/tg/ - Images
World War 1 and D&D crossover: The Setting
![Full thread <a href="http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/4139522/">can be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/894/131/788.png)
![Full thread <a href="http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/4139522/">can be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/894/131/788.png)
Love & Krieg: Precautions
![Link to full story and spin offs can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/893/068/32c.png)
![Link to full story and spin offs can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/893/068/32c.png)
Love & Krieg: Beachhead
![Full story and links to spin offs can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/893/061/962.png)
![Full story and links to spin offs can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/893/061/962.png)
Love & Krieg: First Mission
![The whole story and it's offshoots can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/893/057/4f0.png)
![The whole story and it's offshoots can <a href="https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Love_and_Krieg">be found here</a>.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/893/057/4f0.png)
Trench Ghost
![The whole source thread was a brainstorming session for ghost stories and creepy, paranormal stuff that could occur during a game set in WW1 trenches.
It's definitely worth a read if you like that sort of thing.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/892/588/a8e.png)
![The whole source thread was a brainstorming session for ghost stories and creepy, paranormal stuff that could occur during a game set in WW1 trenches.
It's definitely worth a read if you like that sort of thing.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/892/588/a8e.png)
Good Guy Humanity
![O Humanity, F--- YEAH Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:04 UTC+11 No.29210823 Replies: >>29210830 I posted about a week ago about a story I wrote in /lit/ and they pointed me to here to post this. It's an edit of a short story I wrote, and all I ask is for a critique on what I could do better, or what I've f----- up on. So please, hold nothing back if this isn't to your liking. 1/? Humans. I REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE MY OWN This species is short, creative, stubborn, decently intelligent, and individually are weak, yet in numbers are incredibly hardy, robust, and strong. They breed quickly, live short and futile lives, and for the smallest of reasons will kill each other without a second thought. Many have had low expectations of this brutish and barbarous species. They were beneath us more than any other race in terms of culture, art, technology, and social programs so while their least desirables were worked hard and rewarded little, their 'aristocratic' counterparts flocked to the heavens, eager to join the thriving extra-stellar community. Naive to the structure of galactic politics, the Terrans would push themselves onto whatever race would lend counsel to their primitive auditory communications. Many left them to their own devices, shamelessly and rightfully leaving them to the harsh realities of the spacious home we all find ourselves in. We Santari, however, were one of the handfuls of groups that would barter and negotiate agreements with the vermin. We'd trade scraps, derelict and tattered starships, agricultural equipment, and even environmental stabilizing technology to them (the barbarians had done more damage to their home planet than any other in the recorded history of intelligent species) for resources worth many hundred times more than what they were worth. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:05 UTC+11 No.29210830 Replies: >>29210839 >>29210823 (OP) Far be it from us to take advantage of a prime workforce for our resource collection, we did so with a slight amount of smug enthusiasm and deception; pretending to be allies yet giving them the worst treatment in regards to trade agreements and our "gifts of knowledge". The true irony of it all being that they willfully accepted these downsides under the pretense or furthering intergalactic diplomacy and with promise of showing others that they were willing, able, and trustworthy. I suppose to this end, the humans had formed a special bond with our insectoid race. We were advancing their civilization at least a hundred of their puny years forward while reaping almost every possible benefit we never deserved. Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:06 UTC+11 No.29210839 Replies: >>29210846 >>29210830 2/? Little did we understand the error of what we had unwittingly done. In retrospect, we had broken the cardinal rule of the galactic community; without proper diligence, disregard for foresight, and without consulting the Galactic Counsil, we planted a seed of unrivaled growth in a yet unproven and undeserving race for our own benefit. Their bipedal skeletons with their undeveloped brains relentlessly honed in and trained themselves to grasp the underlying concepts of the machinery and electronics they acquired far faster than any one particular group had ever thought possible. Foregoing the advantages of biological engineering offered to them, they preferred to keep to their fleshy forms for the sake of "preserving humanity". This was a line of logic that still confounds most everyone to this day would prove invaluable and supremely effective to them. Their "primitive" minds would conjure outlandish and ridiculous notions of the fine fabric of reality that our enhanced nervous systems would outright deny for the sake of simple logic. All soon learned that the human brain, for all of it's faults and inefficiencies, was a marvel of creativity of the greatest caliber. Their stubborn nature defied every law of the universe, always amassing new theories to test. More experiments to perform. Never allowing "no" to disuade them, they'd work a problem from every possible angle in ways which seemed like pure folly. The most damning thing of all being that sometimes, they'd be right and completely shake the foundation of their scientific collaboration. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:07 UTC+11 No.29210846 Replies: >>29210854 >>29210839 3/? This was the true nature of humanity. To stop at nothing once they had set their collective mind to a task to either prove it true or deny it as a falsehood. In the breadth of two short Terran lifetimes, they had mastered the art of manipulating what they called "Dark Energy" which we know as the Cosmological Repulsive Law. Fifty years later, they had traveled as far as the innermost galactic core (to be noted, a suicidal trek that only the desperate would engage in). Ten years after that, they began to mass produce anti-matter on an unparalleled scale. Ocular spiracles turned, attention drifted from the inane squabbles of their own to the insane human populace as they exploded instead of trickled from their solar system to neighboring stars. They stripped every unclaimed world they touched of whatever the soil or atmosphere would allow to them, only to further accelerate their growth that would rival the great empires that now are long gone. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:08 UTC+11 No.29210854 Replies: >>29210867 >>29210846 4/? From this, the Galactic Counsil became un-nerved. The Terrans spreading across their own "backyard", they expediently started to make headway into the secrets of the universe that, as of yet in this entry, few others have breached. Due to our "friendship" of centuries gone by, the humans have had nothing but a peaceful, amicable, and symbiotic relationship with us, the orchestrators of their advance. They would begin to catch up to our own level of technology and understanding, yet untempered by the wisdom of age and experience. With exponential growth, they'd overtake us in almost all things. In recognition and gratitude of our dealings with each other, they shared their advances with us, and us Santari would happily share what we could without question. We had become one of the most intertwined and mutually beneficial allies of the entire galaxy. