WMAF / AMWF - Images
WMAW vs AMWW (Video Games Edition)
![WMAW AMWW M. Yu II II](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/216/945/a42.jpg)
![WMAW AMWW M. Yu II II](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/216/945/a42.jpg)
Wow, that's literally me
![DUC PPAA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/216/931/6e2.jpg)
![DUC PPAA](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/216/931/6e2.jpg)
Here's a totally unbiased comparison from the now banned r/JustBeAsian
WMAW vs AMWW 2 (response)
![WMAW AMWW omr AMWW dreamstime Nicholas Wu allegedly stabbed his father at the family's south Eugene home just before 11 a.m. Tuesday and then fled in a red 2010 Volkswagen dreamstime eamstime](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/187/660/4f2.jpg)
![WMAW AMWW omr AMWW dreamstime Nicholas Wu allegedly stabbed his father at the family's south Eugene home just before 11 a.m. Tuesday and then fled in a red 2010 Volkswagen dreamstime eamstime](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/187/660/4f2.jpg)
![WMAW AMWW II II](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/187/659/164.jpg)
![WMAW AMWW II II](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/187/659/164.jpg)
One of the "aberagge this vs abberagge that" memes, from Tumblr
![Average Asian guy Average white guy Average white girl Average Asian girl](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/187/657/b01.jpg)
![Average Asian guy Average white guy Average white girl Average Asian girl](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/187/657/b01.jpg)
Pretty sure Trump never gave a shit about any of this
Average anti-AMWF and anti-WMAF vs Average AMWF and WMAF
![Average anti-AMWF and anti-WMAF Noo! You can't love them! I dont like it! Your race makes bad fathers! Average AMWF and WMAF I am happy for both of you no matter your races. Same, friend.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/140/898/fc0.png)
![Average anti-AMWF and anti-WMAF Noo! You can't love them! I dont like it! Your race makes bad fathers! Average AMWF and WMAF I am happy for both of you no matter your races. Same, friend.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/140/898/fc0.png)
White Woman In AMWF Leaves DISGUSTING Comment On A WMAF Hapa Baby Girl's Photo
![I copied the title from the source](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/087/514/7c2.png)
![I copied the title from the source](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/087/514/7c2.png)
The AMWF poster gets exposed
![| Anonymous (ID: TehM11H) [•l Hollywood propaganda yTehM11H YTEHM11H 03/01/21(Mon)23:19:40 No.31028274 Why do we YTEHM11H Why do we push anti asian propaganda so much? Why the west is so scared of China? Why we envy asian men so much, so we have to spent billions of dollars every year to make propaganda and sabotage asian men? This is really stupid, there so much better options to spend money rather than lie about chinese men. >same IDs As a white woman, I saying that I Western ite me t of las prm tthe yTehM11H As a white men, I really VTehM11H) O 1.35 MB JPG >>310282748 (OP) # I was thinking about this too. /mous (ID: YTEHM11H) ® 03/02/21 (Tue)00:03:35 No.31028779. VTehM11H D3/01/21(Mon)23:21:14 No.31028 nymous (ID: TehM11H) - 03/01/21(Mon)23:40 >>310287245 # >>310287417 # >>310287454 # >>310287517 # >replies to himself >LARPing as white >changes flags As a white woman, I saying that I absolutely LOVE Chinese men >ID still the same >>310284755 # \TE white men Makes sence. So Chinese men >>310282748 (OP) # I was thinking about this too. I) think its because we fe to asian men, so we lie them to put them down D: TehM11H 03/02/21(Tue)00:23:19 are superior and women love You do realise there are id's ling. Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B )TT : Anonymous (ID: QYM9ztCG )= 03/01/21(Mon)23:58:47 No.31028724 03/02/21(Tue)01:24:48 No.310296 GEE. I WONDER WHO COULD BE BEHIND THIS POST >>310289778 # >>310289643 # As a white men, I real a good WMAF couple looks gross. But AMV looks cool, my boss is >>310282748 (OP) # >>310282937 # >>310283199 # >>310283748 # >>310283931 # >>310285232 # >>310285557 # >>310286844 # You're the same Canadian cuck who's been posting þnymous (ID: AQV66G1N ) ·H this s--- for months. I can see it in the archives. Stay mad ricecel Anonymous (ID: VTehM11H 03/02/21(Tu 03/02/21(Tue)01= >>3102901 Bro, really, White women prefer any pther race than us. They worship asian men, and will also prefer black over white. We