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Well, for starters, Other M isn't as bad as you're making it out. Yes, the writing was shit, but general consensus suggest that the gameplay was rather average. Everyone has their own opinions, so some may say the game was amazing, others call it the next Superman 64. Really, opinions are all over the place. Secondly, Metroid is one of Nintendo's core series, along with Mario and Zelda, so there's no way they could stop it. Not to mention that Other M didn't even perform badly enough to be considered a franchise killer. Yes, it put the series on hiatus, but it didn't outright stop it.
In terms of a possible return, Nintendo has said in several recent interviews that they wish to return to the series, and Myamoto himself stated that both the 2D and 3D gameplay styles of the series must be preserved. Not to mention, Retro Studios said they would love to return to the Metroid series, and in recent months have been hiring people who have experience making AAA games. The main thing, though, is that about a year ago, Nintendo has confirmed that both a 2D sidescroller and 3D Prime game were being planned. Of course, all info regarding development of those games right now are pure peculation, but you can look up "return of Metroid" or something similar to find tons of articles and videos regarding the topic.


in reply to First Name Last Name

Now, I would try and explain to you how Metroid isn't dead, such as since it's one of Nintendo's core franchises they won't stop it after one game underperformed,and that interviews suggest that Nintendo wishes to continue the series, but considering how narrow minded you are, I won't. Let's just say that, when E3 2015 rolls around and a new Metroid game is announced, prepare for a massive wave of shame and embarrassment.


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