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:09 UTC+11 No.29210867 Replies: >29210874 >>29210854 5/? To be sure, the Counsel saw all of this as nothing but heretical. They dominated the galaxy, they had every other race "under their thumb" as the humans would say. To advance beyond what they deemed appropriate was nothing short of chastising a god in the minds of other species. In the past, they had sent probes to the Terran homeworld called Earth, attempting to dissuade them from advancing too quickly. The Council, in their vast superiority to any other, never allowed technological advancement of any species beyond what they were comfortable with. They had the power and means to enforce these rules to any and all in the Core Worlds and wouldn't lightly give it up. They offered admittance to the alliance the Council controlled, but as such, they would need to adhere to many laws that stunt quick growth, and only sign off on research on what they would allow. In return, trade lanes would be opened up to Sol and her watery rock, they would gain a seat on the Counsil, and would be defended from whatever plight may come to them. They even brought schematics for a neural implant that would allow the humans total access to logical ways of thinking, bringing everlasting peace to their kind. The only downside was they'd have to put aside creativity in favor of being taken care of. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:10 UTC+11 No.29210874 Replies: >>29210883 >>29210867 6/? Humanity saw this for what it truly was, it is the same reason we denied the Council as well. It was an insidious mean of control. They would have none of it and destroyed the probe that sent this message as a final "f--- you" to the galaxy. Through fear and just a hint of jealousy at their willingness to deny the Council, our two species would soon become scorned, the community of the Milky Way lashing out against us for bringing such an unknown variable unto them all, and by proxy the Council. Due to the Terrans living on the very fringe of the galaxy, outside the arm of influence of the Council, many of our worlds and star systems were razed to but bitter molten metal. Billions of us Santari laid exterminated for a "crime" we committed in swift and brutal sieges. Over a century, we retreated behind the lines of the humans. This is when their virtues of acceptance of those not of Earth finally became one of their most endearing qualities that we Santari would never forget. This is when we embraced the humans as much as they had for us. As hard as it was for us to leave our home, they did their absolute most to find and terraform planets for us to settle on. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:11 UTC+11 No.29210883 Replies: >>29210893 >>29210874 7/? Looking back, we actually did so little for them that it is disgraceful to us. In our graciousness, we worked as hard as we could for them. Still, they would never allow our kind to feel such inadequacies. When our exoskeletons started to buckle, they would find us non-physical labor. When our nerve bundles became overwhelmed with our duty, they would force us to "take it easy" and rest. Many who would read this would think that we had been forced to work, that in return for asylum in their territory, we'd break our appendages toiling for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, as a species, were so honored by their acceptance and open arms that we felt indebted to quite literally work ourselves to termination for such unabashed camaraderie. Terrans, however, would surprise us yet again by allowing us to rebuild our society, with New Xenathiks being only 7 light years away from Earth. Their territory was our territory, their homes were our homes. During these times, they knew a force to be reckoned with would be coming. Preparedness became paramount. War was inevitable, and their distance from the outer Core Worlds gave them the time they needed. Breeding increased with incredible speed, mining of entire star systems became the norm, construction of dreadnaught class starships began with the newest weapons brought to bear. The Terrans then took the brunt of the force as the Councils forces advanced. Nearly one quarter of their outer colonies laid waste in an effort to quell their expansion. We did what we could, given the vast resources the Terrans allotted to us. Working side-by-side, our now small numbers labored until our carapaces would no longer allow, or until we were forced to stop. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:12 UTC+11 No.29210893 Replies: >>29210905 >>29210883 8/? Before this log continues, I should note a particular un-named Humanity Scholar who once quoted "Conflict breeds creativity". Creativity, as a human construct, was it's defining characteristic millenia before their journey to the stars, yet would prove most valuable now more than ever for them and ourselves. Within fifteen years of the first Galactic Armada advance into their territory, their population exploded nearly three fold when their political structure began Terran and Santari propaganda. Within another ten years, the now 8.4 trillion humans had finished constructing fleets of unrivaled scale and destructive power. Their speed of breeding, construction, harvesting, and innovation became that of legend. Over the next fifty years, they held their ground, training every new combatant with the skills necessary to operate every basic facet of a starship, with us Santari being trained and taught alongside them. Again, they'd be at the forefront our own advance. The Terrans never let up, and never let us fall behind in terms of education and brotherhood. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:13 UTC+11 No.29210905 >>29210893 9/9 Obliterating every last ship that dared to face them, they then sent a second and a third wave of ships to reinforce the line. Over the next single short year, they breached the front lines of the armada. Their natural chemically enhanced minds from adrenaline during battle would serve them well enough to laugh in the face of death and not even feel a mortal wound from combat. From there, one hundred years later, they had pushed into the heart of the Councils core worlds. Over the next 200 years, they would either conquer, obliterate, or force a surrender of any species that stood in their way, while chartering peace treaties with those who had stayed out of the war and putting the Santari at the highest echelons of non-Terran politics. The ban on research was abolished, and a new age of enlightenment and technological might exploded throughout the galaxy. We had done comparatively nothing for them. We never served their interests until they were beyond us, we gave them the worst of trade deals in the early years, and we thought nothing of them besides mere apes. Their own ingenuity would have brought all of this to the same end regardless of our intervention. Now, while the Milky Way stands as a united and prosperous whole, dominated by the "lowly" humans, we have only a single thing to say: Terrans are beyond horrifying, but are the best of allies. Woe be to any who stands against them. Karnitegal, First in the Order of the Historical Records. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:25 UTC+11 No.29211020 10/10 would read again](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/882/512/a5d.jpg)
