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388 Views Created 8 years ago By Immahnoob • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Immahnoob • Updated 6 years ago

Fire Emblem Fates - Nishiki X Aqua The dialogue has had cultural alterations to it, specifically to the power of the kitsune's tail. In Japanese folklore, a kitsune is a fox with great intelligence that most of the times also have magical powers and wisdom which increases with the time they are alive (and with the tails), they have the power to shapeshift in men or women which they use in various ways depending on the story The fox's tail is important because it's related to their magical powers (besides their identity), and they have difficulty hiding them when in human form, which is why in folklore, one of the ways to determine their identity is to check for their tails when they're confused, drunk, eto In our case, Aqua is entranced by his tail, this whole cultural part of the conversation is completely missing, instead, it's trivialized by making it seem as if Aqua has an obsession with "cute and fluffy things, when it's the magic doing this to her. Further explanations can be seen on the B conversation in As for the rest of the changes, they're the general cut lines and alterations, besides trivializing the characters personalities. Eg. "I gotta practice so everyone will think I'm cool, calm, and collected- #Torrentia!Downpour Translation Nintendo of America Ver. Nishiki: Hey Aqua, how's it going? Kaden: Hiya, Azura! ...Geez. You've got a scary look on your face right now Azura: Oh, hello, Kaden. What do you mean? Kaden: It seems like you've got a bee in your こんにちは。 a: Greetings こんにちは Nishiki: What's this? You've got quite a grim look on your face Just looking at you makes me feel like the air around us is fraught with tension. Are you bonnet- Er, hairdo thingy. What's up? 随分と真剣な顔をしているね、キミは? 周囲の空気がぴりっと張りつめてる感じ. 何か考え事でもしているのかい? WO t something? a: Nothing's wrong this is how I Azura: I'm afraid I don't understand. This is my usual face. Nothing is bothering me rea 普通にしているだけよ。 Nishiki: Ooh, I wish I could project that feeling Kaden: WOW. That is seriously impressive. Man just by being myse I couldn't look that uptight if I tried! そんな風だなんて、 羨ましいよ。 se illage for such a long time, because even when I'm jumping into the fray of war like this, people just think Ive got no sense of the gravity of the 里で平和に暮らしてたせいか うして戦争に参加してても、どうも 緊張感が無いと思われてしまうんだよね。 Azura: No, I guess not. You always have that 確かにニシキはいつも 楽しそうにしているわね。 Aqua: Now that you mention it, you always seem like you go about life so joyfull grin on your face, don't you? Kaden: Ha! Yep! If I'm not careful, people will think I've lost my claws and turned into a pet Nishiki: Ahaha, so that's how people see me やっぱりそう見えるかい? 平和ボケした狐だと思われないよう ve got to be careful not to come across as some sort of hippie Azura: And what would be wrong with that? I wish I could frolic through life the way you do Aqua: I don't know, don't you think you're 別にあなたはそのままでいいんじゃない? | better off like that? Here I'm wishing I could 私は愛想のいいあなたが羨ましいぐらいよーcome off as amicable as you are! ea t makes me happy to hear Kaden: You do? Aww! You're making my tail そう言われると嬉しいね。 しっぽが勝手に揺れてしまうよ。 that. So happy that my tail just starts wagging wag. Look! ..Azura, is something wrong? You're |on its own. Ah ha ha えへへ ha giving me a crazy look right now a: BLANK] Nishiki: Aqua? Aqua... what's the matter all of a[BLANK] Aqua: ...Oh, uh, no. Nothing, nothing at all. I Azura: Oh, my. Forgive me for staring. I've just started thinking about your big tail and just never seen your tail up close. It's so fluffy! あ、 いえ, なんでもないわ。 Nishiki: Oh, is that it? Humans rarely see such a Kaden: I always forget that you humans don ああ、そうか。このしっぽは ヒトには珍しく映るんだったね。 睨まれてるのかと思って びっくりしてしまったよ。 それじゃあボクはこれで。 have tails. It's too bad. They're amazing! splendid tail, it's true I got all flustered because I thought you were Well, I should go. See you later, Aqua well, I better get going. (I can believe I almost reached out to pet him!) a. Nishiki: Whew . Aqua's so great. Always coo Kaden: All right. Catch ya later. *sigh Wow and calm, with that serious air about her 常に緊張感があって冷静で。 ボクもあれぐらい冷静に見えれば、 より美しい狐に Azura's so lucky. She's got that serious look down pat. I gotta practice so everyone will think I'm cool, calm, and collected-just like her! would be even an more beautiful fox [BLANK] [BLANK] Nishiki: Whoa! Whoa! What the? Aqua, what's going on? I thought you had just gone that way. あれ? アクア、どうしたんだい? あっちに行ったものとばかり あっ ええと ちょ、ちょっと道を間違えてしまったわ。 Aqua: Oh? I, no, well . for a minute there, I- [BLANK] I guess I lost my way Nishiki: Oh, if that's what it was, okay BLANK] Aqua: Yes, yes, whatever sorry..! BLANK] ごめんなさい ! Nishiki: I wonder what that was all about ...?[BLANK] She was looking pretty agitated there..


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