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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Unironically this, given it's well known at this point Konami never really let Kojima finish the game before outing him from the company. Konami even proved this themselves by including the incomplete versions of cutscenes planned for a proper ending involving the young Liquid and Psycho Mantis plot-line (a plot thread the game proper never wrapped up) on the special edition disc.


in reply to originalusernamemaybe

The entirety of Act 3 was cut off, some additional features that should have been in the game like piloting the tank that Huey built was also not included. From a few released (but incomplete) cutscenes we know there had to be at least another boss fight… If the Snyder Cut somehow added Darkseid and the Joker whereas in the original Justice League movie they weren't there, then I'd say a Kojima Cut would be worth it


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