![O Humanity, F--- YEAH Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:04 UTC+11 No.29210823 Replies: >>29210830 I posted about a week ago about a story I wrote in /lit/ and they pointed me to here to post this. It's an edit of a short story I wrote, and all I ask is for a critique on what I could do better, or what I've f----- up on. So please, hold nothing back if this isn't to your liking. 1/? Humans. I REJECT YOUR REALITY AND SUBSTITUTE MY OWN This species is short, creative, stubborn, decently intelligent, and individually are weak, yet in numbers are incredibly hardy, robust, and strong. They breed quickly, live short and futile lives, and for the smallest of reasons will kill each other without a second thought. Many have had low expectations of this brutish and barbarous species. They were beneath us more than any other race in terms of culture, art, technology, and social programs so while their least desirables were worked hard and rewarded little, their 'aristocratic' counterparts flocked to the heavens, eager to join the thriving extra-stellar community. Naive to the structure of galactic politics, the Terrans would push themselves onto whatever race would lend counsel to their primitive auditory communications. Many left them to their own devices, shamelessly and rightfully leaving them to the harsh realities of the spacious home we all find ourselves in. We Santari, however, were one of the handfuls of groups that would barter and negotiate agreements with the vermin. We'd trade scraps, derelict and tattered starships, agricultural equipment, and even environmental stabilizing technology to them (the barbarians had done more damage to their home planet than any other in the recorded history of intelligent species) for resources worth many hundred times more than what they were worth. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:05 UTC+11 No.29210830 Replies: >>29210839 >>29210823 (OP) Far be it from us to take advantage of a prime workforce for our resource collection, we did so with a slight amount of smug enthusiasm and deception; pretending to be allies yet giving them the worst treatment in regards to trade agreements and our "gifts of knowledge". The true irony of it all being that they willfully accepted these downsides under the pretense or furthering intergalactic diplomacy and with promise of showing others that they were willing, able, and trustworthy. I suppose to this end, the humans had formed a special bond with our insectoid race. We were advancing their civilization at least a hundred of their puny years forward while reaping almost every possible benefit we never deserved. Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:06 UTC+11 No.29210839 Replies: >>29210846 >>29210830 2/? Little did we understand the error of what we had unwittingly done. In retrospect, we had broken the cardinal rule of the galactic community; without proper diligence, disregard for foresight, and without consulting the Galactic Counsil, we planted a seed of unrivaled growth in a yet unproven and undeserving race for our own benefit. Their bipedal skeletons with their undeveloped brains relentlessly honed in and trained themselves to grasp the underlying concepts of the machinery and electronics they acquired far faster than any one particular group had ever thought possible. Foregoing the advantages of biological engineering offered to them, they preferred to keep to their fleshy forms for the sake of "preserving humanity". This was a line of logic that still confounds most everyone to this day would prove invaluable and supremely effective to them. Their "primitive" minds would conjure outlandish and ridiculous notions of the fine fabric of reality that our enhanced nervous systems would outright deny for the sake of simple logic. All soon learned that the human brain, for all of it's faults and inefficiencies, was a marvel of creativity of the greatest caliber. Their stubborn nature defied every law of the universe, always amassing new theories to test. More experiments to perform. Never allowing "no" to disuade them, they'd work a problem from every possible angle in ways which seemed like pure folly. The most damning thing of all being that sometimes, they'd be right and completely shake the foundation of their scientific collaboration. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:07 UTC+11 No.29210846 Replies: >>29210854 >>29210839 3/? This was the true nature of humanity. To stop at nothing once they had set their collective mind to a task to either prove it true or deny it as a falsehood. In the breadth of two short Terran lifetimes, they had mastered the art of manipulating what they called "Dark Energy" which we know as the Cosmological Repulsive Law. Fifty years later, they had traveled as far as the innermost galactic core (to be noted, a suicidal trek that only the desperate would engage in). Ten years after that, they began to mass produce anti-matter on an unparalleled scale. Ocular spiracles turned, attention drifted from the inane squabbles of their own to the insane human populace as they exploded instead of trickled from their solar system to neighboring stars. They stripped every unclaimed world they touched of whatever the soil or atmosphere would allow to them, only to further accelerate their growth that would rival the great empires that now are long gone. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:08 UTC+11 No.29210854 Replies: >>29210867 >>29210846 4/? From this, the Galactic Counsil became un-nerved. The Terrans spreading across their own "backyard", they expediently started to make headway into the secrets of the universe that, as of yet in this entry, few others have breached. Due to our "friendship" of centuries gone by, the humans have had nothing but a peaceful, amicable, and symbiotic relationship with us, the orchestrators of their advance. They would begin to catch up to our own level of technology and understanding, yet untempered by the wisdom of age and experience. With exponential growth, they'd overtake us in almost all things. In recognition and gratitude of our dealings with each other, they shared their advances with us, and us Santari would happily share what we could without question. We had become one of the most intertwined and mutually beneficial allies of the entire galaxy. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:09 UTC+11 No.29210867 Replies: >29210874 >>29210854 5/? To be sure, the Counsel saw all of this as nothing but heretical. They dominated the galaxy, they had every other race "under their thumb" as the humans would say. To advance beyond what they deemed appropriate was nothing short of chastising a god in the minds of other species. In the past, they had sent probes to the Terran homeworld called Earth, attempting to dissuade them from advancing too quickly. The Council, in their vast superiority to any other, never allowed technological advancement of any species beyond what they were comfortable with. They had the power and means to enforce these rules to any and all in the Core Worlds and wouldn't lightly give it up. They offered admittance to the alliance the Council controlled, but as such, they would need to adhere to many laws that stunt quick growth, and only sign off on research on what they would allow. In return, trade lanes would be opened up to Sol and her watery rock, they would gain a seat on the Counsil, and would be defended from whatever plight may come to them. They even brought schematics for a neural implant that would allow the humans total access to logical ways of thinking, bringing everlasting peace to their kind. The only downside was they'd have to put aside creativity in favor of being taken care of. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:10 UTC+11 No.29210874 Replies: >>29210883 >>29210867 6/? Humanity saw this for what it truly was, it is the same reason we denied the Council as well. It was an insidious mean of control. They would have none of it and destroyed the probe that sent this message as a final "f--- you" to the galaxy. Through fear and just a hint of jealousy at their willingness to deny the Council, our two species would soon become scorned, the community of the Milky Way lashing out against us for bringing such an unknown variable unto them all, and by proxy the Council. Due to the Terrans living on the very fringe of the galaxy, outside the arm of influence of the Council, many of our worlds and star systems were razed to but bitter molten metal. Billions of us Santari laid exterminated for a "crime" we committed in swift and brutal sieges. Over a century, we retreated behind the lines of the humans. This is when their virtues of acceptance of those not of Earth finally became one of their most endearing qualities that we Santari would never forget. This is when we embraced the humans as much as they had for us. As hard as it was for us to leave our home, they did their absolute most to find and terraform planets for us to settle on. