Mimi | Monster Girls | Know Your Meme
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817 Views Created 2 years ago By Soup King • Updated 2 years ago

Created By Soup King • Updated 2 years ago



Mimis, some times spelled Mimih, or nature spirits in Aboriginal spirits that spend most of their time residing in the cracks and crevices of the Outback, as their long, spindly bodies are in danger of breaking apart in high winds.

Despite their fragility, it is said that the Mimis were the ones who taught the the ancestors of the Aboriginals how to hunt, paint, cook and pretty much every other skill needed to survive in the Australian Outback; with one of the most important being how to control fire.

Artist's description:

Original artwork acrylic on canvas was created by Nganuwaay Koolyn Koorang, renowned Australian Aboriginal artist and daughter of Mundara Koorang.

In the Dreamtime the Mimi's are healers and come with the wind. They sprinkle the dust of Alcheringa to heal plants, trees, and sprout new life into seeds. You can hear them singing in the wind and the rumble under your feet is them dancing.

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