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Having been pointed here (won't name anyone, just to say that I wasn't searching for this myself, it was shown to me by someone else), I'll just lay down a few things:
1) You're STILL doing this?
2) It seems he would actually agree to that statement, just because someone doesn't append "in my opinion" to everything all the damn time doesn't mean that they're necessarily preaching their personal views as factual. Most I could see is a few times he's gone into "this is definitely wrong" territory but even then it's rarely if ever offensive (I say rarely because he very well could've crossed the line sometimes and I don't want to utterly rule that out but I honestly can't remember anything along those lines seriously deserving of anger), mostly because that level seems to be reserved for actual problem problems with the work or practices described, and those instances seemed to be directed at the work rather than its fans as far as I can remember from those times.


in reply to CrashGordon94

3) One could call hypocrisy on this, since you (and many other hardcore haters of the guy) seem to rail against him for not liking what you like. Even if you say that's not the intention, a) I'm not sure I'd buy that since the reasons given at most justify "I don't like his reviews and he gets on my nerves" rather than "I'M SO ANGRY I MADE SEVERAL IMAGE MACROS" and b) even if that's not what you mean, it often comes across that way, which if nothing else should provoke you to cool it as he (much like you in the circumstance) could've just miscommunicated.
Wow, long rant, didn't mean to go on for so long, probably should get to bed now.


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