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:11 UTC+11 No.29210883 Replies: >>29210893 >>29210874 7/? Looking back, we actually did so little for them that it is disgraceful to us. In our graciousness, we worked as hard as we could for them. Still, they would never allow our kind to feel such inadequacies. When our exoskeletons started to buckle, they would find us non-physical labor. When our nerve bundles became overwhelmed with our duty, they would force us to "take it easy" and rest. Many who would read this would think that we had been forced to work, that in return for asylum in their territory, we'd break our appendages toiling for them. Nothing could be further from the truth. We, as a species, were so honored by their acceptance and open arms that we felt indebted to quite literally work ourselves to termination for such unabashed camaraderie. Terrans, however, would surprise us yet again by allowing us to rebuild our society, with New Xenathiks being only 7 light years away from Earth. Their territory was our territory, their homes were our homes. During these times, they knew a force to be reckoned with would be coming. Preparedness became paramount. War was inevitable, and their distance from the outer Core Worlds gave them the time they needed. Breeding increased with incredible speed, mining of entire star systems became the norm, construction of dreadnaught class starships began with the newest weapons brought to bear. The Terrans then took the brunt of the force as the Councils forces advanced. Nearly one quarter of their outer colonies laid waste in an effort to quell their expansion. We did what we could, given the vast resources the Terrans allotted to us. Working side-by-side, our now small numbers labored until our carapaces would no longer allow, or until we were forced to stop. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:12 UTC+11 No.29210893 Replies: >>29210905 >>29210883 8/? Before this log continues, I should note a particular un-named Humanity Scholar who once quoted "Conflict breeds creativity". Creativity, as a human construct, was it's defining characteristic millenia before their journey to the stars, yet would prove most valuable now more than ever for them and ourselves. Within fifteen years of the first Galactic Armada advance into their territory, their population exploded nearly three fold when their political structure began Terran and Santari propaganda. Within another ten years, the now 8.4 trillion humans had finished constructing fleets of unrivaled scale and destructive power. Their speed of breeding, construction, harvesting, and innovation became that of legend. Over the next fifty years, they held their ground, training every new combatant with the skills necessary to operate every basic facet of a starship, with us Santari being trained and taught alongside them. Again, they'd be at the forefront our own advance. The Terrans never let up, and never let us fall behind in terms of education and brotherhood. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:13 UTC+11 No.29210905 >>29210893 9/9 Obliterating every last ship that dared to face them, they then sent a second and a third wave of ships to reinforce the line. Over the next single short year, they breached the front lines of the armada. Their natural chemically enhanced minds from adrenaline during battle would serve them well enough to laugh in the face of death and not even feel a mortal wound from combat. From there, one hundred years later, they had pushed into the heart of the Councils core worlds. Over the next 200 years, they would either conquer, obliterate, or force a surrender of any species that stood in their way, while chartering peace treaties with those who had stayed out of the war and putting the Santari at the highest echelons of non-Terran politics. The ban on research was abolished, and a new age of enlightenment and technological might exploded throughout the galaxy. We had done comparatively nothing for them. We never served their interests until they were beyond us, we gave them the worst of trade deals in the early years, and we thought nothing of them besides mere apes. Their own ingenuity would have brought all of this to the same end regardless of our intervention. Now, while the Milky Way stands as a united and prosperous whole, dominated by the "lowly" humans, we have only a single thing to say: Terrans are beyond horrifying, but are the best of allies. Woe be to any who stands against them. Karnitegal, First in the Order of the Historical Records. O Anonymous 01/02/14(Thu)03:25 UTC+11 No.29211020 10/10 would read again](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/882/512/a5d.jpg)
Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour, the God-Emperor of Mankind?
![I thought it'd be nice if someone posted something uplifting for once, you know, breaking up the endless stream of twitter gifs and wojaks, spice things up a little.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/882/270/14b.png)
![I thought it'd be nice if someone posted something uplifting for once, you know, breaking up the endless stream of twitter gifs and wojaks, spice things up a little.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/882/270/14b.png)
Pity the Guardsman/ The Hearts of Men
![I'm generally surprised that no one's posted this before, or if they did, that I couldn't find it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/882/269/d4c.png)
![I'm generally surprised that no one's posted this before, or if they did, that I couldn't find it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/882/269/d4c.png)
Space Station 13 Mini-Tales: Murder 101, Friendship and Anons First Day
![O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)21:33 No.27170594 >>27168502 I was a traitor. I had an assassination mission. I caught my target committing a crime, stunned him, and hauled him off towards sec- then took a left turn into a nearby airlock, where I took his radio, ID, and hardsuit, and threw him out the airlock stunned. Target down, mission successful. Nobody suspects a thing. I get back to my station duties.. And then as I pass Command, someone familiar appears in front of me.. "GUESS WHO M------------" It's the guy I threw out the airlock. With a fire axe. >OH S--- RUN Long story short, Sec brigged me for the rest of the round. It turns out he grabbed onto one of the solar arrays. Using his emergency oxygen, he hauled himself back to the station before cold could kill him. > And that's why you check for emergency air when you space people. O Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)05:41 No.27177393 I was playing Shaft Miner, and I'd had several consecutive shifts with the same person, which was pretty awesome. We trusted each other to have the others back, that kind of s---. Then he asks me to come into the Dorms after I've finished delivering the latest load of materials. When I get there, he's removed all the inbetween walls, leaving a large 2x8 rectangle. He's also bolted all but one of the doors, and is standing at the far end. When I come in, he bolts the door down that I came in through and throws a parapen and an e-sword at me, telling me he was traitor and I was his target, but he didn't want to kill me because we were such good friends. I picked up the weapons, put the e-sword in my backpack, and approached him. I said 'Thanks for not killing me and such, man. Really good of you.' or something along those lines, and then "You made Nanotrasen and such." mistake, though. Loyalty to I parapenned him, choked him to death and threw his naked body into space, then continued to do my job as Shaft Miner. O Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)06:24 No.27177712 I started on /tg/station a long while back I started an assistant. You know, try to figure out what was going to go on. I arrived to chaos. Controlled chaos, but still chaos. Wandering past the Medbay, trying to avoid offending anyone, I had a doctor just about grab me and drag me into the Medbay. Turns out he was a philanthropist. Made me an a Doctor In Training. Got me kitted out, taught me the basics of first aid and told me to stay put in Medbay and make myself useful. Said l'd live longer that way. And I did I made it all the way to the shuttle when s--- hit the fan. It was all up from there. Getting a real Doctor's Badge. Learning the basics of being robust, to deal with the occasional troublemaker, how stranger wounds. All of it. And when to book it or defend the fort. tranquilize people with the syringe gun and sleep toxin, the various necessary treatments for I made it through revolutions, aliens, even the great Honk Plague. All thanks to this one doctor. Can't even remember his name, it's been so long since I drifted away. But I remember that one day, getting a crash course in life saving.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/881/723/f65.jpg)
