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Maiden Heaven
Maiden Heaven

Guilty. But who are you to judge? I am a man like you! A man who eats, sleeps, drinks, and s**ts like all of you! I just have a weird tiny fetish. Is this all it takes to label me a deviant? Is it all it takes to render me a horrid beast of men? Just one mistake is my Achilles heel, causing me to fall? I must suggest, nay, state the beauty of it! The seductive curves of the plastic mold! The sensual colors of the screen! The beauty of the pixelated green hands! One shudders to think of its overwhelming grace and majesty! Its lure and secrecy both appalling and magnificent! One imagines the beauty with which such a device can contain! One creams their pants at the thought! So I leave with this! Am I less a man for such admiration of such beauty? Well am I!?!


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