/v/ - Trending Images
anon on slow game development

A story in 4 parts...

check out this dog

The reality of /v/

Imagination vs. Reality

Yuji Naka asks how would you feel if...?

anon has its priorities right

ordering a ps5

Anon Hates FNF Modders

Black Narrator horror
![O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:51 No.173486060 [v] >>173486315 >>173486317 >>173486393 12414123124.png (323 KB, 744x622) iqdb google Problem with horror games is that they overemphasize s---. >LOUD MUSIC O-M-G >JUMP M-----------! If you think about, the elements to a scary situation are simple. SILENCE is much scarier than loud jumpy music or it could be replaced with some weird ambient sound, and DISTURBING situations, where you thought you saw something that really isnt there, or something that just shouldnt be. O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:52 No.173486315 [¬] >>173486761 >>173486060 >JUMP M----------- I'd play a game where jumpscares were accompanied by someone saying that. JUMP M----------- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:55 No.173486761 []>>173487884 >>173493191 >>173486315 >Survival Horror with a black narrator >JUMP M----------- >WATCH OUT NYUGGUH >DAMN SON, YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:03 No.173487884 [▼] >>173488363 >>173489039 >>173493191 >>173486761 take my money 000OH S--- DAT N---- HE DEAD AWWW YOU SEE DAT? TENTACLES N S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:06 No.173488363 [7]>>173488513 >>173488626 >>173493191 Awww s---.jpg (28 KB, 160x249) iqdb google >>173487884 >OH SHI-.. WASSAT? YOU SEE DAT? WHAT THE F--- IS 'AT? OH OH OH S--- N---- OH S--- GET OUT RUN N---- RUN O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:08 No.173488626 [▼] >>173493191 >>173488363 He should give you bad advice too. BUST A CAP IN THAT N---- MAN THE F--- UP OH ОH S--- HE MAD NOW THAT AIN'T DONE S--- RUN N----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/196/322/971.png)
![O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:51 No.173486060 [v] >>173486315 >>173486317 >>173486393 12414123124.png (323 KB, 744x622) iqdb google Problem with horror games is that they overemphasize s---. >LOUD MUSIC O-M-G >JUMP M-----------! If you think about, the elements to a scary situation are simple. SILENCE is much scarier than loud jumpy music or it could be replaced with some weird ambient sound, and DISTURBING situations, where you thought you saw something that really isnt there, or something that just shouldnt be. O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:52 No.173486315 [¬] >>173486761 >>173486060 >JUMP M----------- I'd play a game where jumpscares were accompanied by someone saying that. JUMP M----------- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)17:55 No.173486761 []>>173487884 >>173493191 >>173486315 >Survival Horror with a black narrator >JUMP M----------- >WATCH OUT NYUGGUH >DAMN SON, YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING THAT S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:03 No.173487884 [▼] >>173488363 >>173489039 >>173493191 >>173486761 take my money 000OH S--- DAT N---- HE DEAD AWWW YOU SEE DAT? TENTACLES N S--- O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:06 No.173488363 [7]>>173488513 >>173488626 >>173493191 Awww s---.jpg (28 KB, 160x249) iqdb google >>173487884 >OH SHI-.. WASSAT? YOU SEE DAT? WHAT THE F--- IS 'AT? OH OH OH S--- N---- OH S--- GET OUT RUN N---- RUN O Anonymous 01/27/13(Sun)18:08 No.173488626 [▼] >>173493191 >>173488363 He should give you bad advice too. BUST A CAP IN THAT N---- MAN THE F--- UP OH ОH S--- HE MAD NOW THAT AIN'T DONE S--- RUN N----](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/196/322/971.png)
The duality of /v/

/v/ goes to the zoo

A good game to play before you die

Tom Scott makes a video on /v/

Society is collapsing

/v/ cracks open a bear

Gigachad reads the EULA

For off-topic threads

Your typical bait threads
![[ insert a news article that makes people angry here ] Does Mario wear a red hat Are video games fun Games for this feel?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/745/867/5ee.png)
![[ insert a news article that makes people angry here ] Does Mario wear a red hat Are video games fun Games for this feel?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/745/867/5ee.png)
Meanwhile on /v/
