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Did not women play a very big role in WW II, which is why the "We Can Do It" poster exists..? If women could do that in the 40's with all the sexism of the era, there is definitely no reason to think the same cannot be true for 2020. With that said, I just feel bad about forced war drafting in general, so I still consider it a good thing that it is not forced upon women, being instead optional.

Krupam the Oldfag
Krupam the Oldfag

in reply to Nedhitis

Somewhat. Women did play a big role during WW1 and WW2, but was largely because as many men were getting drafted and returning either crippled or in coffins, women had to handle all the labor, particularly manufacturing the war material, and their work helped fuel the drive for women's rights.
In occupied areas women were taking more direct combat roles in resistance movements, but even then they weren't typically fighting in the frontline, but more like managing logistics or telegraphs. Still, there were some rare cases, like that one Soviet sniper with over three hundred confirmed kills.


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