![O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)21:33 No.27170594 >>27168502 I was a traitor. I had an assassination mission. I caught my target committing a crime, stunned him, and hauled him off towards sec- then took a left turn into a nearby airlock, where I took his radio, ID, and hardsuit, and threw him out the airlock stunned. Target down, mission successful. Nobody suspects a thing. I get back to my station duties.. And then as I pass Command, someone familiar appears in front of me.. "GUESS WHO M------------" It's the guy I threw out the airlock. With a fire axe. >OH S--- RUN Long story short, Sec brigged me for the rest of the round. It turns out he grabbed onto one of the solar arrays. Using his emergency oxygen, he hauled himself back to the station before cold could kill him. > And that's why you check for emergency air when you space people. O Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)05:41 No.27177393 I was playing Shaft Miner, and I'd had several consecutive shifts with the same person, which was pretty awesome. We trusted each other to have the others back, that kind of s---. Then he asks me to come into the Dorms after I've finished delivering the latest load of materials. When I get there, he's removed all the inbetween walls, leaving a large 2x8 rectangle. He's also bolted all but one of the doors, and is standing at the far end. When I come in, he bolts the door down that I came in through and throws a parapen and an e-sword at me, telling me he was traitor and I was his target, but he didn't want to kill me because we were such good friends. I picked up the weapons, put the e-sword in my backpack, and approached him. I said 'Thanks for not killing me and such, man. Really good of you.' or something along those lines, and then "You made Nanotrasen and such." mistake, though. Loyalty to I parapenned him, choked him to death and threw his naked body into space, then continued to do my job as Shaft Miner. O Anonymous 09/12/13(Thu)06:24 No.27177712 I started on /tg/station a long while back I started an assistant. You know, try to figure out what was going to go on. I arrived to chaos. Controlled chaos, but still chaos. Wandering past the Medbay, trying to avoid offending anyone, I had a doctor just about grab me and drag me into the Medbay. Turns out he was a philanthropist. Made me an a Doctor In Training. Got me kitted out, taught me the basics of first aid and told me to stay put in Medbay and make myself useful. Said l'd live longer that way. And I did I made it all the way to the shuttle when s--- hit the fan. It was all up from there. Getting a real Doctor's Badge. Learning the basics of being robust, to deal with the occasional troublemaker, how stranger wounds. All of it. And when to book it or defend the fort. tranquilize people with the syringe gun and sleep toxin, the various necessary treatments for I made it through revolutions, aliens, even the great Honk Plague. All thanks to this one doctor. Can't even remember his name, it's been so long since I drifted away. But I remember that one day, getting a crash course in life saving.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/881/723/f65.jpg)
Anon over-enthusiastically defends the station
![O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:09 No.27169058 File: 1378944596659.jpg-(323 KB, 1680x1050, 1296260455916.jpg) ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET Back in the day on goonservers, when disease research was still a thing and before they made all the computers function like unix, back when it was Donut Station, I got a little zealous with bomb making, back when the max blast radius was still larger than 14 or so squares. I managed to produce something like 11 or so bombs, and while not a traitor, I wanted to make sure that I took the traitors out, getting more and more paranoid as I fervishly put together the devices. I had stored bombs in every single mail chute around the station, hiding them in backpacks looted from the crew quarters. I had intended to provoke the traitor into sending the signal to detonate the bombs to make it easier to spot and capture the traitor, as they'd be fiddling around with a PDA or signal transmitter, but my paranoia at this point was too great. As NEVER FORGIVE. the escape shuttle pulled into the escape arm, I freaked the f--- out when a guy came at me with a toy sword, convinced I had found the traitor I triggered the explosion. I instantly gibbed and the game hung for about 5 minutes as it calculated all the bombs going off, killing over 90% of the people on the station, people are flipping their s--- in 0OC chat, no one escaped on the shuttle, and as a ghost, I saw my destruction, there was less than 5% of the station usable and air was rapidly leaking out, everyone in the escape arm was dead, the few people alive were struggling to not be sucked into space, there was almost nothing left of donut station. I got banned for a week and they tweaked the everloving f--- out of bomb making so such a tragedy could never occur again, making it so bombs cook slower and you can't make as many, and capping their blast radius. O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:18 No.27169199 >>27169058 You got banned for that? Seems like a good bit of fun. I don't like games where people ban for every little thing. O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:22 No.27169269 >>27169199 I got banned because the lag was so bad the round wouldn't reset and it required like 6 mods to figure out what the f--- actually happened that the game broke. Also for killing EVERYONE while not being a traitor.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/881/718/cf5.jpg)
![O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:09 No.27169058 File: 1378944596659.jpg-(323 KB, 1680x1050, 1296260455916.jpg) ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET Back in the day on goonservers, when disease research was still a thing and before they made all the computers function like unix, back when it was Donut Station, I got a little zealous with bomb making, back when the max blast radius was still larger than 14 or so squares. I managed to produce something like 11 or so bombs, and while not a traitor, I wanted to make sure that I took the traitors out, getting more and more paranoid as I fervishly put together the devices. I had stored bombs in every single mail chute around the station, hiding them in backpacks looted from the crew quarters. I had intended to provoke the traitor into sending the signal to detonate the bombs to make it easier to spot and capture the traitor, as they'd be fiddling around with a PDA or signal transmitter, but my paranoia at this point was too great. As NEVER FORGIVE. the escape shuttle pulled into the escape arm, I freaked the f--- out when a guy came at me with a toy sword, convinced I had found the traitor I triggered the explosion. I instantly gibbed and the game hung for about 5 minutes as it calculated all the bombs going off, killing over 90% of the people on the station, people are flipping their s--- in 0OC chat, no one escaped on the shuttle, and as a ghost, I saw my destruction, there was less than 5% of the station usable and air was rapidly leaking out, everyone in the escape arm was dead, the few people alive were struggling to not be sucked into space, there was almost nothing left of donut station. I got banned for a week and they tweaked the everloving f--- out of bomb making so such a tragedy could never occur again, making it so bombs cook slower and you can't make as many, and capping their blast radius. O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:18 No.27169199 >>27169058 You got banned for that? Seems like a good bit of fun. I don't like games where people ban for every little thing. O Anonymous 09/11/13(Wed)20:22 No.27169269 >>27169199 I got banned because the lag was so bad the round wouldn't reset and it required like 6 mods to figure out what the f--- actually happened that the game broke. Also for killing EVERYONE while not being a traitor.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/881/718/cf5.jpg)
Skaven Are Not Real, Part 6 (Final Part)
![There we go, all done.
