The toilet paper we get comes with a mini roll of more toilet paper in the center instead of a hollow cardboard insert. | r/mildlyinteresting
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Sep 18, 2019 at 09:41AM EDT
r/mildlyinteresting reddit toilet paper paper
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This chair in the hospital waiting room is not very happy about being sat on. | r/mildlyinteresting
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Just snapped this pic tonight during a thunderstorm, lightning so bright it looks like daytime. | r/mildlyinteresting
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The official Toy Story 4 toys are so detailed, you can see Bonnie’s finger prints in the gum holding Forky together. | r/mildlyinteresting
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Mildly Interesting - The toilet paper we get comes with a mini roll of more toilet paper in the center instead of a hollow cardboard insert. | r/mildlyinteresting
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