War For The Soul Of Christmas Intensifies As Jill Biden Reveals Her Festive Decor For White House

Published December 01, 2021

Published December 01, 2021

It's difficult to remember many notable things that defined Melania Trump's time as First Lady. She had several notable gaffes and a general "be kind" campaign that rang hollow among many, but perhaps what people will remember most about her are her unquestionably unique Christmas decorations.

For years, Melania was mocked by many online for her warmth-less, stark Christmas decor, as she decked out the White House in blood-red Christmas trees and hellish, barren plants Ultimately, there were reports that Melania hated the traditional decorating, at one point getting recorded asking, "Who gives a f*** about Christmas?"

Now that Jill Biden is in the White House and the Biden administration is giving Americans a more "traditional" presidency than its predecessor, one might expect that her Christmas decor would align with more generic tastes than Melania's divisive visions. This turned out to be the case as the White House gave the public a look at First Lady Biden's holiday decoration — and it's just as traditionally "Christmas-y" as you might expect, with (green) trees, wreaths, presents and stockings adorning the White House.

As this is America, the online discussion about Jill Biden's Christmas decorations became the latest site for the culture war, as conservative commentators said they missed Melania's decorations while liberal commentators said they were glad to see more "normal" decorations.

While the expected ideologies planted their political flags in the debate about how best to decorate the White House at Christmas, some less-politically motivated commenters took the moment to reevaluate Melania's infamous Christmas decor. Slate columnist Heather Schwedel expressed disappointment at the loss of Melania's unique touch that always made for fun discussions during the holidays, and bemoaned the generic and vague "Gift From The Heart" theme of Biden's White House.

If nothing else, Melania Trump did make The White House's Christmas decorations an annual topic of political discussion, and there will almost certainly be three more years of heated debate about how Jill Biden handles the task.

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