Commission for Tanthalum by Darbaras on FA for their snake character as an Odraani archeologist/deep-sea researcher, who is surprisingly not a biped reptile
Laurence is female by the way, if the curves around the chest didn't give it away
"The Odraani isn't only about conquering worlds and blowing stuff up; they are avid archaeologists too, in hopes of understand the history of the planet they are conquering and blowing stuff up on.
That's how Laurence comes intro the picture; researcher at an underwater excavation site, unearthing the sunken remains of an advanced culture. "
Commission for Tanthalum by Darbaras on FA for their snake character as an Odraani archeologist/deep-sea researcher, who is surprisingly not a biped reptile
Laurence is female by the way, if the curves around the chest didn't give it away
"The Odraani isn't only about conquering worlds and blowing stuff up; they are avid archaeologists too, in hopes of understand the history of the planet they are conquering and blowing stuff up on.
That's how Laurence comes intro the picture; researcher at an underwater excavation site, unearthing the sunken remains of an advanced culture. "
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