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Origin Entry: Soul vs. Soulless

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Soul vs. Soulless - Yes, Marvel Rising is pretty shit. It's why no one ever talks about it.

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Once instead of a Youtube ad, I had an hour long movie for Marvel Rising. I decided to watch because I was that bored. It wasn't bad. B+ at least. Squirrel Girl was in it and not doing what I usually hate, i.e. effortlessly defeating Thanos and Galactus. There was a plot with a reasonable quantity of twists for casual viewing. Would recommend.

So get this, they had their protagonists have biases as people tend to, and show the consequences of rushing to judgement. This is something DC isn't willing to do except when pushing it to the extreme such as Injustice where the whole premise is that half the superheroes betray their core values on weak justification. And get this too, Marvel even let women and non-whites make mistakes because they don't pretend anyone is perfect.

Captain Marvel was in it, but she didn't really do anything. I say this to the movie's credit. She came in late, more to answer the question "How can all of these events happen without Shield noticing at all" than anything else. She didn't steal the spotlight or thrust a smug aura of female superiority. It was more like "A space ship is exploding and falling onto New York, guess I should do something about that."


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