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Bob das uber Sexy Fish
Bob das uber Sexy Fish

in reply to The Renmant

Biden wanted to start war with Iraq earlier than Bush, lied about having some endorsements, plagerizes speaches from other politicans, seemingly got him, his brother and his son rich off of his office, some of it was talked about in the recent email scandal, but you had stuff before, with giving his Brother's company contracts to build schools, has done creepy shit to children and women, Was one of the first "tough on crime" Dems, messes up his words often, cannot handle remotely hard questions.
And apparently forget if this was actually confirmed or not, may have had one or more issues with the Secret Service, as he nay have tried to get too close to one guy's girlfriend and the secret service apparently needed to protect female secret service from him, when he was vice president.

Not the absolute worst, but the guy has more than a few negative qualities… Well I give him maybe a year or 2 befire he is retired for KOPmala herself…


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