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in reply to RamdomGuy2013

Firstly, I'm not against Twilight at all.

Yes, while she's never been my favorite character of all time, due to my favorites already being taken by others, I've always enjoyed her character.

She's an intelligent character done well, for the most part. Sure, she's been shoehorned badly into episodes in the past, but it never detracted from her personality. My only issue is a specific writer and the "complex" episodes she has been written into. (Half a guess as to who it is.)

That said, Lesson Zero is one of my favorite episodes, that really help dive into Twilight's character. But the two-parters are so badly handled, they feel more fanfiction gone awry, ignoring all logic and writing structure just to make the writer's favorite character look good.

Hell, I'm not even sure where the "Icecane hates everything about MLP" comes from. I suppose just from those who can't accept that not every episode is perfect. Of course, I will point out when other episodes have done badly. Like Rainbow Falls, Putting Your Hoof Down, Sompony to Watch over me, etc. But that's because they genuinely are bad episodes. (For different reasons, mind you, not like the two-parters which are for the same ones.)


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