Markiplier Inspires #HePooped Hashtag After Triumphantly Announcing Bowel Movement

Published December 03, 2020

Published December 03, 2020

Popular YouTuber Markiplier announced he pooped today, setting off a wave of celebration across social media.

While this may not seem like a cause for celebration, the YouTuber, who recently wrapped up his year-long experimental YouTube channel Unus Annus, yesterday announced he had to go to the hospital due to some intense abdominal pain. Turns out he had an intestinal blockage that was causing him distress.

#HePooped trended on Twitter after Markiplier's monumental announcement as fans celebrated the YouTuber's bowel movement.

The hashtag was aided by a presumably very tired Twitter copywriter, who gave the dryest possible description of the event: "Fans of YouTuber Markiplier celebrate as he gives an update on the intestinal blockage that sent him to the hospital."

Congratulations to Markiplier for pushing through this painful period. KnowYourMeme sends you the best.

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