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Insufficient Dakka
Insufficient Dakka

DBZ: Yeah, definitely has more than its fair share of horrible fans.

JoJo: Ever since the anime got started a lot more people joined the fandom and those that were already fans became more vocal, and then a lot of people noticed quite a few of the fans were less than great.

AoT: Been so long, barely even remember what the fandom was like. I don't really remember them doing much besides posing at cons and stuff.

OPM: Oh, definitely. Kind of like another DBZ. Attracts more than just power level people because of how it does a lot of non-shounen things, but still has those kind of people watching/reading.

Naruto: Again, big shounen thing, like a magnet.

Classic Berserk: Not as familiar with Berserk, although I know the basics. Don't really know what the Berserk anime fans were like back then.

Tokyo Ghoul: Not familiar with this either, sorry.

One Piece: Like the other Shounen, but I haven't had as many unpleasant experiences with One Piece fans as Naruto or DBZ ones.

SWO: vomit noises

Bleach: Yeah, it's shounen, you've got your fair share of bad fans. More than One Piece, not as many as Naruto or DBZ in my opinion.

Fairy Tail: I guess about as much as Bleach?


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