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Aemond did nothing wrong | /r/FreeFolk
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Oct 05, 2022 at 08:24PM EDT
freefolk /r/freefolk game of thrones game of thrones memes freefolk memes reddit /r/freefolk memes got got memes forehead chin outerwear hairstyle coat human suit font
Origin Entry: /r/freefolk
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File size: 187 KB
Why isn’t Rhaenyra on the list of people sitting on the throne? I know she only sat half a year but she was still queen. I know it says “kings” but shouldn’t everyone be on the list..? | /r/FreeFolk
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I don't care what people say , or how wrong it was , this was HOT , it's been a long time since I felt real tension like this between two actors ( keyword: actors ). | /r/FreeFolk
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