Sorry for breaking this up into so many parts, but I couldn't work out a way of including all the parts as one image and still have the thing be readable.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/920/16c.png)
![There we go, all done.
Sorry for breaking this up into so many parts, but I couldn't work out a way of including all the parts as one image and still have the thing be readable.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/920/16c.png)
Skaven Are Not Real, Part 5
![O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:38:08 No.57433317 File: 15352413.jpg (25 KB, 313x404) >>57433141 Five gold-tokens have been credited to your coin purse. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:47:11 No.57433447 >>57433317 I could believe you accusation if perhaps I were a Reiklander or from Marienburg. If anything you sir are in league with the Witches and Cultists of the Ruinous Powers. I once heard a merchant from Tilea talking about the rats that live in the under the city..anyone with any sense would real,ize you can never trust a Tilean. They'll say anything for some gold. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:54:08 No.57433572 File: LuthorWolfenbaum.png (160 KB, 312x446) These are no ordinary vermin - big as a man, fast on their feet, and smart too, not like common rats. The whole city's full of 'em and the worse of it is they're waitin' in the old drains and sewers, watchin' for a chance to catch you on your own. Let 'em and you're a dead man. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)19:12:13 No.57433934 >>57433447 Those boastful Tileans, of course there are rats living under Tilea there are rats under every city, that's why we have Ratcatchers so the rats don't eat our food supplies and breed too much O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)19:14:18 No.57433967 >>57433934 I agree with you good sir, but the delusions of the poor and ill-bred such as this >>57433572 Perhaps they just saw one of the small folk from the Moot? They are a cantankerous and greedy lot themselves.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/915/6d1.png)
![O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:38:08 No.57433317 File: 15352413.jpg (25 KB, 313x404) >>57433141 Five gold-tokens have been credited to your coin purse. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:47:11 No.57433447 >>57433317 I could believe you accusation if perhaps I were a Reiklander or from Marienburg. If anything you sir are in league with the Witches and Cultists of the Ruinous Powers. I once heard a merchant from Tilea talking about the rats that live in the under the city..anyone with any sense would real,ize you can never trust a Tilean. They'll say anything for some gold. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:54:08 No.57433572 File: LuthorWolfenbaum.png (160 KB, 312x446) These are no ordinary vermin - big as a man, fast on their feet, and smart too, not like common rats. The whole city's full of 'em and the worse of it is they're waitin' in the old drains and sewers, watchin' for a chance to catch you on your own. Let 'em and you're a dead man. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)19:12:13 No.57433934 >>57433447 Those boastful Tileans, of course there are rats living under Tilea there are rats under every city, that's why we have Ratcatchers so the rats don't eat our food supplies and breed too much O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)19:14:18 No.57433967 >>57433934 I agree with you good sir, but the delusions of the poor and ill-bred such as this >>57433572 Perhaps they just saw one of the small folk from the Moot? They are a cantankerous and greedy lot themselves.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/915/6d1.png)
Skaven Are Not Real, Part 4
![O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)07:00:48 No.57424656 File: images.jpg (6 KB, 183x276) Warmbloods, vengo en busca de las mareas de los hombres rata que viven delante de ti. mi pueblo, los Hombres Lagarto, han librado siglos de guerra contra ellos, ofreciendo muchos corazones rata a Sotek, el Dios Serpiente. Debes tomar esta amenaza en serio, para que los hombres rata no te destruyan a todos! O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)15:12:06 No.57430021 File: Captain 2. jpg (46 KB, 230x230) >>57408867 Proof? - my blade has tasted Skaven blood and my men have fought against the vermin horde time and time again. I have seen their terrible machines. They are not simple beasts, no Chaos creature is that. They are not only danger for thebody, but for the soul as well. Since my blessed ancestor, Stefan von Kessel - The Hero of Talabheim, my family has sworn to keep the lands of Ostermark free from their taint. It's the runied city of Mortheim that is object of their attention. One can still find some of cursed Warpstone there. My greatest fear is that we can never attack their underground empire, on the surface we may kill them, but we can not follow them. Our Dwarf-friends have waged wars underground against the Rat-Filth for millenia. How many of these creature exist? It does not matter, by the Gods, we will see them exterminated one day. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)15:37:18 No.57430386 File: 1420569915979.jpg (1.98 MB, 1920x1112) >>57430021 from near mordhiem swears by many gods MUST BE SECRET CHAOS GET THE HUNTERS OF WITCHS O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)16:04:04 No.57430822 File: empire captain.jpg (116 KB, 600x841) >>57430386 Yes, I have heard these accusations not the first time. Great Stefan - Slayer of Prince Thorgal, my ancestor, was too falsly accused. Two centuries ago he has proofed his faith by bringing the traitor Otto von Gruber to Sigmar's justice. And are you not a man from the cursed city of Praag? I think you would have come to learn that men like us, men from a tainted, but beatiful home, know the danger of Chaos best, to not be seduced by their lies. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:28:22 No.57433141 File: Typical_Imperial_Trooper.png (158 KB, 251x367) >>57408867 I've lived in Talabheim all my life, and I've NEVER seen a "Rat-Man". I've been on the line with my soldiers many times fight Orc, goblins, and several of the debased Beastmen. Talks of Rat-people are the delusions of drunken fops who probably saw on of the smaller varieties of Beastmen or one of the poor who live in the walls of Talabheim.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/905/75c.png)