must understand |0282748 (OP) # >>310282937 # >>310283199 # ^ Italian anon was onto him : Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [I 03/02/21(Tue)00:43:25 No.310292171 >we >49 posts by this ID >>310291977 # Here's some ancient WMAF p--- 1onymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I for you >>310290730 # >>310290804 # >>310290868 # >>310291724 # >>310291939 # Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I 03/02/21(Tue)00:30:31 No.310290804 03/02/21(Tue)01:25:24 No.310296 E Anonymou 116 KB JPG >>310290477 # >They worship asian >310292323 # >>310292444 # >>310292487 # >>310292712 # >>310296643 # Reddit is not sending their best men Anonymous (ID: AC718THC Lol 03/02/21(Tue)00:44:49 No.31029232 >switches to >>310292171 # this is getting out of hand antonio niggerdick because he ran out of arguments >>3102827/48 (OP)_# >>310282937 # >>310283199 # like clockwork : Anonymous (ID: Tquamrii : Anonymous (ID: mMU8q9+U ) 03/02/21(Tue)00:33:55 No.31029112310283748 # 03/02/21(Tue)02:29:02 No.310303823 >310283931 # >>310285232 # >>310290288 # You samefagging jackass. You >>310285557 # keep pretending to be different >doesn't know about IDs posters. Your point is obviously >changes his flag as if it'll hide his identity wrong. Also I can hear your accent through your somewhat >expects people to fall for it poor grasp of the English >>310282748 (OP) # You have personally ruined the shill effort of an entire nation how 62 KB JPG does it feel? This is the most offensive samefaggery I've ever seen in my entire time on 4chan. : Anonymous (ID: Z6ZQ/xfX ) language. : Anonymous (ID: YTEHM11H ) [•I : Anonymous (ID: LjeyJhKT ) E 03/02/21(Tue)00:01:50 No.310287577 03/02/21(Tue)02:25:35 No.310303463 03/02/: Anonymous (ID: FOXTW27 ) 03/02/21(Tue)C >>310287245 # Im white. I see a lot of white incels everywhere, and I see that white man are very unsafe about >>310302959 # >>310303159 # >>310302275 # >>310301872 # >>310301521 # This was a good thread bros. A toast, to Changs' 3 millimeter >>310282937 # >>310283094 # >>310282748 (OP)_# f--- off ching chong ССР bad 165 KB JPG Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I 03/02/21(Tue)00:04:10 No.310287856 >>310283199 # 81 KB PNG Samefagging chinese shill m-----------. peter! Here here! >>310287577 # Yeah, you're so white you're posting Asian bodybuilders and promoting AMWF on your memeflag proxy. You think you're clever? Who you think you are talking to: Who you are really talking to: IWC Iw Learn to make the difference](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/067/845/928.jpg)
![| Anonymous (ID: TehM11H) [•l Hollywood propaganda yTehM11H YTEHM11H 03/01/21(Mon)23:19:40 No.31028274 Why do we YTEHM11H Why do we push anti asian propaganda so much? Why the west is so scared of China? Why we envy asian men so much, so we have to spent billions of dollars every year to make propaganda and sabotage asian men? This is really stupid, there so much better options to spend money rather than lie about chinese men. >same IDs As a white woman, I saying that I Western ite me t of las prm tthe yTehM11H As a white men, I really VTehM11H) O 1.35 MB JPG >>310282748 (OP) # I was thinking about this too. /mous (ID: YTEHM11H) ® 03/02/21 (Tue)00:03:35 No.31028779. VTehM11H D3/01/21(Mon)23:21:14 No.31028 nymous (ID: TehM11H) - 03/01/21(Mon)23:40 >>310287245 # >>310287417 # >>310287454 # >>310287517 # >replies to himself >LARPing as white >changes flags As a white woman, I saying that I absolutely LOVE Chinese men >ID still the same >>310284755 # \TE white men Makes sence. So Chinese men >>310282748 (OP) # I was thinking about this too. I) think its because we fe to asian men, so we lie them to put them down D: TehM11H 03/02/21(Tue)00:23:19 are superior and women love You do realise there are id's ling. Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B )TT : Anonymous (ID: QYM9ztCG )= 03/01/21(Mon)23:58:47 No.31028724 03/02/21(Tue)01:24:48 No.310296 GEE. I WONDER WHO COULD BE BEHIND THIS POST >>310289778 # >>310289643 # As a white men, I real a good WMAF couple looks gross. But AMV looks cool, my boss is >>310282748 (OP) # >>310282937 # >>310283199 # >>310283748 # >>310283931 # >>310285232 # >>310285557 # >>310286844 # You're the same Canadian cuck who's been posting þnymous (ID: AQV66G1N ) ·H this s--- for months. I can see it in the archives. Stay mad ricecel Anonymous (ID: VTehM11H 03/02/21(Tu 03/02/21(Tue)01= >>3102901 Bro, really, White women prefer any pther race than us. They worship asian men, and