Dungeons and Dragons - Images
A grand tale
Dungeons and Dragons
When Joel plays DND
Dungeons and Dragons
When your waifu outgrows you
Dungeons and Dragons
Dark Elf Autism
Dungeons and Dragons
Vicious Mockery [BASS BOOSTED]
Dungeons and Dragons
When the party cares more about a random NPC than the planned plot
Dungeons and Dragons
Wrath of the Crabs
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons & Diners & Dragons & Drive-Ins & Dives
Dungeons and Dragons
When you role a 1 in D&D and get Jar Jar Binks as a guide
Dungeons and Dragons
D&D Classes - HD Remaster
Dungeons and Dragons
The world of Golarian according to /tg/ (technically this is Pathfinder, but it's based off of D&D and we don't have a pathfinder gallery)
Dungeons and Dragons
Dragons by FaxCelestis
Dungeons and Dragons
Character backstory
Dungeons and Dragons
What your class says about you
Dungeons and Dragons
Fated pg4
Dungeons and Dragons
Fated pg3
Dungeons and Dragons
Fated pg2
Dungeons and Dragons
Fated pg1
Dungeons and Dragons
Rolling a 1 on a perception check.
Dungeons and Dragons
Are my players retarded?
Dungeons and Dragons