![O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)07:00:48 No.57424656 File: images.jpg (6 KB, 183x276) Warmbloods, vengo en busca de las mareas de los hombres rata que viven delante de ti. mi pueblo, los Hombres Lagarto, han librado siglos de guerra contra ellos, ofreciendo muchos corazones rata a Sotek, el Dios Serpiente. Debes tomar esta amenaza en serio, para que los hombres rata no te destruyan a todos! O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)15:12:06 No.57430021 File: Captain 2. jpg (46 KB, 230x230) >>57408867 Proof? - my blade has tasted Skaven blood and my men have fought against the vermin horde time and time again. I have seen their terrible machines. They are not simple beasts, no Chaos creature is that. They are not only danger for thebody, but for the soul as well. Since my blessed ancestor, Stefan von Kessel - The Hero of Talabheim, my family has sworn to keep the lands of Ostermark free from their taint. It's the runied city of Mortheim that is object of their attention. One can still find some of cursed Warpstone there. My greatest fear is that we can never attack their underground empire, on the surface we may kill them, but we can not follow them. Our Dwarf-friends have waged wars underground against the Rat-Filth for millenia. How many of these creature exist? It does not matter, by the Gods, we will see them exterminated one day. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)15:37:18 No.57430386 File: 1420569915979.jpg (1.98 MB, 1920x1112) >>57430021 from near mordhiem swears by many gods MUST BE SECRET CHAOS GET THE HUNTERS OF WITCHS O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)16:04:04 No.57430822 File: empire captain.jpg (116 KB, 600x841) >>57430386 Yes, I have heard these accusations not the first time. Great Stefan - Slayer of Prince Thorgal, my ancestor, was too falsly accused. Two centuries ago he has proofed his faith by bringing the traitor Otto von Gruber to Sigmar's justice. And are you not a man from the cursed city of Praag? I think you would have come to learn that men like us, men from a tainted, but beatiful home, know the danger of Chaos best, to not be seduced by their lies. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)18:28:22 No.57433141 File: Typical_Imperial_Trooper.png (158 KB, 251x367) >>57408867 I've lived in Talabheim all my life, and I've NEVER seen a "Rat-Man". I've been on the line with my soldiers many times fight Orc, goblins, and several of the debased Beastmen. Talks of Rat-people are the delusions of drunken fops who probably saw on of the smaller varieties of Beastmen or one of the poor who live in the walls of Talabheim.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/905/75c.png)
Skaven Are Not Real, Part 3
![O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)21:04:50 No.57419300 File: SKAVEN DIPLOMANCER.jpg (16 KB, 236x330) >>57408867 This man squeaks... Sorry, "speaks" obvious sense, We should all listen to him. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)22:51:12 No.57420495 File: 31sUmEm.jpg (36 KB, 418x374) Bah! Here in kislev we know chaos greatest threat not silly rat rumors O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)05:21:38 No.57424041 File: Sir Harumphington the fourth.jpg (436 KB, 1400x2000) >>57419300 Ah, the ambassador from Ind. I am glad that you are here old friend, it seems that madness has taken root in this land and it does me good to be in the company of one as wise and trustworthy as yourself. A word of caution however, most people are not as.well travelled as you and I. They may mistake you for one of these "Skaven" creatures that have enthralled the minds of the populace lately. Because of this, I insist that you stay in my own personal section of the estate. I simply cannot bare the thought of any ill coming of you. You will have free access to all of the grounds during the day, of course. Especially the underground chambers that you seem so fond of. I suppose you do not have such things in Ind? It must be so joyous to be surrounded by so much wonder and novelty on a daily basis, yes? >>57420495 Good day to you my dearest cousin. What brings you to my grounds on this finest of days? Have you met the ambassador from Ind yet? He has been paying yearly visits to our home ever since I was a boy. Truly a noble could not ask for a more steadfast advisor and a loyal friend. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)05:30:10 No.57424107 File: 1504999810530.png (39 KB, 758x724) >>57410036 Disregard this impostor fellow citizen-things. These lies-lies about ratmen are spread by chaos cultists who want to sow panic-fear. Please arrest all propaganda mongers and bring-bring them to your local witch hunter chapter house in the sewers.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/895/716.png)
![O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)21:04:50 No.57419300 File: SKAVEN DIPLOMANCER.jpg (16 KB, 236x330) >>57408867 This man squeaks... Sorry, "speaks" obvious sense, We should all listen to him. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)22:51:12 No.57420495 File: 31sUmEm.jpg (36 KB, 418x374) Bah! Here in kislev we know chaos greatest threat not silly rat rumors O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)05:21:38 No.57424041 File: Sir Harumphington the fourth.jpg (436 KB, 1400x2000) >>57419300 Ah, the ambassador from Ind. I am glad that you are here old friend, it seems that madness has taken root in this land and it does me good to be in the company of one as wise and trustworthy as yourself. A word of caution however, most people are not as.well travelled as you and I. They may mistake you for one of these "Skaven" creatures that have enthralled the minds of the populace lately. Because of this, I insist that you stay in my own personal section of the estate. I simply cannot bare the thought of any ill coming of you. You will have free access to all of the grounds during the day, of course. Especially the underground chambers that you seem so fond of. I suppose you do not have such things in Ind? It must be so joyous to be surrounded by so much wonder and novelty on a daily basis, yes? >>57420495 Good day to you my dearest cousin. What brings you to my grounds on this finest of days? Have you met the ambassador from Ind yet? He has been paying yearly visits to our home ever since I was a boy. Truly a noble could not ask for a more steadfast advisor and a loyal friend. O Anonymous 01/14/18(Sun)05:30:10 No.57424107 File: 1504999810530.png (39 KB, 758x724) >>57410036 Disregard this impostor fellow citizen-things. These lies-lies about ratmen are spread by chaos cultists who want to sow panic-fear. Please arrest all propaganda mongers and bring-bring them to your local witch hunter chapter house in the sewers.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/895/716.png)
Skaven Are Not Real, Part 2
![O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)12:43:12 No.57411305 >>57410515 It just so happens that I found some 8 pointed symbols in your manor house. You are a witch. Time to be burned. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)12:52:34 No.57411402 File: emperor karl franz.jpg (187 KB, 1280x1024) >>57408867 I am Emperor Karl Franz, and I declare the Skaven threat to be real. No Chaos creature shall walk in this Sigmar-blessed land, no matter if underground or abovel O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)13:00:28 No.57411508 >>57411402 Yeah, of course you'd say thatl Just wanna put more "state" guardsmen in Middenland, huh? Looking out for your stinkin' rats, though we all know what you're tryinga sniff outl We don't need your proclamations or your precious Sigmar, boy, Ulric and good honest steel's good enough for us! O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)13:16:26 No.57411756 File: witch_hunter_by_dukeiam-d(.).jpg (541 KB, 600x872) >>57411508 Directly referring to your Emperor in such a disrespectful manner is a most grave crime to the Empire's godly order. You are coming with me. onymous 01/13/18(Sat)14:58:09 No.57413360 File: Sir Harumphington the thirdjpg (241 KB, 754x1060) >>57411402 But of course my liege. As a loyal and diligent servant, I will endeavour to carry out your majesty's orders to the best of my ability. I shall add it to my list of duties and will, very soon, start work at rooting out this rat-man menace. The proud Harumphington line has yet to let down our most glorious leader and I most certainly do not plan to start today. As a side note sire, there has been a minor sickness in the area which causes sufferers to enter a short period of delirium. Not that I am implying your humours are out of balance of course, it's just that one can never be too careful with ones own health, can they now? I can assure you sire that my own personal physicians are more than up to the task if you have any worries what so ever. >>57411305 That's a dining plate, you illiterate buffoon. Then again I suppose people like you just feed out of troughs or with those grimy, little hands of yours. Because of this, I will forgive you your ignorance this once. Now, leave this place and return to your hovel; unless you want me to send some men to escort you out.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/891/817.png)
