2694 Views Created January 24, 2018 By CollegeHumor • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By CollegeHumor • Updated March 23, 2023

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CollegeHumor video about Don't Eat Tide Pods - that perpetuated the Eating Tide Pods memes

Origin Entry: CollegeHumor


Video created by College Humor joking about the dangers of the eating Tide pods which piques the interest of one of the students who then image's what those delicious looking Tide Pods must taste like. This video was made before the whole Tide POD Challenge became a meme and took off Many attribute this video for the prevalence of spreading the meme and causing dozens of internet users to consume the detergent packs, not understanding that the point of the meme was simply to make content joking that they are edible.


In light of recent news reports of idiot teens actually eating laundry pods, we want to make very clear that our position is the title of this video: DON'T EAT THE LAUNDRY PODS, you moron. Not even a little tiny bit, to impress your dumb friends or the internet.

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