Thundercats Roar - Images
Fun isn’t something one considers when ruining a cartoon series. But this… does put a smile on my fa...

Thundercats Roar
Steven Universe Premiering on Thundercats Roar

Thundercats Roar
Right in the childhood

Thundercats Roar
Animation vs. a-nu-mation

Thundercats Roar
Let the flame war begins........
Thundercats Roar
Actual Reason (not shitting on Arin, just acknowledging how shitty things in the animation industry...

Thundercats Roar
ThunderCats/Metroid comparison

Thundercats Roar

Thundercats Roar
ThunderCats/Zelda comparison

Thundercats Roar
Cheetara addressing the fans

Thundercats Roar
Go back

Thundercats Roar
Gobb - Thundercats Roar style

Thundercats Roar
Harvey Dent was right

Thundercats Roar
We have ourselves to blame

Thundercats Roar
Then vs Now

Thundercats Roar
Death coming

Thundercats Roar