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232 Views Created 2 years ago By Soup King • Updated 2 years ago

Created By Soup King • Updated 2 years ago

O File: 1366882398374.jpg-(18 KB, 300x200, Urban_Sniper_by_Funoodle[1].jpg) O Anonymous 04/25/13(Thu)05:33 No. 15984465 [Reply] Replies: >>15984711 >>15984716 You have a nugget or an easily accessible rifle of your choice. You have a skyscraper with a busy street below. You have a fairly concealed blind. You have 5-10 minutes before first responders get to the scene to take as many shots as you want. Who or what is your preferred target? 6 posts omitted. Click here to view. * O Anonymous 04/25/13(Thu)06:06 No. 15984678 Replies: >>15984704 First, I pop her bolt upright, then slide it back. I place my finger on her trigger, and squeeze gently, sliding the bolt out the rest of the way as I do. I carefully set it aside. Next, I slowly, carefully unscrew her cleaning rod and remove it as well. After that, I grab ahold of her front barrel band, depressing the spring clip as I push her band forward. I repeat this process with the rear band, giving it a jiggle with her gapping tool as it's a bit tight. Once those are off the real fun I gently take her handguard off and place it aside. Next come the screws. I gently remove the long screw on the top of her receiver first, then I flip her on her back. Once she's upside down, I take out her bottum screw as well. Once I've done that, I give her magazine a little shake, and it pops right out. this point she's ready to slide out of her stock. When I've got her barrel/receiver naked, I begin to gently massage her all over with a slightly oily rag. I then swab out her barrel, slowly, gently. Sliding my cleaning rod in and out of her until she's dripping wet. When she's had enough, I wipe her down again and clean her up, sliding my rod down her one more time to leave a little something to remember me by. Then I start to work her bolt. I grab ahold of the handle on her bolt body, and pull her cocking knob to the side, releasing her bolt head and guide rod. Then I take the end of her guide rod and slide it on the end of her firing pin, turning it carefully, slowly, until her firing pin bursts forth, spilling her spring with it. If she's been dirty girl, I get out the wire brush and rub her a bit roughly with it. After she's taken all she can, I once again wipe her softly with a lightly oiled rag. When all this is done, and I'm starting to need a drink, I give her stock a quick rub down, and carefully, lovingly, put her back together. I like to work her bolt real good a couple of times before I put her to bed, just so she remembers who's in charge. - on > O Anonymous 04/25/13(Thu)06:07 No.15984680 Wait, what was the question? > O Anonymous 04/25/13(Thu)06:10 No.15984704 File: 1366884628364.jpg-(363 KB, 1366x768, cubanarcher.jpg) >>15984678 i came
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You're a /k/ommando

The Bad News:

You're a /k/ommando

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