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The Powerpuff Girls - The CW after announcing a live-action Powerpuff Girls series

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Red Pyra
Red Pyra

A live action or time skip ppg would work if it had power rangers or more overt magical girl themes and they'd look something like this:

Hell get some cute guys to play the rowdy ruff boys and you'll have everyone vying for this.

BUT NO. We get grim shit instead and I'm gonna make a lost of things they're gonna likely change:

One girl's race.

One will be queer (not a screw up but I'd be surprised if they did not do it)

Screw up their feminist messages and create another generation of red pillers who believe that men and women can only benefit at each other's expense.

Make the Mayor a villain or just slimy.

Ms. Bellum written out or just resenting the mayor.

Personally given that it's a time skip just make Ms. Bellum mayor and have the old Mayor retire. She doesnt even need to be sexy because shed be more senior.

Rowdy Ruff boys and Green gang will embody every anti male stereotype.

If I get a bingo CW owes me creative control of another remake.


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