'Arthur's' Last Episode Proves Finales Can Be Good Alongside Wave Of Memes About D.W. Becoming A Cop

Published February 22, 2022

Published February 22, 2022

After 25 years of production, the children's TV show Arthur aired its finale on President's Day after a 250-episode marathon was played on the channel and streamed on YouTube.

In the finale, the main cast of Muffy, Francine, Buster and Arthur play a game in the library that promises to tell them what they'll be when they grow up, with the game breaking right before Arthur's future is told. The scenery then changes to show a glimpse of what the world of Arthur is like 20 years later, with the friends all gathering at the Sugar Bowl, their favorite spot as kids, to see the big reveal that Arthur himself became a comic book artist with his first issue being the first episode of the series, bringing everything to a satisfying closed circle.

With the finale came the sudden reveal that D.W., Arthur's little sister who consistently gets him in trouble and is often the least favorite character in the show, grows up to become a police officer — something many found quite fitting. This led to a quick burst of memes about D.W. being a cop, as well as looking back at previous moments in the series that could foreshadow this happening.

As usual when there is a finale or show ending, people started to post about their favorite moments from the series as a whole, as well as looking for jokes that were a long time coming, easter eggs or any loose ends that they wanted to be sewn up, which had finally happened in a very natural way when it comes to Arthur's nose. In the books, Arthur's original design had him, an Aardvark, having a very long nose, which is noticeably not present in the show, and finally was hinted at in the last episode.

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