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And now it was over. He was the champion of the Kanto region. The Legion releases its writhing tendrils from Red's mind. Exhausted, broken, he falls unconscious.

Four days pass. Red awakens in a hospital bed. The nurse explains the situation, his reported odd behavior, defeat of the Elite Four. None of this made any sense to him; he had no memory of any of it. The last thing he recalled was walking into Professor Oak's lab. After that, the rest seems a blur. He scratches the back of his head, confused. The nurse takes his vitals, and, after several tests are conducted, Red is declared clear for release.

As he steps out of the front door of the hospital, Red's mother, teary-eyed with a relieved smile on her face, runs to embrace him. "You have no idea how worried I was. I thought I had lost you." Lost him? What all had transpired? Where did these twenty days go? Wiping the tears from her eyes, his mother tells him that all of his friends had come to visit him. "Friends? What friends? We just moved here."

She stepped to the side, before him stood dozens of Pokemon. A Charmeleon, a Raticate, a Hitmonlee. He couldn't put a finger it, but he swore that he knew all of them from somewhere. And at the front of the pack, a Flareon. Looking at it, he felt a swarm of emotions. Relief, guilt, but above all else, love.

His mother placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's head home. We've a lot of hungry mouths to feed now."


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