Stop Doing Math - Images
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Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math
Stop Doing Java
![rwrapper tartup(1); STOP DOING JAVA • MAIN CODE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE PARENT CLASS • YEARS OF PROGRAMMING yet NO REAL WORLD USE FOUND for ANDROID APPS DEVELOPMENT Wanted a complicated code anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "BRAINFUCK" "Yes, run this program inside a VM. Please run Intellij IDEA in this feature phone" - Statements dreamed by the utterly Deranged LOOK at what Java programmers have been demading your Respect for all this time, with all the codes and ĮVM we built for them (THIS IS A REAL JAVA PROGRAMS, MADE BY REAL JAVA PROGRAMMERS) class A import IOException; public void nethodA() Systen.out.printingsethod of class A"); MINECRAFT public class ToncatEmbedded { private static final String EPTY = class extends a public vold methods(){ System.out.printin("sethod of Class ) public static void main(String... args) throws Exception ( File baseFolder = new File(Systen.getProperty("user.dir")); File appsFolder new File(baseFolder, child: "apps"); class C extends AL public void nethodc() Tomcat tomcat = new Toncat (); tomcat. setBaseDir(baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.printin("nethod of Class C"): tomcat. setPort(8888); lass D extends A public vold ethodD( Systen.out.printin"ethod of class D). tomcat.gethost().setAppBase(appsFolder.getAbsolutePath()): // Call the connector to create the default connector. tomcat.getConnector(): class Inheritnct public static void main(String args[]) tomcat. addwebapp(EMPTY, doclase: ","); Wrapper w - tomcat. addServlet(EMPTY, servtetame "hello", new Helloservlet()); I obji - new B): C obj2- ne C(); D objs - neu D() HALL classes can access the method of class 4 wrapper.s wrapper.addMapping "/"); tomcat. startl); tomcat.getServer().await(); ???? ???????? ??????????? package fibsandlies: import java.util.Map: import java.util.Hashap public class Pibcal culator extends Fibonacci iepl enents Cal cul at or { private static Map<Int eger, Integer> nenoized - new Hashlapo); "Hello, I would like public static void maini Stringll args) { senoized.put(1. 1): memoized.put( 2, 1): Systen. out . println(fibonacci(12)): apples please" public static int fibonacci(int fibIndex) ( if (memoized.containskey( fibIndex)) return seoized.get(fibIndex); el se { int ansver = fibonacci(fibIndex - 1) + fibonacci(fibInder - 2): emoized. put (fibIndex. ansver): return anser: They have played us for absolute fools](
![rwrapper tartup(1); STOP DOING JAVA • MAIN CODE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE PARENT CLASS • YEARS OF PROGRAMMING yet NO REAL WORLD USE FOUND for ANDROID APPS DEVELOPMENT Wanted a complicated code anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "BRAINFUCK" "Yes, run this program inside a VM. Please run Intellij IDEA in this feature phone" - Statements dreamed by the utterly Deranged LOOK at what Java programmers have been demading your Respect for all this time, with all the codes and ĮVM we built for them (THIS IS A REAL JAVA PROGRAMS, MADE BY REAL JAVA PROGRAMMERS) class A import IOException; public void nethodA() Systen.out.printingsethod of class A"); MINECRAFT public class ToncatEmbedded { private static final String EPTY = class extends a public vold methods(){ System.out.printin("sethod of Class ) public static void main(String... args) throws Exception ( File baseFolder = new File(Systen.getProperty("user.dir")); File appsFolder new File(baseFolder, child: "apps"); class C extends AL public void nethodc() Tomcat tomcat = new Toncat (); tomcat. setBaseDir(baseFolder.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.printin("nethod of Class C"): tomcat. setPort(8888); lass D extends A public vold ethodD( Systen.out.printin"ethod of class D). tomcat.gethost().setAppBase(appsFolder.getAbsolutePath()): // Call the connector to create the default connector. tomcat.getConnector(): class Inheritnct public static void main(String args[]) tomcat. addwebapp(EMPTY, doclase: ","); Wrapper w - tomcat. addServlet(EMPTY, servtetame "hello", new Helloservlet()); I obji - new B): C obj2- ne C(); D objs - neu D() HALL classes can access the method of class 4 wrapper.s wrapper.addMapping "/"); tomcat. startl); tomcat.getServer().await(); ???? ???????? ??????????? package fibsandlies: import java.util.Map: import java.util.Hashap public class Pibcal culator extends Fibonacci iepl enents Cal cul at or { private static Map<Int eger, Integer> nenoized - new Hashlapo); "Hello, I would like public static void maini Stringll args) { senoized.put(1. 1): memoized.put( 2, 1): Systen. out . println(fibonacci(12)): apples please" public static int fibonacci(int fibIndex) ( if (memoized.containskey( fibIndex)) return seoized.get(fibIndex); el se { int ansver = fibonacci(fibIndex - 1) + fibonacci(fibInder - 2): emoized. put (fibIndex. ansver): return anser: They have played us for absolute fools](
Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math
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Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math
Stop Buying Crossovers

Stop Doing Math

Stop Doing Math
Stop Doing Math