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Nintendo - Not providing and not allowing others to provide

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Stuff like this is a prime example of why the fanbase will almost always do a better job than the company when it comes to things like archival and preservation.

On a second note, I really am glad that those retarded novelty shaped CDs died out. They're inferior to normal CDs in almost every way. Did people try and do this for VHS tapes? No! Did they try this for cassette tapes? No! And don't think that it was just CDs, they did it for Vinyl Records too and they had the same issues there. Reduced runtime, incompatible with certain or most players, not to mention the fact that some idiot tried to patent the stupidly easy creation process and demanded royalties from everyone that did this. These things are just cursed in every sense of the word.

Dear Lord, what is it with people and doing this stupid form-over-function crap whenever they get the chance?


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