! C'mon Bigfoot, take it to the fridge Old Men, Peanuts, Shy Guys as well Safes, Euclids, Keters and Thaumiels, hell! Aww yeah! Old Men, Peanuts, Shy Guys as well Safes, Euclids, Keters and Thaumiels, hell! Aww yeah!](
SCP Foundation