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Joke NSFW tags are no longer allowed for absolutely no good reason and out of nowhere without any ex...

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in reply to ballstothewall

Meta content where KYM is involved, but not the main meme, is allowed and verbally written to be allowed. I quote:

"Meta Content. Examples or parodies of existing memes that use KYM as a site (ex #1 / ex #2), its general userbase as a whole (ex), or even our mascot, as the punchline of the joke are fine to upload to the entry they relate to. If the image does not relate to any entry, it should be uploaded to our KnowYourMeme entry gallery (ex: NSFW thumbnail parodies and gallery juxtaposition)."

At worst, joke NSFW tags would need to be moved to this KYM gallery, not untagged.

RandomMan Moderator

This one is actually not 100% on the mods as you'd like to make yourself believe. Staff told us that jokes like this shouldn't abuse site functionality. For example, mods initially approved of the joke to have our enty on Deadpool deadpooled, but that gives it a false status and shouldn't happen according to staff.

Then again, we don't fuck around when it's entries. I'm certain meta jokes like this in image galleries are more open to discussion, they're much more harmless after all.

Pointing this issue out in for example the Suggest Ideas board would result in a much more respectable discussion, and believe me we're not impossible to be persuaded. To instead then run with behaving like a spoiled brat and upload slander isn't helping your point.

If there's no willingness to debate there will be no debate.


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