Justaminx and Dad Prove To Be Crowd Favorite Winners At Creator Clash
Early in the night at iDubbbz charity boxing event called Creator Clash, two fighters had won much more than their fights — they won the heart of the crowd at the same time.
Going into the fight, Nathan Barnett, also known as Dad, was not heavily favored (primarily because of his age) fighting an opponent decades younger than himself. However, this did not slow Dad down, as he came out swinging hard and fast, winning his fight in a short amount of time that would put even speedrunners to shame.
I thought the Creator Clash was going to be lame but holy shit. Dad should be arrested for child abuse that was insane.
— BryanPlantRpg (@BryanPlantRpg) May 14, 2022
that "dad" guy in creator clash has a very accurate name. my dad also beat my ass like that
— 𝓶𝓪𝔂𝓱𝓮𝓶 (@LtMayhem) May 14, 2022
Little bit late to the action, but I decided to watch the Creator Clash fight between Matt Watson and Dad. pic.twitter.com/ELHiQ4dgsr
— The Donkus Parable (@Wazzaldorp) May 14, 2022
Wait i just started watching creator clash, did Dad just shit on Matt Watson in 30 seconds?
— DeOreoDraws (@RealDeOreo) May 14, 2022
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Justaminx's fight against Yodeling Hailee went much longer than anticipated, even continuing to rack up rounds after Hailee started bleeding from her face. As the rounds increased, so did the roar of the crowd, with Minx's victory causing a cacophony of applause to erupt.
do you think Minx is gonna get her shit rocked at the creator clash
— coop! (@coopxer) May 12, 2022
TheCreatorClash</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/JustaMinx?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">
My cat seemed to enjoy that fight pic.twitter.com/W4sHllKyY4— Hound (@houndovhhell) May 14, 2022
— Arc (@BruhArc) May 14, 2022
Minx is murdering a child right now@TheCreatorClash pic.twitter.com/07bcG7fiLR
— Jack / Cyber (@JackTheKenku) May 14, 2022
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