![O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)12:43:12 No.57411305 >>57410515 It just so happens that I found some 8 pointed symbols in your manor house. You are a witch. Time to be burned. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)12:52:34 No.57411402 File: emperor karl franz.jpg (187 KB, 1280x1024) >>57408867 I am Emperor Karl Franz, and I declare the Skaven threat to be real. No Chaos creature shall walk in this Sigmar-blessed land, no matter if underground or abovel O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)13:00:28 No.57411508 >>57411402 Yeah, of course you'd say thatl Just wanna put more "state" guardsmen in Middenland, huh? Looking out for your stinkin' rats, though we all know what you're tryinga sniff outl We don't need your proclamations or your precious Sigmar, boy, Ulric and good honest steel's good enough for us! O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)13:16:26 No.57411756 File: witch_hunter_by_dukeiam-d(.).jpg (541 KB, 600x872) >>57411508 Directly referring to your Emperor in such a disrespectful manner is a most grave crime to the Empire's godly order. You are coming with me. onymous 01/13/18(Sat)14:58:09 No.57413360 File: Sir Harumphington the thirdjpg (241 KB, 754x1060) >>57411402 But of course my liege. As a loyal and diligent servant, I will endeavour to carry out your majesty's orders to the best of my ability. I shall add it to my list of duties and will, very soon, start work at rooting out this rat-man menace. The proud Harumphington line has yet to let down our most glorious leader and I most certainly do not plan to start today. As a side note sire, there has been a minor sickness in the area which causes sufferers to enter a short period of delirium. Not that I am implying your humours are out of balance of course, it's just that one can never be too careful with ones own health, can they now? I can assure you sire that my own personal physicians are more than up to the task if you have any worries what so ever. >>57411305 That's a dining plate, you illiterate buffoon. Then again I suppose people like you just feed out of troughs or with those grimy, little hands of yours. Because of this, I will forgive you your ignorance this once. Now, leave this place and return to your hovel; unless you want me to send some men to escort you out.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/891/817.png)
Skaven Are Not Real
![File: Sir Harumphington.jpg (18 KB, 300x300) O Skaven aren't real Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)09:08:27 No.57408867 Archived I have been hearing a lot of talk about Skaven lately and it's all balderdash. All of it. Honestly. Rat-men. In the sewers. What sort of simpletons are you? How can you fall for such childish rumours? Do not tell me you were taking that utter drivel that dribbles out of those drunken dwarfen louts at the tavern seriously. They have probably spent so long crawling through those dirty little holes of theirs, that the lack of air and having your face right in front of another dirty scoundrel's posterior has made them soft in the head. What proof do you even have that these "Skaven" exist. Chicken scratches on a drain cover? Peasants going missing? Vermin becoming more common? Bah, there is a hundred and one ways to explain any one of those events. You are just completely delusional. Skaven. Are not. Real. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:04:23 No.57409985 File: skavenscribe png (414 KB, 712x565) "Yes-yes we should all believe the mighty Skaven of the Under Empire do not exist. This is correct fellow man-things." O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:08:34 No.57410036 File: 589d8c82cdef073ad3d4c0ee2(.).png (2.8 MB, 1233x1800) >>57408867 "Questioning my authority? Perhaps I should throw YOU on the pyre as well, we'll see how far your doubt lasts while burning atop the smoldering corpses of a hundred, foul, ratsl" O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:46:21 No.57410515 File: Sir Harumphington the second.jpg (18 KB, 236x339) >>57410036 You forget yourself sir! Even one as esteemed as yourself cannot go around making such declarations to a noble, such as myself, without evidence. But as I am a loyal and law abiding citizen of this glorious empire, I shall go back on my words if you can prove beyond a shadow of the doubt that Skaven exist. Take as much time as you want honourable sir, I will continue to go about my daily duties in the meantime. >>57409985 See, even this Bretonnian peasant, ill-bred and wretched as he is, can see the folly in this "Skaven" nonsense.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/878/885/4aa.png)
![File: Sir Harumphington.jpg (18 KB, 300x300) O Skaven aren't real Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)09:08:27 No.57408867 Archived I have been hearing a lot of talk about Skaven lately and it's all balderdash. All of it. Honestly. Rat-men. In the sewers. What sort of simpletons are you? How can you fall for such childish rumours? Do not tell me you were taking that utter drivel that dribbles out of those drunken dwarfen louts at the tavern seriously. They have probably spent so long crawling through those dirty little holes of theirs, that the lack of air and having your face right in front of another dirty scoundrel's posterior has made them soft in the head. What proof do you even have that these "Skaven" exist. Chicken scratches on a drain cover? Peasants going missing? Vermin becoming more common? Bah, there is a hundred and one ways to explain any one of those events. You are just completely delusional. Skaven. Are not. Real. O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:04:23 No.57409985 File: skavenscribe png (414 KB, 712x565) "Yes-yes we should all believe the mighty Skaven of the Under Empire do not exist. This is correct fellow man-things." O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:08:34 No.57410036 File: 589d8c82cdef073ad3d4c0ee2(.).png (2.8 MB, 1233x1800) >>57408867 "Questioning my authority? Perhaps I should throw YOU on the pyre as well, we'll see how far your doubt lasts while burning atop the smoldering corpses of a hundred, foul, ratsl" O Anonymous 01/13/18(Sat)11:46:21 No.57410515 File: Sir Harumphington the second.jpg (18 KB, 236x339) >>57410036 You forget yourself sir! Even one as esteemed as yourself cannot go around making such declarations to a noble, such as myself, without evidence. But as I am a loyal and law abiding citizen of this glorious empire, I shall go back on my words if you can prove beyond a shadow of the doubt that Skaven exist. Take as much time as you want honourable sir, I will continue to go about my daily duties in the meantime. >>57409985 See, even this Bretonnian peasant, ill-bred and wretched as he is, can see the folly in this "Skaven" nonsense.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/878/885/4aa.png)