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Undertale - Dimensional dream, Asriel felt Chara's sins crawling on his back

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Chara: Well let’s see, I poisoned the towns well, stole candy from my parents, murdered at least 5 children with a knife, burned down the orphanage, burned two dogs alive in an oven, burned my birthday cake, kissed my adoptive brothers (not you Asriel) girlfriend against her will, cheated while playing Mario kart, burned down the other local orphanage, tried to become god at least 5 times.

Burned down the city of Luoyang, shot jf Kennedy, invaded Ireland, burned down the local hospital, cheated at my school test, burned down my local school, called my sister fat, burned down my sister, refused to share any candy I stole from my parents, unleashed the four horseman of the apocalypse, might have possibly started world war 1, stole the teachers bike, came up with a complex scheme to harvest the emotional power of little girls to fight entropy, used comic sans for my report.

Delayed half-life 3, pranked the mayor, gave the one ring to Sauron, blew up the moon, popularized twilight, kicked my grandmother for fun, burned down the local church, burned down the local church’s cemetery, made a deal with satan, joined the nazi party, disliked Steven X Connie as a ship, and at least 10 uses of the word fuck during inappropriate moments.

Asriel:…….That’s everything?

Chara: Oh god no, that’s just what I did this year.


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