Billie Eilish Accused Of Queerbaiting After Hanging Out With Girls In Music Video

Published June 14, 2021

Published June 14, 2021

People are very inquisitive about the sexuality of Billie Eilish during the promotion of her recent single. The young singer recently put out her music video for "Lost Cause," an anti-ex anthem that features Eilish having a slumber party with some girlfriends.

She also posted some behind-the-scenes photos from the video's shoot captioned "I love girls."

The video and the post combined have made people very frustrated that Eilish has not commented on her sexuality, with some accusing Eilish of queerbaiting. Queerbaiting, as its defined in Claiming The B In LGBT, is "a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation."

While some were on the alert for a celebrity being potentially problematic, others argued that "queerbaiting" can't be done by actual people. The term is academically applied to fictional characters and works of fiction that may make reference to homosexuality but is not explicit in the text; a textbook example of queerbaiting would be J.K. Rowling announcing that Albus Dumbledore was gay years after the books were published. The Korrasami ship in Avatar: The Last Airbender has been cited as an example of queerbaiting, as characters Kora and Asami Sato did not engage in homosexual romance until the last episode of the series.

Eilish has publicly dated men in the past and has not clarified her sexuality.

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