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Now I'm not one to judge, but the sheer amount of BULLSHIT here (the text not the image itself) is a tad overwhelming.

1. All bronies apparently wear clearly identifying marks, all act horribly towards women, and walk around in numbers like a street gang.

2. To all men or bronies (hell I don't know which, she goes off on a rant here) the idea that a woman has the audacity to play a video game is universally warrant for hatred on an impossible scale; and in no way at all could any man think that a girl playing video games is practically a godsend to him.

3. Ok ok, let's pretend for a second, that your imaginary fantasy of every single human male being an abusive, sexist, despicable human being is true; your solution? ACT JUST LIKE THEM! DO WHAT THEY DID TO YOU! THIS IN NO WAY WILL PERPETUATE HATRED!


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