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v. 0.1 A /pol/ack's Journey Essential readings on the path of redpill Want to impress friends and chicks by showing off your knowledge of obscure politics? Want to write the most elaborate and well-argumented shitposts the world has ever seen? Want to grasp the deepest secrets of the universe and ascend to a higher plane of existance? Fear not, we've got what you need. Tier 1: Books, how do they work? A.K.A. babby's first politics, these are accessible and fundamental works which can help introduce you to the political discourse and its rules. In other words, if you haven't read at least most of these refrain from participating into any discussion about politics. The Prince ANIMAL FARM NICCOLO MACHTAVEILI GEORGE THE ADAM SMITH'S ORWELL NEW TESTAMENT af Our Lord snd Savter Jusas Chrial THE WEALTH OF NATIONS BRAVE NEW WORLD ALDOUS IHUXLEY 1984 CPAN ECONDMIC CLARSIC PLATO Scond Edition 1anlatid ana mIti ar Ietro,u IHARVEY C. MANSEIELD PS. GEORGE ORWELL Smith - The Wealth Plato - The Republic Hobbes - Leviathan Orwell - 1984 The New Testament Machiavelli - The Prince of Nations Huxley - Brave New World Orwell - Animal Farm (KJV) Tier 2: Political Boogaloo Now that we've made sure that you can read, it's time to start discussing some serious political philosophy. These books are essential readings that shaped the Western view of politics as we know it today; like them or not, you have to read or be familiar with at least most of them to be able to sustain a serious political discussion. THE CITY OF JOHN CALVIN DOVER THRIET EEITIONS THUCYDIDES Nictolò Machiavelli HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR GOD TWO DISCOURSES ON LIVY INSTITUTES. h. TREATISES CHRISTIAN RELIGION Government: hna F, TeFale Priniple: aadFsdation ARISTOTLE *A note on Marx as an author and Marxism as a Sir Robert Filmer, And e Fas owEA POLITICS philosophical current: Derefled and Overthrown. ESSAY The True Original, Exent, and End Civil-Government. Many right-wing people shudder at the mere name "Marx", and Par consider Marxism to be the source of all that is evil in the world. HARVEY C. MANSFIEL D. S NATIIAN TARCOV SAINT AUGUSTINE Or HIPPO However, it should be underlined that Marx's writings, and the Capital in particular, have been absolutely essential in the development of modern and contemporary philosophy and politics, influencing many right-wing movements as well. This means that even if you disagree with him, and you probably will, reading the Capital with an open mind and no prejudice is vital to understand what happened in world politics during the twentieth century, and is still happening today. Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian Aristotle - Politics Locke - Two Treatises Saint Augustine - The City of God Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion Machiavelli - Discourses on Livy of Government War DOVER HR EDTONS THE GENERAL THEORY ΕMPLOYMΕΝT, INTEREST, SPIRIT Thomas Paine KARL MA RX JE AN JACQU ES RIGHTS OF MAN BOISSEAl I. A W S. CAPITAL THE SOCIAL OF ANTI OIHLR WRITINGS CONTRACT Tud e e T M. DE IE CONDAT, AKDN DE MDNTESQURI, AI S EVELVEIE AND MONEY Ma. NUGEN, JOHN MAYNARD ΚΕΥΝES Te THI E el LuiuIn Hennetint chapte Man Trur, l Har and aLess lar i PENOI LONDUN EIJEI KI AAS EASIM.IN GNEAT MINDS SERIES IIE M IEEV 11 1LAR JOHN STUART MILL On Liberty Montesquieu - The Spirit of Laws Keynes - The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money Rousseau - The Social Contract Paine - Rights of Man Marx - Capital Mill - On Liberty STOP HERE IF YOU CARE FOR YOUR MENTAL HEALTH Tier 3: We Need To Go Deeper Congratulations, you are now a bona-fide politically conscious person! Now, it's time for you to start reading up on the essentials of Western philosophy. Even if you aren't interested in philosophy, having at least basic knowledge of how it works is fundamental for developing your critical thinking and to have a deeper understanding of politics. These are some essentials of Western philosophical tradition: you don't have to read them all, but the more you read, the better. A tip: since some of these books may be difficult to read unless you already have a good philosophical preparation, buy an edition that has notes. It's going to make things much, much easier. Read these together -....... .... .... ARISTOTLE'S Spinoza Cambridge HEGEL'S Phenomenology of Spirit THECAMER DGE EITION F THI VORKS or MARCUS AURELIUS IN MANIITI. E AN Teas it tre NICOMACHEAN ter, ol Theological- Political Critique of Pure Reason ETHICS Philosapty AAEW IKANSLAIUNET MEDITATIONS Kant RebertC katiett ad Susen D Colins ...... . c ... Treatise Critique of Practical Reason Second Eelition Trarslated by Mary Greger Introduction by Audrews Reath A SICS PENOUIN Samuel Shirley TRANSLATED BYA,V. MILLER WITH ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT AND FOREWORD BYJ.N. FINDLAY EYERYMAN'S LIBRARY. 9 Lduk by SermBur fekiman DAVID HUME A Treatise of Human Neture Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics Marcus Aurelius - Meditations Spinoza - Theological- Political Treatise Kant - Critique of Pure Reason Kant - Critique of Practical Reason Нegel - Phenomеnology of Spirit Hume - A Treatise of Huтаn Nature THE GERM AN LIBRARY CAN INTERNATIONAL SESTSELLER BEYOND TwI IGHT OF THE InC3 SCHOPENHAUER FEAR FRIEDRICH NIETZECHE GOOD G. W. F. Hegel The World as Will and TEASAPES WANT , Leve Representation Dialectic of VOLUME I ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES IN OUTLINE and Critical Writings *EVIL AND Enlightenment TREMBLING Frelude to a Fhlosophy of The landmark berielling anther hat isflnenred dinspired millie f Chsistia werldwide Theodor W. Adorno the Future MARTIN and Max Horkheimer Soren Walter Kaufmann KIERKEGAARD HEIDEGGERE FRIEDR ICH NIETZSCHE Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation er pag Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil Heidegger - Being and Time Adorno, Horkheimer - Dialectic of Enlightenment Nietzsche - Twilight of Hegel - Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling the Idols CONTINUED IN PART 2 BEING ANDITIME
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Part 2 can be found here:

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