Communist Pingu
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Pingu is a claymation penguin from a British-Swiss childrens' show. He has been seized by Tankie type communists as a mascot of the most extreme form of authoritarian communism. Today the meme is popular on the subreddit /r/FullCommunism that proliferates Communist memes.
The origin is unclear at this time, but there may be a link to this YouTube from 2013.
This video was then posted by /u/PersianClay on the /r/FullCommunism subreddit in 2015. Shortly afterward, /u/geckos100 declared "Pinguism" a communist ideology, and in early 2016 a main tagline for Pingu Communism was born from /u/SilkhyBanter where Pingu declares "I will make Stalin look like a Fucking Anarchist." This line is used in later Pingu memes as well.
Tagline Examples
Pingu's anti anarchist campaign
Comrade Pingu
Possible Historical Context
Pingu may also have been taken in by some Communist meme-makers because of an episode in the second season of Pingu, entitled Pingu's Admirer. This episode was banned due to a sign reading "Perestroika" and "Glasnost." The BBC considered the episode to be possibly promoting the USSR and was not aired.
Top Comments
Dec 24, 2016 at 04:08PM EST
Mr. Candles
Dec 24, 2016 at 02:44PM EST