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Know Your Meme - Hide Poochyena Threads, Ignore Poochyena Posts, Do Not Reply to Poochyena Posters

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Man, the amount of pent-up posts people had in mind to make that are surfacing only now is rather impressive. I guess we all thought it, but no one said it until now: everyone was afraid to post these with how evident his good standing with the mods was until the very end. It was a giant, yet silent case of the teacher's pet that is only now imploding with all of these posts and only because he is outright gone.

And honestly..? I get it. I can, in fact, imagine at least one person would have gotten suspended or banned if these were posted before while he was still here. I can only imagine the amount of ass-kissing over time he did for mods pretending to be all "friendly" and shit on the Discord servers.

I never cared too much for his contrarianism beyond finding it funny, but him being both dense about sensitive topics such as pedophilia and also a manipulative fuck to get away with it definitely makes me not feel a single shed of sorry about any of this. In the end, he got what he deserved, and perhaps a little too late, but hey, it happened and now even mods saw his true colors that we all saw from the start, so I think we can call that a good ending. Good enough, at least.


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