will also prefer black over white. We must understand |0282748 (OP) # >>310282937 # >>310283199 # ^ Italian anon was onto him : Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [I 03/02/21(Tue)00:43:25 No.310292171 >we >49 posts by this ID >>310291977 # Here's some ancient WMAF p--- 1onymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I for you >>310290730 # >>310290804 # >>310290868 # >>310291724 # >>310291939 # Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I 03/02/21(Tue)00:30:31 No.310290804 03/02/21(Tue)01:25:24 No.310296 E Anonymou 116 KB JPG >>310290477 # >They worship asian >310292323 # >>310292444 # >>310292487 # >>310292712 # >>310296643 # Reddit is not sending their best men Anonymous (ID: AC718THC Lol 03/02/21(Tue)00:44:49 No.31029232 >switches to >>310292171 # this is getting out of hand antonio niggerdick because he ran out of arguments >>3102827/48 (OP)_# >>310282937 # >>310283199 # like clockwork : Anonymous (ID: Tquamrii : Anonymous (ID: mMU8q9+U ) 03/02/21(Tue)00:33:55 No.31029112310283748 # 03/02/21(Tue)02:29:02 No.310303823 >310283931 # >>310285232 # >>310290288 # You samefagging jackass. You >>310285557 # keep pretending to be different >doesn't know about IDs posters. Your point is obviously >changes his flag as if it'll hide his identity wrong. Also I can hear your accent through your somewhat >expects people to fall for it poor grasp of the English >>310282748 (OP) # You have personally ruined the shill effort of an entire nation how 62 KB JPG does it feel? This is the most offensive samefaggery I've ever seen in my entire time on 4chan. : Anonymous (ID: Z6ZQ/xfX ) language. : Anonymous (ID: YTEHM11H ) [•I : Anonymous (ID: LjeyJhKT ) E 03/02/21(Tue)00:01:50 No.310287577 03/02/21(Tue)02:25:35 No.310303463 03/02/: Anonymous (ID: FOXTW27 ) 03/02/21(Tue)C >>310287245 # Im white. I see a lot of white incels everywhere, and I see that white man are very unsafe about >>310302959 # >>310303159 # >>310302275 # >>310301872 # >>310301521 # This was a good thread bros. A toast, to Changs' 3 millimeter >>310282937 # >>310283094 # >>310282748 (OP)_# f--- off ching chong ССР bad 165 KB JPG Anonymous (ID: oaBP/+0B ) [ I 03/02/21(Tue)00:04:10 No.310287856 >>310283199 # 81 KB PNG Samefagging chinese shill m-----------. peter! Here here! >>310287577 # Yeah, you're so white you're posting Asian bodybuilders and promoting AMWF on your memeflag proxy. You think you're clever? Who you think you are talking to: Who you are really talking to: IWC Iw Learn to make the difference](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/067/845/928.jpg)
WMAF vs AMWF (thumbnail by J&K Lovett)
![Found this on /r9k/ too, they were talking about comparisons. I'll just link the YouTube video as source though](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/049/951/f44.jpg)
![Found this on /r9k/ too, they were talking about comparisons. I'll just link the YouTube video as source though](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/049/951/f44.jpg)
Google Search Interest
![Search Interest FAP Interest over time FAP Worldwide. 2004 - Present. Web Search AM/WF P--- FAP WMAF AMWF 100 % of opposite-sex newlywed intermarried couples that include each combination % of newływeds in 2013 who married someone of a differentrace Share of all 75 intermarried couples in this combination HUSBAND/WIFE WIFE/HUSBAND IMen Women White/Hispanic 22% 20 42% 37 White/Asian 11 4 15% 50 16 Asian 25 Nota 1 Jan 2004 1 Jan 2012 1 Jan 20...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/008/592/017.jpg)
![Search Interest FAP Interest over time FAP Worldwide. 2004 - Present. Web Search AM/WF P--- FAP WMAF AMWF 100 % of opposite-sex newlywed intermarried couples that include each combination % of newływeds in 2013 who married someone of a differentrace Share of all 75 intermarried couples in this combination HUSBAND/WIFE WIFE/HUSBAND IMen Women White/Hispanic 22% 20 42% 37 White/Asian 11 4 15% 50 16 Asian 25 Nota 1 Jan 2004 1 Jan 2012 1 Jan 20...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/008/592/017.jpg)
AMWF vs WMAF Comparison - Cope Ricecel Edition
WMAF - AMWF Comparison - Counter Meme
![WMAF AMWF](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/985/608/923.jpg)
![WMAF AMWF](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/985/608/923.jpg)
The favorite image of the AMWF spammer
![AMWF WMAF](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/985/605/57e.jpg)
![AMWF WMAF](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/985/605/57e.jpg)