Sports World Gathers To Dunk On Rather Pathetic L.A. Rams Hollywood Sign

Published February 18, 2022

Published February 18, 2022

Los Angeles isn't exactly known for being a "football town" but that didn't stop them for celebrating the Los Angeles Rams' championship victory in Super Bowl LVI.

Following the victory, the city of Los Angeles attempted to honor their team by changing the iconic Hollywood sign to read "Rams House." You can judge how it did for yourself:

There's no way around it: even with the most charitable read, the letters draped over the Hollywood sign read "R A MSH O U S E" and lack the grandeur one might expect for the returning Super Bowl champs. Furthermore, among the many graphical design challenges the sign fails to overcome, the most glaring issue is that the "O" in "HOUSE" is clearly struggling to come through over the "W" in "HOLLYWOOD," especially from a distance.

This was not lost on the sports fans of Twitter, who took to dunking on the sign while crowing about the perceived lack of passion among L.A. football fans.

A Reddit thread in /r/LosAngeles was even less charitable towards the sign, with commenters interpreting it to read "words" like, HOLSHWOSE, RAMSLOSE, HOMSⱯWOGE and HAMSHOOSE.

The botched sign is only one of the various issues plaguing Los Angeles' attempt to celebrate the Rams victory. On top of the supposedly paltry attendance for the Rams' Wednesday championship parade, this viral clip of very-drunk Rams quarterback Matt Stafford peacing out after a photographer falls off stage while interviewing him has some sports fans howling at the farce of a Los Angeles championship parade.

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